Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Brenda J. Webb!!!


Hi dear readers!  I’m very excited to extend a very special welcome to author Brenda Webb to Austenesque Reviews today!  Many of you may already know of Brenda’s lovely collection of published books, but I myself only experienced the joy of reading her stories less than a year ago when I picked up her turbulent and gripping adventure in Fitzwilliam Darcy: An Honorable Man.  I cannot wait to read more her works and am delighted to share with you this tempting excerpt of her latest release Darcy and Elizabeth – A Promise Kept!

Blurb for Darcy and Elizabeth – A Promise KeptBrenda Webb

Five years after his disastrous proposal at Kent, Fitzwilliam Darcy receives a letter from Charles Bingley regarding a promise made when their friendship ended. Should Darcy keep the promise, it will throw him into the company of the one woman he has struggled for years to forget—Elizabeth Bennet.

Having just entered a secret agreement with Lady Markham, will Darcy put his future in jeopardy by stepping in to help Bingley? Has time and distance helped him overcome his regard for Elizabeth, or will he fall as madly in love with her as before?

Is true love to be found in a promise kept?

Excerpt from Chapter 14

Darcy and Elizabeth A Promise KeptJust before reaching the end of the hall, Millicent heard women’s voices. Being the curious sort, she stopped to listen and recognised the maids in question. Unable to discern exactly what was being said, she crept closer and peered around the corner. A maid was leaning an easel against the wall next to an open door, and from her vantage point she immediately recognised the exposed room as William’s art studio.

“I told you to wait out here!” The older woman hissed as she reached to shut the door.

“I only meant to help you, Martha; it seemed you were struggling to move it.”

“I apologise for being so sharp,” the older one said, sighing heavily. “Mrs. Reynolds was clear. Only I was to go inside to fetch the easel.”

“I am shocked that she trusted you to do that,” the younger maid, Clara, declared testily. “When I think of how often I have been told none of us are to go in there, not even to clean; well, it is a miracle she let you in.”

“Mrs. Reynolds had no choice. She has someone in her office, and the countess wanted the easels now.”

“You have worked here many years. Has it always been locked?”

“No,” Martha said, her expression becoming puzzled as she tried to recall the circumstances. “It was about five years ago, just after the master returned from a trip. He was terribly moody; you might even say withdrawn. He had always spent a good deal of time in the studio, but he practically lived there then, even having his meals served on trays. Once I went in to clean and came across him asleep on the sofa. About three months later, out of the blue, he walked out of the studio and, to my knowledge, has not gone back inside. That is when the door was locked, and we were told never to clean it again.”

“And you never asked why?”

“I do not pry into matters that are not my business. You will learn to do the same if you want to stay employed at Pemberley.”

“Well, to my way of thinking, the least Mrs. Reynolds could have done was send a footman to help you with this heavy thing.”

“All the footmen, except those at the front entrance, are in Mr. Walker’s office. I imagine they are getting an earful about the recent firing.”

“I was shocked this morning when Mrs. Reynolds said that Florence would not be back. She was hired after I was.”

“Florence was caught breaking the rules once before and got a warning. She knew what would happen if there was another mistake.”

“Still, it makes me want to be more cautious. I need this job.”

“Speaking of which, if we want to stay employed, we need to get this easel to the countess. We can worry about the other one next.”

Each maid grabbed a side and picked it up. They took several steps before Clara exclaimed, “Wait!” Setting her side down, she said, “Are you not going to lock it?”

Exasperated, Martha eyed the closed door. “I left the key lying on the table.” Then she shrugged. “We will not be gone long, and everyone will assume it is locked.”

That being said, the maids again began to carry the cumbersome easel in Millicent’s direction. Thinking quickly, she assumed a regal air, lifted her head and walked around the corner, almost colliding with them.

“There you are! I see that you have found one. Still, we will need another.”

“We can only manage one at the time, my lady,” Martha replied.

“Of course. When you reach the conservatory, please tell Mrs. Gardiner that I left something in my room and will return as soon as I locate it.”

Without waiting for a reply, she walked on. Then she stopped and turned to address them again. “Oh, I forgot. My children are complaining of thirst—the conservatory is easily warmer than the rest of the house. Would you please fetch some lemonade for them before you bother with the other easel?”

“Yes, ma’am,” they replied in unison.

As soon as the maids turned the corner, Millicent rushed to the door of the forbidden room. Her curiosity piqued, she was eager to discover what William might want to keep hidden. Stepping inside, she closed the door and leaned against it. The room appeared the typical art studio; the shelves that lined the wall on her right were stacked with paints and brushes of every description, as well as coloured pencils and charcoals too numerous to count. In the middle of the room stood a freestanding bookcase with every imaginable book referencing the art of drawing, sculpting and painting. On the left side, a sheet was draped over items sitting on the floor and propped against the wall.

Hurrying there, she lifted the sheet to discover several landscapes in various stages of completion. Disappointed, her eye followed the wall down to where two folded easels were propped, as well as a dozen or more blank canvases. Suddenly, she caught sight of what was hidden by the free-standing bookcase—a square table, splattered with flecks of paint in various colours. It sat right in front of the windows, and next to it stood an easel covered in cloth.

As quickly as possible, she was at the easel jerking off the cloth. The thin layer of muslin floated to the floor along with a cloud of dust. It unveiled a portrait so well executed that it left her breathless. Striking ebony eyes were showcased in a charcoal drawing of a woman of approximately one and twenty years. She wore only a simple muslin gown and a slight smile. Hair—dark, long and curly—spilled almost to her waist. Regardless of the fact that she was older now, Millicent had no trouble recognising the subject. Elizabeth!

Immobilised, when a noise brought her back to her senses, Millicent was unsure of how much time had elapsed. Quickly concealing the portrait with the muslin and the items on the floor with the sheet, she headed to the door, opened it and peeked into the hall. Seeing no one, she rushed out, closing the door just as the maids rounded the corner.

Pasting an innocent smile on her face, she said, “I found what I was looking for upstairs and am now eager to begin painting. Have you finished with the easels?”

“The refreshments took us away from that task, my lady, but we are on our way to fetch the last one.”

“Excellent!” Millicent said.

As she walked in the direction from which the maids had just come, she did not look back. Had she done so, she might have seen the puzzled expressions on the faces of the servants, who watched her until she was completely out of sight.

“That is strange,” Clara whispered. “No one would pass this way if they were going to the conservatory. And she was right beside the door. Do you suppose she went inside?”

“I had the same thought,” Martha replied. Quickly opening the studio door, she surveyed the contents. “Nothing looks amiss. In any case, it is not wise to point the finger of suspicion at your betters. And do not say anything to Mrs. Reynolds. Should she get wind of it, she will blame you as sure as me.”

“You need not worry. I know when to keep things to myself.”

Oh my!  Darcy as a brooding artist!  Yes, please!  And who is this Millicent person, she seems sneaky…I don’t trust her!! Gah!  I can’t wait to read it to learn more!  Thank you Brenda, for this enticing excerpt!


Connect with Brenda

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Ready for a special treat?  Because she is so awesomely generous, Brenda is offer some lovely prizes for me to give away in conjunction with this post!

The first prize is a signed set of all 4 of Brenda’s books: Fitzwilliam Darcy – An Honorable Man, Mr. Darcy’s Forbidden Love, Darcy and Elizabeth – a Promise Kept, and Darcy and Elizabeth – A Most Unlikely Couple! (open for US and Canada residents)

In addition, 2 randomly selected winners will receive a Kindle ebook of one of Brenda’s 4 books – winner’s choice! (open internationally!)

bm April 2016

To enter this giveaway, leave a question, a comment, or some love for Brenda below!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (with some shipping restrictions).  Thank you, Brenda!
  • This giveaway ends June 1st!

Thank you so much Brenda!  It was such a pleasure to have you as my guest!!


    1. Thank you for your lovely visit, Brenda! I’m so looking forward to reading your latest release and am happy to learn a little more about Darcy and Elizabeth – A Promise Kept!

  1. Have just finished reading A Promise Kept and it has already become one of my favourite Austenesque novels. Brenda incorporates numerous historical events into the story of Darcy and Elizabeth — which in turn inspired me to do some investigating of my own, as I have very little familiarity with English history except as it relates to USA. This is an action-packed adventure that never loses sight of the goal of Darcy winning his love — while exhibiting his strength and manliness along with his human-ness. An A+ read in my not-so-humble opinion! Even the Wickhams are treated with a touch of rehabilitation! Thank you for offering this give-away, Brenda, and please enter my name in it. Wishing you every success with this title and looking forward to your next one.

  2. I was one of those who recommended Brenda’s “Honorable Gentleman” to you last summer; so happy you loved it as much as I did! Now I am eager to read “A Promise Kept.” Sounds like there is a lot of intrigue to be had in this one!

  3. That is so generous of Ms. Webb! Thank you! The excerpt sounds so intriguing and Darcy as a tortured soul is always well worth reading. The visual of that excerpt made me feel as if I was there peeking around the corner and hearing that conversation by the maids.

  4. I have loved each and every one of your books with a voracious appetite. I love the angst and how when you think all is resolved…it isn’t. I am eagerly looking forward to your next book. Thank you so so much for the generous give away.

  5. What a wonderful and generous giveaway, Brenda. Love your books and just finished Darcy and Elizabeth.

  6. I love Brenda’s books and have read them all. I love the way she twists and then untwists a story. I really appreciate the time and effort she puts into them and her website. Thank you so much Brenda for hours of reading pleasure! Looking forward to your next one.

  7. You know, I was thinking the same thing. Milicent sounded sneaky. But I do like seeing the peek into the story with this teaser.

    I greatly enjoyed FD Honorable Man and liked Forbidden Love. I still have to read this one and Unlikely Couple. She has carved out a special niche of a certain type of Austenesque storytelling that has drama and I do like the hint of gothic to her tales especially with her brooding Darcys.

    Very generous giveaway, for sure!

  8. I have thoroughly loved Brenda’s previous books and know that I shall not be disappointed with this new one. Yes, who is this sneaky lady and why does Bingley need help? Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. Loved the excerpt! Thank you for such a
    nice giveaway … I would so love to have
    that signed set of books.

  10. Just dropping by to say I read this story twice: once as a WIP and then when it was published. I gave it a 5 star review. But then also I think everything Brenda has written has been 5 stars for me.

  11. Loved the excerpts. I always love her books. All of them have different stories, different twists and intrigues.

  12. I have been out of the house all day and returned to find all of your lovely comments. Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts and for those of you who have already read the book and took time to tell me you liked it. It makes me so proud to know you found it entertaining. I wish all of you could win. 🙂

  13. I’m reading “A Promise Kept” right now and am loving it. I’d love to have a chance to win another of Brenda’s novels! Thanks for the opportunity!

  14. I loved this excerpt the first time I first read it. Imagine, the painting only stood to prove that our dear William never stopped loving Elizabeth. This was such a beautiful love story and one that I will enjoy reading again. Thanks Meredith for featuring Brenda and her books! PS, if my name is drawn, please pass on the winnings to another as I own all of Brenda’s books as well as the e-books. Jen Red

  15. Oh, you spoil us! A wonderful post, an intriguing excerpt and a very generous giveaway! I love Brenda’s books so this is a win win win!

  16. Brenda I didn’t know you wrote another book, I’m so behind! As usual the excerpt has me wanting more, I can’t wait to read another of your wonderful works. Congrats on another new release!

  17. I love Brenda’s books and this is no exception. What a roller-coaster of emotion they are, and how beautifully she portrays our deal lovelorn Darcy! It breaks my heart to think of him locked up in his study and painting the woman of his dreams.

    Please don’t enter me in the giveaway, just wanted to pop by to say hi and congrats, Brenda, on another winner!

  18. Thank you to all of you who have posed since my last comment. And to my pal, Joana Starnes, I can say the same about your books, girl. Sweet of all of you to take time to leave your thoughts.

  19. A lovely interview and thanks for the chance to win a copy. Enjoyed the excerpt. Adding this title to my TBR list.

  20. This book keeps sounding better and better. I’m really curious as how Elizabeth became a Mrs. Gardnier.

  21. Thanks for sharing with us the excerpt and for the giveaway. I have read Fitzwilliam Darcy – An Honorable Man, Mr. Darcy’s Forbidden Love and Darcy and Elizabeth – A Most Unlikely Couple but I miss Darcy and Elizabeth – a Promise Kept . I really loved the three novels so I cannot wait to read the last, too.

  22. I am thrilled each time I check to find new comments. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to leave your thoughts here. Best of luck on the drawing!

  23. Darcy as an artist? Swoon worthy! What an excerpt! Can wait to find out what she does with that info!

    Love your other books Brenda! Congrats on your newest release.

  24. Oh, dear, There are so many comments my chances of winning are getting more and more slim. But I can still hope. I would not miss reading your P&P variations, Brenda, and hope there will be many, many more. They are not only real variations, but they are very well written as well. Thank you for the many, many hours of pleasure.

  25. Loved the excerpt. Thanks for sharing. I’m anxious to read more. Thanks also for giveaway. Leslie

  26. What a wonderful excerpt! I can’t wait to read more of your work. And thank you both for the giveaway!

  27. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. A Promise Kept made it to my favourites collection on the first read.

  28. Oh my a brooding artist. I love it when Darcy has a hidden artistic talent! I’m a fan! I hope I win!

  29. This is a great new book of Mrs. Webb with a mixture of romance, suspense and political assassination plot. Supporting characters colorful as usual. ODC find their way to each other after a few years of separation, but their love never dies.
    Looking forward to a next Brenda’s book.

  30. I’m so late to the game here! (vacation) I know the giveaway has already happened, and so generous of you Brenda.

    Definitely, positively, quite well deserved praise!!!! I hope it goes to your head for just a bit, then brings you down to earth just enough to (selfishly) bring us another wonderful story! 🙂

    I read A Promise Kept as soon as I possibly could and loved it. But reading your excerpt just makes me want to reread it immediately! It is so good. Ladies, get it on your TBR list ASAP. You won’t regret it.

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