Austenesque Agenda – December 2018

Austenesque Agenda – December 2018

Happy December, dear readers! I hope you are all doing well! Mr. Bingley and I had a fun November that included some small camping trips and outdoor fun. We definitely like camping in autumn weather more than summer weather…although both […]

A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity – A. D’Orazio

A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity – A. D’Orazio

What If Elizabeth Jilted Mr. Darcy? Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation TIME FRAME: Begins 1 year after Elizabeth visits Pemberley SYNOPSIS: Darcy and Elizabeth were blissfully […]

Interview with Author Carrie Kablean!!!

Interview with Author Carrie Kablean!!!

Hi readers! I am very excited to welcome Carrie Kablean, author of a recently released Pride and Prejudice sequel titled, What Kitty Did Next (which we are so looking forward to reading, btw!), to Austenesque Reviews today!   Carrie thoughtfully provided a little Q&A for […]