Darcy’s Tale: Deluxe Edition – Stanley Hurd + GIVEAWAY!!!

Darcy's Tale DeluxeThe Most Revealing and Heartfelt Darcy POV I’ve Ever Read!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

OVERVIEW: In this thoughtful and illuminating trilogy, author Stanley Hurd tells the story of Pride and Prejudice from Mr. Darcy’s point-of-view. Revealing the inner workings of Darcy’s mind – his analytical thought process, his reflections on love and marriage as well as his interactions with close friends and family, and private correspondence with his sister – Mr. Hurd gives readers a very complete and intimate depiction of Fitzwilliam Darcy with these three phenomenal volumes.

Volume One – Into Hertfordshire

Time Frame: Just before Bingley begins his lease to the departure of the Netherfield party to London

What We Learn:

  • The Darcys are introspective – in this volume Georgiana is reflecting on the incident in Ramsgate, her mistakes, and the nature of love. While Darcy ponders the married state, his parent’s happy union, and his years out in society.
  • The Netherfield Ball was a night of acute torment for Mr. Darcy. Wow!

What I Loved: How it felt to be inside Darcy’s head. To see him work out ideas and analyze, react, contemplate – we learn everything! We learn the truth about Mr. Darcy! I also loved how I will now never look at the Netherfield Ball the same again, poor Darcy, what a night of disappointment, stress, and frustration!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!


Volume Two – Into Kent

Time Frame: Darcy’s arrival in London after the Netherfield Ball to Darcy giving Elizabeth his letter after the first proposal.

What We Learn:

  • Darcy repeatedly misunderstood and misinterpreted practically every interaction he had with Elizabeth. Poor Darcy imagined hidden subtext where there was none, interpreted her blushes and smiles incorrectly, and assumed Elizabeth’s open candor and teasing was a sign of her partiality for him!
  • Darcy is very awkward and inexperienced around women! He doesn’t see through their machinations, is unsure of how to make normal conversation with them, and is very bad at flirting (but that is kinda cute!) While in London, trying to forget Elizabeth, he almost falls into a trap set by a very devious lady. Loved how he revenged himself though!

What I Loved: I loved everything! Such wonderful insight into this character! But what I loved most was seeing the proposal, refusal, and letter from Darcy’s point-of-view. The intense despair and heartache Darcy experiences are palpable and profoundly moving!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!


Volume Three – The Way Home

Time Frame: Darcy returning to London after receiving a devastating rejection from Elizabeth to Christmas Day (an epilogue!)

What We Learn:

  • Darcy is a man of action! There is a lot scenes devoted to Darcy’s “hunts and confronts” Wickham sequence in this volume. With the precision, strategy, and skill Darcy uses to negotiate Wickham, you’d think he had experience in the military!
  • Darcy is a matchmaker! Darcy involves himself in two other couples’ love affairs. Love how he lent them his assistance!

What I Loved: Corporal Sands (a brilliant comic relief character!) And of course I loved Darcy with all his strength and manliness as he expertly handled Wickham! *sigh* I also enjoyed Darcy’s relationship with his aunt, Lady Andover.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!


CONCLUSION: This series is brilliant and a MUST-own for every Darcy fan! I love how Mr. Hurd gives us an objective view of this iconic hero (Darcy’s flaws aren’t completely explained away) and how closely he pays attention to and doesn’t stray from Jane Austen’s vision of this beloved iconic hero (he truly is very much what he ever was!). Mr. Hurd has done a marvelous job with Mr. Darcy and I am all eager anticipation to see what he does with Colonel Fitzwilliam and Captain Wentworth next!!

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Today Stanley Hurd generously brings with him 3 BRAND NEW paperback copies of Darcy’s Tale, Volume I: Into Hertfordshire + 1 ARC (uncorrected proof) of Darcy’s Tale: Deluxe Edition for me to giveaway to some lucky readers!!

Vol_I_cover  Vol_I_cover  Vol_I_cover 

Darcy's Tale Deluxe  

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment about my review!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Stanley!
  • This giveaway ends December 17th!

Want to double your chances of winning??  Come check out my interview with Stanley Hurd and leave him a comment!


  1. Although I have these all on kindle and LOVED them I would love to have paperbacks to lend to friends who don’t have kindle and just because I do love to have the paperback copy in hand. So much easier to flip to the section you want to read if you are not re-reading the whole book from start to finish. And I do want to re-read them.

  2. Great envies, Meredith! You have me eager to find out what his tortured thoughts are at the Netherfield ball, how he seeks revenge against the lady trying to compromise him, and his attempts at flirting!
    Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway, too! 🙂

  3. I was the lucky winner of one of the volumes in a previous giveaway so please don’t include me in this one….
    I enjoyed this series and think it should be on every JAFF readers must read list!

  4. I completely agree with your review. Stanley Hurd did a great job of showing the inner workings of Mr.Darcy’s mind. I felt for him through out. It changed my view of the Netherfield Ball as well. Would love to have the Deluxe Edition.

  5. Thinking that this book may contain a different Darcy since the author is a male and I have always read female authors’ books…in my opinion something in the point of view is different…

  6. Your enthusiasm for these just leaps off the page. I look forward to encountering the original characters like Corporal Sands in them. I love that it has been bound together all in one book now.

  7. I loved volume 1. It was great as others mentioned to see the inner workings. You don’t need to enter me in the drawing. I am still working on getting volume 2 and 3.

  8. Oh Meredith, I completely agree with your review. Mr. Hurd has done a brilliant job. I have all 3 books on my Kindle, but I would love to be entered into the draw for the deluxe edition. Thank you!

  9. I’ve been waiting to read this until all volumes were out, so it seems I can start now! Very nice!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Meredith, with this review I am now chomping at the bit to read this series. I have 2 other , must reads, to complete first, but then comes this series. I have the eBooks and so there is no excuse. Again, thank you for the interview and thanks to Stanley for the give away.

  11. I am so happy to have found this blog. I love Austen universe stories, especially those told from alternative viewpoints. It’s fun to crawl inside the mind of a great character and see the story unfolding through his or her eyes and feelings. These Darcy-centric novels sound to be a great addition to my Austenesque collection.

    1. Welcome, Julie! 🙂 I agree, everyone perceives things differently. It is especially fun to see a familiar sequence of events or conversation but understand it in a new way. Hope you enjoy this series!

  12. 5 out of 5 stars for all 3 books, I haven’t had a chance to read these yet, but look forward to at some point after reading such glowing reviews.

    1. I think this might be a first! I’ve read other trilogies before, but I don’t think I’ve ever given out all 5 stars for each book. 😉 Hope you get the chance to read these books soon!

  13. I am soooo looking forward to reading these books. I waited until all three were out, too. Loved your review Meredith! And I loved the interview with Mr Hurd. Can’t wait.

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