Desperate Measures: A Fair Prospect #3 – Cassandra Grafton + GIVEAWAY!!!

A Fair Prospect-Desperate MeasuresA Compelling and Captivating Trilogy!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Author

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation in 3 Volumes

TIME FRAME: 9 days after Darcy’s first proposal to 16 days after Darcy’s first proposal (the whole trilogy is a span of 16 days!)

MAIN CHARACTERS: Elizabeth Bennet. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Jane Bennet, Charles Bingley, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Georgiana Darcy, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Nicholas Harington (new original character), Serena Seavington (new original character)


  • I’ve heard many sooo much praise for Cassandra Grafton and this trilogy, and since I love Pride and Prejudice variations I knew it was something I had to read! The only question was when – because you definitely need to read this trilogy without break.


  • Eminently Moving: After receiving a crushing blow, Darcy escapes London to avoid Elizabeth and try to recover. My heart broke for Darcy, to see his anguish and suffering, just when he was starting to feel some tendrils of hope take root in his heart… *sigh* Cassandra Grafton crafted such a brilliant sequence of events to engage and absorb her readers, I could not help but feel spellbound.
  • Elizabeth’s Journey Towards Love: As you may already know from my reviews of the previous two volumes of this trilogy, Cassandra Grafton spends a generous amount of time in Elizabeth’s and Darcy’s heads and the reader is privy to all their introspective, self-evaluation, and ever-changing emotions. It was lovely to witness Elizabeth’s admiration and then affection develop for Darcy. Since it was her first experience with love, it was interesting to see how she analyzed her feelings, interpreted her reactions to Darcy, and eventually realize the truth.
  • A Man Who Answers All Our Wishes: This Darcy is. All. The. Things. *sigh* I don’t know what else to say, except that this has to be one of my favorite portrayals of Mr. Darcy! He is a deep-feeling and passionate man, strong, loyal, and incredibly honorable. I loved that he immediately confessed his wrongs to Bingley and continued to do right by Elizabeth, even though he believed there was no future for them.
  • Georgiana and Anne: I love it when other characters catch on about Darcy’s feelings for Elizabeth! It is so diverting to see what they do with this knowledge – how they try to help, manipulate, and matchmake! I especially enjoyed seeing Georgiana and Anne in cahoots with each other. I love when these two cousins come closer together, since we don’t see that at all in Pride and Prejudice.
  • Nicholas and Serena: Two original characters crafted by Ms. Grafton were added to this story. Both who have a long history and close familiarity to our heroine. I adored these two characters, they were wonderfully well-drawn and triggered some interesting developments to the plot. Especially since they have their own sets of conflicts and bring more conflict as Darcy makes some assumptions about Nicholas’s relationship with Elizabeth!


  • That I didn’t read this fabulous trilogy sooner!


If you are an ardent admirer of Pride and Prejudice variations, then you need to do yourself a favor and devour this expressive and eloquent trilogy, if you haven’t already! Filled with soul-searching, slow-paced exhilaration, and sweeping romance, Cassandra Grafton’s A Fair Prospect is definitely one of my favorites! Big applause to Cassandra Grafton for such a remarkable story!

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Since I was quite overwhelmed by the lovely response to my giveaway of Volume 1 of this series, I decided I should definitely hold another giveaway!  This time in conjunction with my review of Volume 3.

What is the giveaway?  Winner’s choice – ONE paperback volume of  your choice from the A Fair Prospect Trilogy or the entire ebook boxset of A Fair Prospect!

A Fair Prospect- Disappointed Hopes A Fair Prospect- Darcy's Dilemma A Fair Prospect-Desperate Measures 612nfOZ116L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

 To enter this giveaway leave a comment below about what intrigues you most about this series (here are my reviews of Volume 1 and Volume 2 for reference, if you need them!)

  • This giveaway is open to residents worldwide (because we love our international friends!)
  • The giveaway ends April 29th.


  1. I am sooo excited to read this trilogy. I knew it had good reviews but your 3 reviews Meredith have sealed it, thank you x

  2. As soon as I saw that A Fair Prospect, vol. I, II, & III was on your agenda for the month of April, I knew I had to go back and reread it. I remembered I had liked it, but I had forgotten so much of the entire plot. So, all the heart-warming, heart-wrenching angsty, heart-in-my-throat situations, mystery (about who Nicholas loved,) and the beautiful end, was so fresh that it was like reading it for the first time. And this even though I read it two years ago, I’m afraid this is part of my quirky brain, it happens to me all the time. 😉

    So wonderful. Everyone, put this at the top of your lists. Thank you Meredith, for the great review and the kick in the pants to reread a really good P&P variation.

    1. Oh! I love that you reread the series at the same time I was reading it! <3 I'm glad to hear that you liked it just as much as the first time! I think it will be a series I will always love!

  3. Hi Meredith!
    What intrigues me most about this series is the fact of taking place in 16 days! Only 16 days and Cassandra has the ability of filling a whole trilogy keeping the interest of the readers! WOW!. Definetely, I’m captivated by this series thanks to your review 🙂
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!

    1. Hi Teresa! I know! 3 books about a little more than 2 weeks and it didn’t feel boring in the least! Glad to hear you are interested in reading this trilogy yourself!

  4. I really can’t believe the short time span of this trilogy and I am now even more desperate to read it. I was hoping to win volume 1 but now I see you are giving away the set (sigh – bliss) . Thanks so much Meredith for such great reviews and the giveaways. (Perhaps a bribe may be in order ?) Probably not I suppose oh well I will just have to cross my fingers.

  5. Like Teresa, you floored me with the statement about it all covering 16 days. 🙂 And like you, I think when I read it, I’ll be mad at myself for waiting so long.

    Please don’t enter me as I already have them.

  6. This sounds captivating. The 16 days floored me. Can’t be easy to keep a trilogy to this time frame and have it as good as it sounds. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this giveaway!!

  7. Your high praise of this whole series has made me really excited to read it!
    Thanks for the review and the giveaway fun!

  8. I am overwhelmed by this lovely review, Meredith. I appreciate so much the time you’ve take to express your feelings about the story across all three reviews, and I am incredibly touched the story drew you in and kept you reading.

    Thank you to the commenters above who have read it before and have said such lovely things, and I hope anyone giving the story a try enjoys it too.


    1. Thank you for reading my review, Cassandra! It was a true joy to read and review these books! Very memorable and very special they will always be to me!

  9. This series sounds delightful, adding it to my TBR list. Thanks for the review and a chance to win a copy.

  10. Another lovely review, Meredith. There’s nothing more I can add apart from asking everyone who hasn’t yet read this wonderful trilogy; “Why not? Go out and get your copies this instant!”

    If I was to re-write my Ardent Austenesque submission from last year, A Fair Prospect would still be in my Desert Island Five.

  11. Its been awhile since I was so excited to start a series. Your review has me anxiously waiting to get the trilogy in my hands:) Forget putting on the TBR list, I would immediately open book 1, page 1. Thanks for offering this give-away!

  12. I think what attracts me the most in this trilogy, apart from great reviews, is that it is “after Hunsford” variation (one of my favorite types) with a span of only 16 intense days (I don’t like to wait long before Lizzy and Darcy are united) and lots of self-reflections of our beloved characters. And the book covers are very illustrative while being subtle and delicate. They grew slowly on me, every time I read a review or saw amazon recommendation, but now I like them very much.

    Overall, as far as I can judge a book without reading it, this series is a must have-must read one, and I am very excited by a possibility to participate in a giveaway to win the entire ebook set!

    1. I am with you, Oloore! I love seeing what possible directions the story can go post-Hunsford. The covers are so interesting, I really love the silhouettes!

      Definitely a must-have, must-read

  13. what intrigues me about the book is Georgiana and Anne’s role in the story. I also love the covers of the 1st and 3rd book too.

  14. What is there left to say? Every time I read one of your reviews of this trilogy I just want to stop everything and re-read it for the third time 🙂 Also, how long do we need to wait for Cassandra Grafton to write another jewel? This book was so perfect that I long to read more from her 🙂

  15. I’m not sure what happened to my review – it just disappeared when i hit share! So I’m trying again …
    I just love Cass’s writing – she writes so beautifully & from the heart … with just enough tension to keep me riveted to the page! I can’t wait to read more & would love to be entered into the prize draw

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