Interview + Giveaway with Author Wendi Sotis!!!

Author Interview2

Hi Wendi! Thank you so much for stopping by Austenesque Reviews for a little tête-à-tête! I greatly enjoyed reading your latest release, Foundation of Love (The Gypsy Blessing #2), and I’m so glad to have this opportunity to chat with you about your novels, Jane Austen, and gypsy blessings! How about we begin by talking about what was the inspiration behind The Gypsy Blessing series. I understand that the premise for this modern-day story came to you from a writing prompt?

644382_458693530852395_1197191493_nIt’s such a pleasure to be here, Meredith. Thank you!

When I’m experiencing writer’s block, I search the web for prompts that might get my creative juices flowing. That’s exactly what happened while I was revising Dreams & Expectations and writing All Hollow’s Eve back in April of 2011. I found three prompts that seemed to click together: your camera has images on it that you haven’t taken; write about an ancient gypsy curse; you find a treasure in your attic.

From there, I wrote the scene where Modern Elizabeth finds the trunk and letter from Regency Elizabeth telling her about the gypsy’s blessing. I couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with my ideas. When I started sending chapters to Gayle Mills and Robin Helm for the first round of edits, they suggested I write the Regency story behind the letter first, so I wrote some notes, put this story aside and started working on The Gypsy Blessing.TheGypsyBlessingCover150dpi

Brilliant!  I love how you took three prompts and combined them together!  They did click well together!  I understand your husband is an artist and designs the lovely covers for your books. Did he inspire the use of illustrations and images in this tale?

Yes, my husband, Matthew Sotis, is my cover and illustration artist. When it comes to design, we’re a team. I come up with the original concept, find and purchase photos, and use a photo editing program to put them together the way I pictured the cover in my mind. Matt usually ends up moving things around to create a better composition. When we both agree, he paints it.

We originally planned for Matt to paint at least a quarter of the drawings in TGB, but his day job and other side-work didn’t allow for it. He did have time to paint a portrait of Darcy and began the attic painting of Modern Elizabeth, which Regency Elizabeth receives in the book. Since the attic painting wasn’t ready when the book was, we decided to include that painting in Foundation of Love, instead.

Loved the attic painting!  What a neat way to collaborate together and share you talents!  Also, you’ve mentioned that there is an interesting story behind the cover of The Gypsy Blessing! Please share it with us!

Wendi_and_Matt's_Wedding_Album The_Gypsy_Blessing_Wendi_Sotis

For The Gypsy Blessing, I had given Matt several photos I had purchased of the model I wanted on the cover. Elizabeth was supposed to be looking down at a drawing she had received, but I couldn’t find a photo of the same model looking down at something. When I remembered there was a photo of me looking down at my bouquet in our wedding album, I scanned that photo so he’d have a frame of reference. But when he started painting it, it looked like me. I kept telling him to make it look like the model, but he kept going. That’s how we ended up with a 23-year-old Wendi on the cover!

That is such a sweet story and you look so very lovely on your wedding day!  I love what your husband did!  You are now Elizabeth Bennet!  When writing a series about prophetic images and unpredictable gypsy magic, you ask readers to suspend disbelief and believe in things that cannot be explained, which can be challenging to execute well. I loved how caught up and intrigued I felt about the gypsy blessing while reading Foundation of Love, I found it easy to believe in the magic. Was this a challenging aspect of writing this novel for you?

Actually, the magic was the least difficult aspect to write! I am a huge fan of fairytales, legends of magical lands, time travel, and other fantasy stories. Both The Gypsy Blessing and Foundation of Love encompass all of the above, if one considers receiving prophetic pictures as a form of time travel.

Foundation of LoveWhat was the most challenging part of this story?

Probably the research into how one becomes an architect was the most time consuming part of the story. I had some help from my father- and brother-in-law, who are architects.

I really enjoyed how this story took place in the world of building and construction. It was a new experience to see Lizzy portrayed as an architect or Darcy as an owner of a construction company. What prompted you to have a modern-day Pride and Prejudice story take place in this field of building supplies, hardhats, and blueprints?

My first job was at a building supply store much like the Bennet family owns in FOL. Also, before our triplets were born, I worked for a few companies in the construction field, including a general contractor and a plumber, as well as a local government agency.

That’s interesting that you have some experience and history in the construction field.  I really enjoyed that aspect of the story, I’m sure your knowledge of construction job sites and building supply came in handy while writing!  What is next for you, Wendi? You have gifted the Austenesque genre many Pride and Prejudice inspired novels, do you have plans to write any more?

Thanks, Meredith! I’m currently working on making one of my short Regency stories into a novel-length P&P-inspired story. I have a few others on the drawing boards, as well—some P&P and some not. One of these days, I might get back to my Sanditon completion.

You have a Sanditon completion???  I’m very excited to hear that!  Looking forward to learning more about your upcoming projects!  How about we switch it up with some Quickfire Questions:

– Who is your favorite Pride and Prejudice character (besides Darcy and Elizabeth)?

I think Wickham is a most interesting “love to hate” kind of guy, but I really love to hate Caroline Bingley, too.

– Who is your least favorite Pride and Prejudice character?

Probably Mr. Collins. I’ve left him out of some of my stories, even though he was such an important part of the original.

– What is one of your favorite scenes in Pride and Prejudice?

Oh, gosh, that’s a tough one. I love every word. After thumbing through the novel once again (yes, I did get lost in it for a while!) I think it has to be when Elizabeth reads Darcy’s letter and realizes how all her suppositions have been wrong. “Till this moment I never knew myself.” It’s the turning point of the story. Anything is possible after that, even love.

– From your own novels what is one of your favorite scenes?

In Promises, in the library at Netherfield, where what really happened between the Darcys and the Bennets becomes clear, and both Elizabeth and Darcy finally let their defenses down.

– What do you love most about Pride and Prejudice?

I love the time period, the manners, the humor, the variety of characters, and that love means more to Darcy than all the rules about marriage that he was raised to follow.

– What is your “truth universally acknowledged?”

That I will re-read all of Jane Austen’s novels very soon!

– If you were to meet Jane Austen, what would you like to hear her say?

“I read your book.”

Perfect!  Thank you so much for participating in this interview, Wendi! It has been a real treat to have you answer my questions and for me to read your lovely novel, Foundation of Love!!  I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming projects and all your future endeavors! 

Thank you so much for having me, Meredith! This has been fun.

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Today Wendi Sotis  generously brings with her ONE paperback copy (open to US residents only) and ONE ebook copy (open worldwide) of Foundation of Love for me to giveaway to TWO lucky winners!!!  

Foundation of Love  Foundation of Love

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, question, or some love for Wendi!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (with some shipping restrictions).  Thank you, Wendi!
  • This giveaway ends January 27th!



  1. Don’t enter me for the giveaway, as I have all of Wendi’s books, either on audio or as ebook or both. Btw, thanks for the special prices on your books (via Smashwords) that you gave us around New Year, Wendi.

    I just popped in to say how much I enjoy Wendi’s work. The Gypsy Blessing was one of my favourite Austenesque audios of 2014. I have yet to read Foundation of Love, but it’s high up there on my TBR list.

    Good luck to everyone in the giveaway!

  2. Hi

    Thoroughly enjoyed the interview and great answers too. I have not read any of your books Wendy unfortunately for me as they all sound absolutely fabulous. So I have just ordered The Gypsy Blessing. Please do not enter me in the ebook giveaway but thank you so much for the kind gesture.

  3. Great interview! That is very sweet that Wendi and her husband are able to collaborate together. I added Wendi’s books to my to-read list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I, also, was not even aware of this author, much less of her books. So thank you, Meredith, for introducing me to another new author. I will put this on my Wish List for now as I have too many on my kindle at present to read. I was not into time travel books until about a year ago, then a few authors came to my attention, i.e., Robin Helm, Diana Gabaldon, etc. (There are other JAFF ones but the names escape me at present, sadly.)

    I love how you have involved your husband’s talents and family professions in your work…and you have triplets? How do you find time? That sounds so amazing that you can do this with 3 children of the same age. Your wedding photo is so lovely.

    1. Oh happy to introduce you, Wendi! I’ve only read one story so far by Wendi, but I see she has 6 published. 🙂 I’m sure you will get to them all before I do, my friend! I definitely want to read The Gypsy Blessing next.

  5. Wendi! Wendi! Wendi! You are writing a Sandition completion? Wow! I hope that is soon available to share. You amaze me. Writing, co-designing, formatting (thank you, again), and TRIPLETS!!! What do you do with all of your spare time?

    This was a terrific interview. I particularly like how you and your hubby work together on the covers. Finding out that you are the woman on the cover was delightful. And, your solution to writers block is inspired. Thanks for that.

    Meredith, please do not enter me as, like the others that have already commented, I have a section on my bookshelf that contains Wendi’s books already. Great post!

    1. Hi Joy, You’re welcome! Spare time… what’s that? LOL! Yes, I’m working on a Sanditon completion, slowly but surely in between other stories. I can never work on one story at a time, crazy as it may sound. Thanks!

  6. Went to put the first book, etc. on my Wish List and as that first one was only $.99 it is now on my TBR collection on kindle!

  7. Great interview! This series sounds fantastic, and I’ve been wanting to read more of her work since I reviewed All Hallow’s Eve on Indie Jane. I love the story behind the cover of The Gypsy Blessing, so sweet.

  8. Wendi, What a great and insightful post about you and your writing process. I love how your hubby used you as the model for cover of The Gypsy Blessing. You both amaze me.

  9. Foundation of Love sounds very intriguing. I didn’t know there was a ‘part 2’ to Gypsy Blessing, which I loved! What an amazing ability, to weave such beautiful ideas into such compelling stories. Your interview didn’t say how old those triplets were. Oh my. I’m fantasizing here, if they are grown up, maybe you had to channel that previous complete taking up of your time, energy and mental capacity into new creative endeavors. If they are still little, then I am in complete and utter awe.

  10. I bet you have not aged a day. Okay maybe a week, Wendi. Your writing is fantastic, and Matt is amazing. I predict you will have extreme;y talented children.

    1. LOL, Ana… oh, I’ve aged! The kids told me, “Nobody would realize the picture on the cover is you.” Hurumph. Gotta love ’em! Yes, they are all talented kids 🙂 Thanks and good luck in the giveaway!

  11. I love all of Wendi’s stories, and since I have them all, please don’t put me into the giveaway.

    It’s so cool that your wedding photo inspired the cover – it’s a lovely photo. I’m still amazed you find so much time to write, with triplets. I know they aren’t really little anymore but still!

  12. I have read a couple of your earlier books including Promises and loved them. This is interesting how the idea for the newer books’ series came to you by just jumping on the web to browse and that is so cool about collaborating with your husband. A Sanditon completion is always a welcome thought.

    Such an enjoyable interview, ladies!

  13. I think it was fascinating that you found three writing prompts that you combined for the premise of this book. And how fabulous that you are actually on the cover. 🙂 This was enjoyable and interesting to read. Thanks.

  14. What a wonderful interview and now I have a new author to add to my wishlist! To be able to juggle all that you do is amazing! Triplets! Congratulations! Your wedding photo is lovely and to know you and your husband collaborate on the covers is wonderful. Thank you Meredith for introducing me to Wendi! Thank you Wendi for your generosity.

  15. Congrats Wendi! It was quite a coincidence this interview came out today, as I was hunting on Amazon today and saw that Gypsy Blessings had a sequel and I got a little giddy. Glad there is another fantasy/paranormal P&P variation out there, as it is my favorite genre of variation.

    After reading that you are trying to expand one of your short stories into a full length novel, I’m just going to say that I’m secretly hoping it is The Blanket or A Perilous Perusal. Those are two of my favorite go to stories for a quick, fun and happy fix of D&E.

    Thanks for the great interview, Wendi and Meredith! …. And the giveaway opportunity

    1. I’m happy to hear it, Colleen! Actually, I’m working on a non-JAFF Regency that expands A Perilous Perusal. My ideas just didn’t fit the JAFF world. The JAFF novel I’m working on is lengthening A Lesson Hard Learned. As I said in a comment above, I can’t seem to work on just one story at a time – I’m always switching back and forth. I have been thinking about The Blanket, though… we shall see what I come up with! That story was a bit rushed because it was in answer to a challenge and there was a word-count limit. Thanks, and good luck in the giveaway!

      1. This is exciting to hear! I love Perilous Perusal and now am so curious what you’ll do with it. And The Blanket is so adorable! These are stories I re-read when I need a quick JAFF comfort read.

  16. What a wonderful interview, Meredith and Wendi! I already own and cherish both print and kindle versions of all of Wendi’s books, so I wouldn’t want to deprive anyone else of the pleasure of reading them by entering the giveaway.

    I love the Gypsy Blessing series. Anyone who enjoys reading magical reality will enjoy these books.

    Best of luck, Wendi!

  17. Wow, Wendi! Where to begin? Needless to say, you are amazing! How do you have any energy, let alone sanity with TRIPLETS! I have yet to read any of your books, but have just ordered The Gypsy Blessing on my Kindle after reading Sheila’s comment above. The cover painted by your husband is lovely, and I plan to get a hard copy eventually.
    I’ve never been much of a time-travel fan, but you have intrigued me. I would love to win a paper back of Foundation of Love. Thank you for the giveaway.
    Meredith, thank you for introducing your readers to another Austenesque writer.

  18. Hi there Meredith and Wendi,
    and congratulations Wendi on the publication of The Gypsy Blessing! Your hard work and creativity always inspire me, keep up the great work.

    Best – Nikki.

  19. It’s nice to meet Wendy and thanks for the interview Meredith. I look forward to reading this modern take on P & P. It sounds really interesting for the characters to be in the construction industry! Thanks for the giveaway.–Leslie

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