Love at Pemberley – Reina M. Williams

Love Has Found Them At Pemberley!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

Send your unmarried daughters to Pemberley, for that is where they shall find husbands! 😉 In her charming collection of four novellas, Reina Williams explores what happens to some of the unmarried females at the end of Pride and Prejudice – Kitty Bennet, Georgiana Darcy, Mary Bennet, and Maria Lucas. Each story is around 70-80 pages in length and takes place over a short period of time.

I hope you find the following breakdown helpful!


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

The Premise: While staying at Pemberley, Kitty Bennet encounters Colonel Fitzwilliam after his return from war. Both instantly start to feel something strong for each other, but Colonel Fitzwilliam battles with his family’s expectations and Kitty convinces herself to have no hope…

My Thoughts: I loved seeing a more mature and self-aware Kitty, and a pairing between her and Colonel Fitzwilliam is unique! However, part of me felt their attachment came on a little too quickly to feel completely believable. I enjoyed how Lady Cat stirs up trouble and attempts to have her own way (what else is new, right?) LOL! I would have loved to learn more about Colonel Fitzwilliam’s experiences in war and more about his brother, Alfred, who plays an important role in this story, but didn’t receive much page time.


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

The Premise: Georgiana Darcy has grown to enjoy her life at Pemberley immensely. And after her debacle with Wickham, Georgiana is content to put off marriage and men for a long time. But when Colonel Fitzwilliam’s dear friend, Sir Camden comes for a visit, Georgiana wonders if it is safe to trust her heart…

My Thoughts: I loved Sir Camden! What an interesting hero and counter-part for Georgiana! I love a reformed man and I thought Sir Camden’s desire to improve and be responsible for his actions and his estate to be truly admirable. However, I did wish that we delved more into his past and his decision to change his ways.


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

The Premise: Used to being alone and forgotten, Mary ‘s world is shaken when Mr. Bingley’s cousin start to notice her.  Mary is happy to have a friend who understands her feelings and sees her, but her happiness is shattered when he starts to pull away…

My Thoughts: I am loving this new change in Mary – she is very aware of her failings and how her actions ant thoughts were more arrogant and self-righteous than kind and virtuous. I think Nathaniel Bingley is a perfect match for Mary, like her he has a very strong interest and passion for study – but instead of religion it is botany. 🙂 In addition, I also loved seeing Mr. Bennet’s role in this story, what developed between him and Mary was beautiful.


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

The Premise: Maria Lucas has done the unthinkable and has broken her engagement with her fiancé. In their kindness the Darcys and Fitzwilliams invite Miss Lucas to spend Christmastide with them at Pemberley. Little do they know they’ve also invited the one man she has long held in her heart…

My Thoughts: How fun to see such a minor character as heroine in this tale! I applaud Maria in her decision to listen to her heart and not just marry because it is a good match (like her sister did). In addition, I thoroughly enjoyed this reencounter with Mr. Denny and the fleshing out of his character. It was very well done! His past was intriguing and I appreciated his fortitude through all his trials.


I love how so many secondary characters were featured in this collection and I thought Ms. Williams did such a wonderful job of introducing new characters that were likable and engaging. All the stories had lovely themes of opening and awakening – whether it is to new possibilities, love, or a new path in life. And I loved how all the characters had multiple links connecting them together and the pleasant friendships that developed through all four novellas. While I did enjoy all the time I spent with these characters, I always felt I wanted more – more development, more backstory, and more time for the romances to grow. But for those who enjoy sweet and light-hearted reads these novellas are a perfect fit!

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  1. Excellent review, Meredith. While it is not my usual choice, sometimes reading about the secondary characters can be enjoyable and thought provoking. Some books do have those who awaken and make complete changes to their previous behaviors. That adds interests and in no way takes away from the reading pleasure for me.

    1. Thank you, Sheila! I do love when authors shine spotlights on secondary characters – I thought it was so interesting to see more about Denny and Maria, who, if you think about it are present for a lot of important action but hardly have anything written about themselves in P&P!

  2. Have these and enjoyed the stories – I prefer at the moment to read about the secondary characters which I find much more interesting

    1. That’s great, Vesper! I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I love to mix it up and read about secondary characters – do you have any favorites?

  3. Loved your review. It is hard for authors to branch out to the secondary and tertiary characters. Having said that, it is no surprise that I loved some of the stories better than the others. Over all it was a good read.

  4. Loved your review. Often secondary characters are needed to help carry the story along for the the primary characters to get to that HEA.

    1. Thank you, Carol! I appreciate it so much! Very true! Secondary characters serve an important purpose…but like we found they don’t always receive a HEA! Glad authors like to do that for some of Jane Austen’s characters!

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