Meryton Vignettes – Elizabeth Adams

Sensitive and Thoughtful Snapshots

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

To be terribly cliché, I’m going to borrow the box of chocolates analogy from Forrest Gump because I feel anthologies truly are like a box of chocolates! One box contains several petite, individual pieces that are distinctive, delectable, and filling if you eat more than one. Oh and yes… “you never know what you’re gonna get.” 😉  And that is why I love them so much!  I was so happy to see that Elizabeth Adams put together an anthology of her own and I love that many of the stories focus on secondary characters from Pride and Prejudice. There are six short stories in total and they range from seven to eighteen pages in length, with the last story being the longest (thirty-seven pages).

I hope you find this breakdown helpful!


Type of Story: Sequel focusing on Charlotte Collins

My Thoughts: I never thought of what it would be like for Charlotte to return to Meryton as mistress of Longbourn! How her new position in her hometown might present some awkwardness, and how it felt to be moving into her best friend’s childhood home! I enjoyed Charlotte’s reflections, seeing her interact with her children, and her attempt to make a good impression with her neighbors.


Type of Story: Sequel focusing on Caroline Bingley

My Thoughts: I can’t believe I am saying this but I feel some sympathy for poor Caroline. She is struggling to formulate a plan B now that Darcy married his country miss. And true to form, she is ambitious, conniving, and very single-minded. I loved following the progression of her feelings and her friendship with Mr. Taunton in this story. He was a terrific match for her!


Type of Story: Variation focusing on Elizabeth Bennet

My Thoughts: Oh this was so sweet! I love Elizabeth’s comparison between Mr. Darcy and her childhood friend Jack Turner. I enjoyed how this story was told through flashbacks to significant moments and memories, those scenes were endearing and sweet. This story had a beautiful poignancy to it and Elizabeth makes a very good point at the end…


Type of Story: Sequel focusing on Mrs. Bennet

My Thoughts: “A happy thought indeed!” While it begins with excitement and good fortune, this story does become tinged with another emotion at the end. It was beautifully written and I enjoyed the tenderness between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. My only complaint is that it did progress rather rapidly and the shifts in time sometimes felt a little sudden.


Type of Story: Variation focusing on Elizabeth Bennet

My Thoughts: Horror of horrors! Elizabeth is married to Mr. Collins! And Elizabeth Adams is showing us what happens on their wedding night. (NOTE: This story is more suited for Mature Audiences). How brave Ms. Adams is to imagine such a scene! LOL! I think she portrays Elizabeth and Mr. Collins wonderfully, Elizabeth is clever and Mr. Collins is indeed a fool!


Type of Story: Sequel focusing on Lydia Wickham

My Thoughts: “I betcha you would have done the same!” (sorry, I had to!) Oh poor Lydia! She has been married to Mr. Wickham for nine years and it is had been a cruel and bleak price to pay for her imprudent and reckless actions. (NOTE: This story is more suited for Mature Audiences) I really loved this “sadder but wiser” version of Lydia and I am absolutely enamored with the surprise twist at the end! I think it absolute perfection! This is my favorite of the six stories. 🙂


What a delightful and diverse collection of short stories in this elegant anthology. While we know Ms. Adams is proficient at writing stories that are charming and beautifully romantic, in this collection she displays that she adept at handling scenarios that are dark, tragic, and…gross! The only reason I’m rating this collection 4.5 stars instead of 5 is because I found myself wishing some of these stories were fleshed out just a little bit more. But just like any proper box of chocolates, this tempting collection of short stories is savory, sweet, and deliciously satisfying!

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  1. I have this on my kindle but have just not found the time to read it and I am so happy to have your little synopsis of each story here – I might have to skip a wedding night for M/M Collins. Yuck! Thanks for your reviews.

  2. Great review Meredith and agree that I too would have liked a bit more on the stories…but then I usually do! I also loved ‘He Had It Coming’!!!

    1. Thank you, Carole! 🙂 It was mostly with some of the conclusions that I was feeling that. But you are right, “If a book is well written, I always find it too short.” 😉

  3. I liked the review, Meredith. It answered my usual question regarding short story collections, they can be fun yes, but will most of them just leave you wanting more? Based on your rating though, encouraging.

    I like the idea of a wiser Lydia, but the ‘wiser’ part no doubt has to come at the expense of ‘sadder.’ It’s just life. But I’d hate any of my sisters to become ‘sadder but wiser’ after being so full of life and youthful exuberance, even when it was uncontrolled. She’s like watching a train wreck. I’d much rather see Caroline in a sadder but wiser situation. She’s like watching the person responsible for deliberately pulling all the pins from the track to derail the train while she rides off in total safety.

    Oh, and M/M Collins??? Ewwwww. :/

    1. Hi Michelle, thanks so much for reading my review! It wasn’t every story that I felt this way about and it’s not such a bad complaint to want more! 🙂 The stories were delightful, unique, and well-written and that’s why it got the rating it did with me. 🙂

      It is sad that Lydia had to learn some hard life lessons the hard way, but at the same time it is believable. I don’t think her behavior and mindset would have been able to be altered beforehand. But don’t worry, the ending of this story soooooo makes up for the hard times she faced!

      LOL…yeah I have to agree!

  4. I just got it and I’ll be enjoying my ‘box of chocolates’ soon-ish. Loved your review and the fun gif analogies. 🙂

  5. Thanks so much for the series of mini-reviews, Meredith. This one has been on my Wish List ever since it was published. I think I’m joining the majority here when thinking about Elizabeth as Mrs. Collins and their wedding night. That’s an image I really don’t want in my head!

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