Celebrating Georgette Heyer’s Birthday + GIVEAWAY!!!

Six days from today marks not only MY birthday but also Georgette Heyer’s Birthday as well!! Yes, Ms. Heyer and I share not only our love of Jane Austen and the Regency Era but our birthdays too!  (And just in case you are interested, we also share our birthday with Madonna and Steve Carell – what a fun and eclectic group, huh?)

Anyways, Sourcebooks, who through the last few years have been reissuing all of Georgette Heyer’s novels in print, are setting up to celebrate Georgette Heyer’s 110th Birthday in BIG style!  And I, of course, could not resist their offer to join in the festivities.  Today’s post is my tribute to their celebration!

I first encountered Georgette Heyer when I espied a group of her books offered in a review request email from Sourcebooks back in the Fall of 2009.  I can’t remember the other two choices, but I know I selected Devil’s Cub because it sounded like quite the adventure (little did I know that all Georgette Heyer novels are adventures!!)  I adored Devil’s Cub and I am so happy to have found an author who has not one, not six, but over 50 novels for me to discover and devour!

Since Fall 2009 I have read and reviewed 4 Georgette Heyer novels.

Devils’s Cub

“An exciting and entertaining adventure complete with confusion, flaring tempers, a copious amount of chasing, and many misadventures.  I immensely enjoyed this lively and amusing Regency tale, and I am so very happy that I finally discovered the joy of reading Georgette Heyer.”


“I found this novel to be spectacularly entertaining and brimming with clever antics and adventures.   The Masqueraders was a delightfully amusing read and Georgette Heyer is quite the proficient when it comes to historical fiction and romantic romps.”



“To put it simply, reading Georgette Heyer is a blast!  I love the fantastic combination of comedy, drama, and history in her novels.  Cotillion by Georgette Heyer is incredibly entertaining and memorable.”

“A splendidly riveting and hilarious Heyer adventure!  Brimming with schemes, scrapes, and sparks Sylvester: or the Wicked Uncle is a highly entertaining and absorbing adventure that I thoroughly delighted in!”

I am long past overdue to read and review another Georgette Heyer novel!  Which Georgette Heyer novel is your particular favorite?  Which one do you recommend I read next?  

Giveaway Time!!!!
Are you interested in winning some Georgette Heyer novels for yourself?  Thanks to Julie Steinmetz and the lovely people at Sourcebooks, I have a surprise grab-bag prize pack of 3 different Heyer novels – 1 Romance, 1 Mystery, 1 Historical Fiction to give away on my blog today! 

I have no idea which 3 novels are included in this prize pack, but let’s face it, any three they pick are sure to be fantastic!  

Interested in winning?  Let’s play The Desert Island Game!  You are going to a desert island for an undetermined amount of time and can only bring 2 Georgette Heyer novels with you.  What 2 do you choose?  (If you haven’t read any Georgette Heyer novels, which 2 from my reviews above intrigue you the most?)

  • This giveaway is open to residents in the US and Canada.  
  • Fill out the rafflecopter form below to earn extra entries.
  • This giveaway will close August 14th.  Thank you for entering and best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In honor of Georgette Heyer’s Birthday, Sourcebooks in offering all their Georgette Heyer ebooks on sale for $2.99 from August 14th – August 20th.  Mark your calendars!


  1. Only 2? A hard choice…but probably “Sylvester” and “An Arranged Marriage”. I love Horry and the whole “forced marriage” trope, and Sylvester….Sylvester is just fantastic. 🙂

  2. I would choose Sylvester and a Lady of Quality, both were really fun books with a lot of wit and sparking dialogue. Sylvester was the first book I ever read of Heyer and I think it was a great one to start with!
    Thank you for the giveaway!
    Mel Brock

  3. Well, as I’ve only read two of her books so far, I’d say Venetia and Sylvester. But if I wanted to have a couple that I haven’t read yet, I’d say The Black Moth and Powder and Patch, some of her first. I’d like to read all of her novels one day– might as well start from the beginning!

    Laura Hartness

  4. I haven’t read any of hers (yet!), but of your reviews, Sylvester and The Masqueraders both intrigue me the most. I’m always impressed by an author who can meld historical sensibilities with modern-day concepts of humor!

  5. I would probably want to take, The Masqueraders and The Convenient Marriage. The Masqueraders was my first Heyer, and I just love the whole hillariousness that is the second half of the The Convenient Marriage.

  6. I haven’t read Devils Cub or Cotillion yet so those are the two I would take. I just discovered her a couple years ago when I stumbled across a blog that had her books listed. I love her books! They are so well written and the story lines always keep you interested. I did learn never to start reading one too late in the evening or you will be up until 2am reading it.

  7. I hate to be like this, but if I can only have two…I’m not going! 🙂 But to play the game…The Reluctant Widow and the Unknown Ajax would probably suit me best!!

  8. Can my Heyer Omnibus count as one, then I’d have one of my faves, Faro’s Daughter, and two bonus novels; my second would have to be Venetia, where are Heroine wakes one morning early in the novel with the heartfelt pleasure of having acquired a new friend, Hero.

  9. Your kidding me right? I’ve read 23-25 of her novels and it’s so hard because just when I figure I’ve come up with a favorite then a new one I read becomes a favorite. Two, two, two, two….okay this better be two of Heyer only because I’m taking at least 10 in my bag of Austen and Bronte related. I think I’ve got it I’d take “The Corinthian” and “The Quiet Gentleman”. Then I’d swim back to shore for the ones that washed up there (The Grand Sophy, These Old Shades, Arabella, and The Nonesuch). Sorry I just couldn’t resist. I’ve only read two of her so-called mysteries, and two historical fiction. What a very exciting giveaway.

  10. *whines* I’m only allowed two?? Um….. I pick Venetia & Sylvester and I pick Richard Armitage to come with me to read them aloud 😉 The days I heard that RA was doing the audio books for Venetia and Sylvester were two of the happiest days of my life!! 😉

  11. My first and favorite Georgette Heyer is the Grand Sophy. If you’ve not read it, go to the library and borrow it. Then, when you love it, go buy a copy so you’ll always have one. My number 2 would be The Nonsuch … or maybe Frederica . . . or Arabella . . . but her mysteries are good, I could bring Footsteps in the Dark . . . and I have to suggest reading the biography about Heyer by Jennifer Kloester . . . oh dear my love for Georgette Heyer has led me off track.

    Okay, I would bring the Grand Sophy and Frederica, final answer … for now.

    1. I love those same ones. I love the Grand sophy and how she’s always trying to fix everyone’s problems…..heehee. Frederica and Arabella (lets all wear a dandelion in our lapels) Behold Poison is okay too. I loved your choices.

  12. I have not read any of her books yet, but did download Cotillion when it was free for kindle one day, but have not read it yet. I think I would start with Cotillion and The Masqueraders.

  13. Friday’s Child (there’s a lovely story about a former prisoner writing a letter to GH thanking her for this book which entertained all of them when imprisoned for a prolonged period). It’s absolutely hilarious. And probably either Talisman Ring or Sprig Muslin. Thanks for the giveaway! Marked Sourcebooks’ sale!

  14. Devil’s Cub is my favorite out of the ones I have read. That would be my first choice. My second would probably be Sylvester. Fun, fun, fun reads!

  15. These Old Shades and The Grand Sophy. Though it is VERY hard to choose. Somehow reading one of them always makes me want to read another, and another, and another… :^)

  16. I am saddened that it is still the 13th and the Rafflecopter is CLOSED already. But I will mention anyway (in hopes of still being entered!) that I have quite enjoyed ‘The Quiet Gentleman’ and ‘The Reluctant Widow.’ I don’t re-read books often (like never, except Jane Austen!), but I have re-read each of these books and loved them every time!

  17. These Olde Shades and the Grand Sophy. I can’t believe you read Devil’s Cub Before reading These Olde Shades. I’m not sure that should actually be allowed.

  18. I read the novels to old ladies in a senior living community. “Talisman Ring” was impossible to read without cracking up before I could read Sarah Tanes lines.
    I like “Black Sheep, because Oliver’s remarks have me in stitches even if I read them 100 times. Same goes for the “Unknown Ajax.”
    Don’t discount her mysteries – “No Wind of Blame,” has total chaos in it. Try to visualize certain situation of Miss Heyers books and you will die laughing…

  19. I have been reading Georgette Heyer for over 30 years. I would definitely take The Grand Sophy and These Old Shades.

    Are you sure I can’t sneak in one more? I also adore The Unknown Ajax.