Darcy By Any Other Name – Laura Hile (Giveaway + SALE!)

Darcy by Any other NameFalling in Love with Mr. Collins? No! “Every Feeling Revolts!”

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

TIME FRAME: The night of the Netherfield Ball to several weeks later

MAIN CHARACTERS: Mr. Darcy, Mr. Collins, Elizabeth Bennet, Lady Catherine, Anne de Bourgh, and Caroline Bingley

SYNOPSIS: When lightening strikes both Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy in the gardens of Netherfield, in “Freaky Friday” style they swap bodies! How can two men – with such different backgrounds, manners, and personalities convincingly pass as each other? Dare they tell anyone the truth? How can they undo this and return to their normal bodies?


  • Nothing Like It: This is such an imaginative premise! When I first heard of it, I knew I had to read this story. I had to find out how Mr. Darcy being in Mr. Collins’ body would effect the course of his relationship with Elizabeth! And Mr. Collins in Mr. Darcy’s body? That’s a situation primed for disaster!
  • Sketching Character: Elizabeth has her hands full try to make sense of Mr. Collins’ character – Why would he say he can’t ride horses when he can? Where was his simpering and foolishness? I loved watching Elizabeth try to figure Mr. Collins out – she came up with some logical and creative explanations for his personality quirks and odd behaviors! And I really enjoyed witnessing her changing opinion and penchant for flirting with Mr. Collins! (I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence!)
  • Honorable, Hardworking, and Heroic: If you’ve met Patrick McGillvary, then you know Ms. Hile can write an incredibly swoon-worthy hero. *sigh* In this story Mr. Darcy was wonderfully admirable and thoughtful. Living at Longbourn and treated as a lowly rector, Mr. Darcy’s eyes were quickly opened. He constantly went out of his way to do his duty, serve the Bennet family, and protect Mr. Collins’ interests and position. I could not help but fall in love with him, which felt slightly odd since on the outside…he was Mr. Collins! (Side note: loved his relationship with Mrs. Hill!)
  • Introspection: I loved seeing the realizations and new awareness both characters experienced when they swapped bodies. Each is quick to note the distinct differences in how others treated them. It was interesting to see Darcy humbled in this manner and observe his private thoughts about how invisible and neglected Mr. Collins is to everyone. And how sometimes being lowly and unimportant to others comes with its own advantages and freedoms.
  • Draws You In: As an ardent admirer of Laura Hile’s writing (I’m a big fan her Mercy’s Embrace Series!), I cannot tell you how elated I was to be reading one of her works again. Ms. Hile has a talent for painting a scene and cultivating a perfect mixture of romance, action, and humor with her stories. Her prose and dialogue drew me in instantly and held me captive. Darcy By Any Other Name is just as enthralling as her Mercy Embrace Series.


While there may have been a surprising incident or two that made me quirk my eyebrow – my disbelief was long ago suspended when I bought into the idea of a body swap premise. 🙂


In this remarkable and riveting variation incredible wonders take place! Skilled writer Laura Hile puts Pride and Prejudice on its ear when she has Mr. Darcy swap bodies with one of Jane Austen’s most unappealing characters, brings Lady Catherine to town to terrorize everyone Netherfield, and inspires Elizabeth to flirt with Mr. Collins! This is one story you don’t want to miss!

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In conjunction with my review, Laura Hile has kindly offered readers a chance to win an ebook of her fabulous new release, Darcy By Other Name!  

Darcy by Any other Name

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment about my review!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Laura!
  • This giveaway ends August 12th!

In addition…

There is a sale going on!!  For those of you who don’t want to wait, the ebook price for Darcy By Any Other Name is now $3.99!!!


But best to decide quickly, because the sale will only be for a couple days!


  1. Hi Meredith, I have this book and loved it. And to think that Laura had a near death experience while in the middle of writing her tale. Laura is an amazing woman. Thanks so much for featuring Laura and her book here. Jen Red

  2. Oh dear Meredith. I have been looking at this book for a while and thinking I couldn’t bear to have Darcy looking like Mr Collins so I wasn’t sure if I could read it but as usual your review has changed my mind so I would love to win a copy if possible and many thanks to you and Laura for the opportunity 🙂

  3. I read this on KU but would love to own a copy. It was a 5 star read for me and I do want to read it again. Beauty is only skin deep – love that our dear couple got to know each other in a new setting and with physical countenance being put aside in Elizabeth’s viewpoint and not being a trait he can now count as an advantage by Darcy.

  4. Wow! Thank you for the encouraging comments. You girls don’t waste any time.

    This book was a kick to write, and I’m thrilled to know that so many of you have enjoyed it. These days who doesn’t need a happy escape?

  5. You are so right, Katrin. A fabulous idea, but risky. Would Austen readers be willing to suspend *this* much disbelief?

    In the end, I had to take the chance and write it. Because once the body swap idea took hold, it simply would not let go.

    1. So glad the idea came to you, Laura and that you boldly went with it! 🙂 Thank you for sharing such an entertaining and enthralling story with us!

  6. I was already eager to read this book. Your review has me anticipating it even more! Can’t wait to find out how the story unfolds!

  7. What a great idea, the body swap 🙂 I’m really curious as to how it will work out. Especially after reading your review.

  8. I really enjoy body-swap stories! This sounds like a lot of fun. And I’ve heard great things about Darcy by Any Other Name, too.

  9. Would love to win this! Sounds like such a fun read. I love finding those gems from a truly unique perspective.

    1. I’ve read a couple of body-swaps – the Jane Austen addict by Laurie Viera Rigler, the Yours By Design series by Robin Helm, but this is the first time I’ve seen two characters in the same book swap with each other.

  10. I want to know what happens to Caroline Bingley! Does she end up with Darcy (who is really Collins) and is wedded to him for life. Wouldn’t that be her due. Thank you for the giveaway.

  11. To those of you who have already read Darcy By Any Other Name, thank you! Just so you know, everyone who comments is entered in the drawing. If you win, but already own the e-book, I’ll gladly send it to a friend of your choosing. How’s that?

  12. I love the “Mercy” series as well but I’ve been nervous to give this one a try! LOL Thanks for the chance, I will now go and put on my “to read” pile!

  13. I agree with Glynis, I thought I couldn’t possibly handle Darcy looking like toady Collins but your review has convinced me to give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity to win and the great sale price, too.

  14. Loved this book! I laughed, I cried, I couldn’t wait to turn the page, I marveled at the insight into human nature, and I came away sighing with satisfaction. Thank you, Laura, for the delightful read, and Meredith, for the deserving review. 🙂

  15. I didn’t think I could handle this scenario either but you make it sound doable. Are there other books to follow or does this resolve in one book? I really don’t like getting a book and then waiting for a long time for the rest to come out.

    1. I think you will love this book, Suzan! Yep, it is an all in one story, packed with fast-moving action and captivating developments. I read it all in one weekend, I found it hard to put down!

  16. Suzan, I can answer that. It’s a complete story, no sequel.

    The size (662 print pages) tempted me to divide it–as my publisher did for Mercy’s Embrace–but that just didn’t seem fair. This is an immersive story, a long, escapist read. Don’t let the length fool you, though. The story moves you along like, well… like a roller coaster does. And you know what they say about those: “Get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on.” 🙂

    Thanks for entering the giveaway.

  17. I had plans to read this when it first released b/c I was so enchanted with the idea of the swap and I absolutely love her other trilogy. You’ve reminded me that I must get cracking and read it.

    Insightful review, Meredith! I love what you say about Darcy’s care of Collins’ character and how it gets both men to thinking.

    1. Thank you, Sophia! It was so honorable of Darcy to have the forethought about things like that…can’t say the same for Mr. Collins! Hope you get the chance to read it soon!

  18. Meredith, love this review. If I didn’t know this was a body swapping booking you would have scarred me for life with saying out loud that Lizzy was flirting with Mr. Collins (lol). Thank you and Laura for the chance to win this.

  19. Thanks Meredith for the review. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the Mr. Darcy and Mr. Collins swap. Such an interesting premise I will have to read. –Leslie

  20. Wonderful review, Meredith! I can’t wait to fall in love with Mr. Collins! *Did I really write that!?* 😀

  21. This book sounds really interesting and I just added it to my Austenesque to be Read list but unfortunately neither of my libraries have it. I might submit a request to them to purchase it later. Thanks for the giveaway but I don’t read ebooks and just read paper copies. Hope you have a great day!

  22. I really appreciate how you have broken up your review into different categories–very helpful as a reader. I wasn’t sure about the body-swap premise, but after your 5 star review I’ve very interested.

    1. Thanks, Nicole! Sometimes it is easier for me to breakdown my thoughts this way. I can understand feeling a little hesitant, but definitely try the sample and see if it is to your liking!

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