Hi readers! I hope you all are enjoying a lovely week! I’m so sorry for being MIA, we’ve been camping in a place that has no internet or cell service! 🏕Talk about roughing it! 😮 But I am happy to pop in today and share this wonderful visit from our friend Lory Lilian!! As you may have seen Lory has a new book coming out soon (in 7 days to be precise!) 🤗 and we are so excited to learn more about her latest work! We hope you enjoy the enticing excerpt Lory has brought to share with you today!
Hello everyone! I am so happy to be here again! Visiting Meredith’s blog is always a pleasure and what better opportunity than presenting you my new book?
It is called A Trifling Cold and is already available for pre-order, on a special price. I confess I made this “pre-order” thing for the first time, after I asked the readers and they were 99 % in favor of it LOL.
Since we last met, I made some critical changes in my life. Some of them related to my writing, as I decided to put all my other jobs on a second plan and to write full time! So I finally worked on long started stories, long resting ideas and I hope to be able to publish much more often than in the past. (I have to since I am trying to make a living from my writing, right?)
In the future, I plan to try other genres too – but JAFF is my hobby, my passion, my escape in a dream world, so it will undoubtedly remain my main focus. I cannot have enough of Elizabeth and Darcy!
So – what else I can share with you? We know each other for so long, that I barely have any secrets kept from you, right? Please feel free to ask me anything, and I will gladly answer.
Here is an excerpt from my new story. As some of you might remember, I was among the first authors that put Elizabeth and Darcy in a cottage in Rainy Days, back in 2005! That story remained very popular until now, so perhaps is time to bring the characters back in the cottage, right? Only now is a very different situation. I hope you will enjoy it. Keep in mind that the setting for this story is pretty much like in the original and the time frame for this little scene is about a week before Netherfield Ball.
“Dear Lord, it is freezing in here! If the storm does not stop soon, we shall all die, either inside this horrible cottage or outside in the rain, trying to return home!” Mrs. Bennet whined.
Sheltered from the storm, their eyes slowly became accustomed to the gloom inside. Outside, the darkness also cleared slightly, as the clouds scattered after the wild burst of rain.
“Mama, I will give you my coat,” Jane responded, taking her mother’s arm.
“Give me your coat? What use can I have of it? It is as wet as mine. And what about you? If you die of cold, what compensation would this be for me?”
“I would gladly give you my coat, Mrs. Bennet, although is wet and dirty,” Bingley offered.
“Oh, you are very kind, but I have no use of it. Can I sit somewhere?” Mrs.
Bennet asked, and Bingley quickly looked around – without clearly seeing – for a chair.
Each tried to find a place and removed their coats; the ladies took off their bonnets and the gentlemen their hats – all dripping with water.
“Where is Mr. Darcy?” Elizabeth eventually addressed Bingley.
“He must have found a means of escape and left us here,” Wickham replied mockingly. “Probably he returned to Netherfield by horse. Let us hope he will send help so we can leave this place.”
“I do not understand your meaning, Mr. Wickham,” Bingley replied severely. “Darcy went to release the horses from the carriage; they were still tethered and they could have been harmed in this storm. He would never abandon anyone in need.”
“I apologize if it sounded disrespectful, it was only a joke,” Wickham said defensively, still with a trace of sharpness in his voice.
“A poor one, I must say,” the always amiable Bingley said, apparently offended.
“I find it inappropriate to mock someone who just saved us. I fear to imagine what could have happened if Mr. Darcy did not stop the horses,” Elizabeth said. She felt annoyed by Wickham’s rude comment in such a trying moment and was distressed with worry for Darcy’s absence.
The storm was still strong, blowing against the roof and the windows, and he was alone outside, without knowing the surroundings well enough. He might need help, while all the other men were safe in the cottage, not even considering looking for him.
“That is true! Mr. Darcy was like a hero – I never expected that from him! I was certain we would die, crushed under the broken carriage! Oh Lord! The carriage! Sir William will hold us responsible for it! He will rightfully demand compensation! Why did we not send for our carriage, instead of taking his?” Mrs. Bennet started to sob.
“Ma’am, I am sure nobody could hold us responsible for this unfortunate accident,” Wickham interjected. “Who could blame us for the storm or for the horses’ fright?”
“Who? Sir William! We have left him without a barouche! How can he not consider us responsible?”
“Mrs. Bennet,” I beg you do not worry about the barouche or about the horses,” Bingley interfered. “I will take care of everything. Even tomorrow, I will talk to Sir William.”
“You are too kind, sir,” Jane whispered. “My father will surely repay any inconvenience, but we are deeply grateful for your care.”
“Please do not mention it, Miss Bennet,” Bingley answered.
“You are the most generous and caring man, Mr. Bingley. And it is beyond kindness of Mr. Darcy to put his own safety in danger to save us and the horses. But all will be of little help if we freeze to death. Will you gentlemen not start a fire? There must be a tinderbox around the fireplace,” Mrs. Bennet inquired.
“Should we not see if Mr. Darcy needs help?” Elizabeth asked. It had been several minutes since they had been inside while he remained somewhere in the rain.
“No… I am sure he can manage the situation. He instructed me to stay inside and take care of you,” Bingley explained.
“Well, we can take care of the ladies very well if you wish to go,” Wickham declared sharply.
“It would be an excellent proof of care if you could start the fire,” Mrs. Bennet insisted with increasing annoyance. “I cannot feel my feet nor my hands.”
The men looked at each other perplexed, while the ladies gazed at them, hoping for help. Mr. Bingley, willing to be of use to Jane, quickly searched around, with the hope of finding something to start the fire. Lieutenant Denny joined him, followed reluctantly by Wickham. There was some wood and some tinder spread out in the fireplace, all wet and dirty and Bingley’s attempt failed.
“This will never ignite,” Mr. Bingley admitted, embarrassed and regretful.
“I agree,” Lieutenant Denny offered.
“We cannot use those, they are all wet and dirty,” Wickham declared.
“Well, thank God we all agree upon that matter. At least we will freeze in agreement,” Mrs. Bennet uttered, rolling her eyes.
“Perhaps we could at least light a candle, to see something,” Lieutenant Denny murmured.
Mrs. Bennet’s voice cut their ears.
“A candle? How can you light a candle with no fire? And if you had a lighting candle, why would you struggle to make another fire? I will lose my mind soon, I am sure! That is, if I do not freeze to death before!”
“Mama, there is nobody to blame for our situation. We can only try to make the best of it,” Jane interjected graciously.
“Making the best from the worst is not easy. I would hope that Mr. Wickham or Lieutenant Denny know how to light a fire. As an officer, you should know how to survive in the war; surely you can do so in a cottage.”
“If the tinderbox is useless, I do not see what else we can do,” Wickham said. “I was never occupied with this matter before. Usually there were servants around to spark the fire …”
“So we have the company of three gentlemen and we could use the presence of only one servant,” Mrs. Bennet continued.
Wickham appeared offended. “I will give it a try and see if I have any success,” he replied.
Mrs. Bennet cared little for his hurt feelings and admonished him further.
“Well, you should attempt it, sir. I doubt there will be servants in battle. And when we speak of fire, one can only succeed or fail. Trying is not enough. The fire is either burning or not and we will either catch a cold and die or not.”
“Mama,” Lydia intervened. “You cannot scold Mr. Wickham for being nice. He is doing everything he can. Besides, you said many times that people do not die from a mere trifling cold.”
“Well, we might start,” Mrs. Bennet concluded, irritated.
Elizabeth avoided entering into the debate, although she rather agreed with her mother. She looked at the old, ruined mantelpiece, at the wet tinderbox, then walked around the cottage, trying to find something useful. She found a kettle and some old tea bags – left behind there years ago. In the closet she found a few towels, some sheets – all dirty but at least dry.
“Perhaps these would help us to keep warm,” she said, sharing these items with her mother and sisters. Wickham also took a towel and shared it with his comrade, drying their faces and hair.
A few moments later, the wooden door opened and Darcy barged in, together with the wind whistling and the rain pattering. He was all wet, water dripping from his face and clothes. Trying to become accustomed to the darkness inside, he stopped in the doorframe, looking around. Elizabeth stepped forward toward him.
“How are the horses?” Bingley asked.
“Safe, I trust. The ones with the carriage were tangled in reins but fortunately none of them looked harmed, as little as I could see. Sadly, I could not hold any of them. I am sure they will run back home,” he answered with his usual severity.
“Mr. Wickham suspected you rode back to Netherfield,” Mrs. Bennet said, with obvious gladness to see him. He suddenly had become their hope for a happy ending to their distressing situation.
“I have not,” he responded bluntly. “We should start the fire; it is hard to say how long the storm will last and the ladies must be freezing.”
Mrs. Bennet raised her hands and rolled her eyes in exasperation.
“I have been saying that since we arrived but, unless you have your servants waiting outside, nobody seems able to start the fire.”
“We tried, Darcy. We are not such fools to ignore the obvious; we all know that we need a fire; there is no need for you to teach us,” Wickham said insolently. “But the tinderbox is all wet and muddy and it does not work.”
“Well, if it were clean and dry I could have done it myself,” Mrs. Bennet said, pulling the towel around her. “We could have prayed to the Lord to stop the rain so we can go home to warm by the fire.”
“Allow me, ma’am,” Darcy spoke with his regular cold politeness, purposely ignoring Wickham. He took off his coat and hat and put them on the back of a wooden, broken chair, then stepped to the fireplace. He kneeled near the hearth, his back blocking the others’ view. The ladies looked at each other, while Bingley hurried to kneel by his side and offered to help. Wickham rolled his eyes with a smirk, glancing meaningfully at the others. They heard Darcy’s moves, his blowing upon the tinder and knocking some stones together to ignite it; after a few long minutes, a flame and a welcoming red light brightened the frozen chamber and met equal joyful cheers and gaps of disbelief.
Darcy stood up, dusted his clothes and brushed his fingers over his messy hair. He briefly glanced at Elizabeth, then turned to Mrs. Bennet.
“You should sit by the fire to warm yourself, madam,” he said.
“Oh, what a lovely surprise! Mr. Darcy, you are a magician. I would have never expected that! Oh, I could really kiss you! You speak so little and do so much! What a man!”
With utter delight, she even stepped toward Darcy as Elizabeth watched with dismay, fearful her mother will truly kiss him. He stepped back, smiled with embarrassment, then bowed and took even more distance, pulling a chair closer to the mantelpiece.
“I believe here would work just fine,” he said to Mrs. Bennet, who received his attention with enough satisfaction to put any other gush of affection aside. Then Darcy, followed by Bingley, put other two chairs near the fireplace, but there were no more. Therefore, they chose a few bigger logs and put them down so the other girls could sit. Wickham and Denny did the same, and everyone was seated comfortably around the fire.
“I will look for some candles- there must be a few,” Elizabeth said.
“And – curiously – now that we have the fire, the candles might actually be of some use,” Mrs. Bennet returned with barely hidden reproaches. She was obviously angry with Wickham and Denny and blamed them for not handling the horses and for breaking Sir William’s carriage.
Elizabeth returned with four old candles; Darcy took two from her hands and lighting both, placed them around the room. There was a silent, mutual understanding between Elizabeth and Darcy that stirred them both in a strange and most pleasant way, despite their difficult circumstances.
“Oh, what a pleasure that someone saved us from dying frozen in Talbot’s old cottage. I declare there is nothing better than a good fire on a cold, rainy day,” Mrs. Bennet continued. “Mr. Darcy, you are simply the best man I have met in a long while.”
“You are too kind, ma’am; I surely do not deserve such praises, for doing what any other man would do. I am glad I could help. You should stay closer, you look very cold. Miss Elizabeth, perhaps you could find a kettle to boil some water and to make some tea? We can fill it with rainwater.”
She nodded and rose. “I actually found one…”
“Please sit and warm yourself – you look cold too,” Darcy said. “I will take it out to clean it and fill it with water,” Darcy said. Bingley hurried to help him once more, following him around the room. Darcy held the kettle and Bingley took a large jar; they exited into the storm, closing the door behind them.
“Mr. Darcy did not even take his coat; he will get all wet and cold,” Jane uttered.
“Well, we should not worry too much, he never falls ill. He is too proud to allow anyone to see any weakness. So he would rather die than keep to his bed,” Wickham pronounced.
“That is a very ungenerous statement, Mr. Wickham. We should all be grateful to Mr. Darcy for his care, not make jokes at his expense, while he is showing us so much consideration,” Elizabeth said coldly, disturbed by Wickham’s words and even more by his impertinent manners.
“I apologize, Miss Elizabeth. I am only trying to lighten our disposition and I am only speaking the truth. I believe we all have had to put up with Darcy’s pride and his disdainful manners since we met him. Even his helpful gestures are due to the pride of showing he can do what others cannot.”
Mrs. Bennet frowned and her lips twisted in a grimace of displeasure.
“It is true Mr. Darcy’s manners are not as amiable as other men’s , nor is he the most pleasant company most of the time. And I do not doubt he does loathe our company as much as we do his. But upon my word – in times of need, he seems to be everything a man should be! Pleasant manners, nice speeches and charming smiles are only useful in a ballroom. When one is about to die in a crashing carriage or in the storm, one needs a man, not the appearance of it,” Mrs. Bennet uttered severely.
That was so fantastic, Lory!!!! I love that you’ve taken us back to a cottage with some heavy rain!! This situation is quite different though! Mrs. Bennet is a hoot! And I love that some people are developing a more favorable opinion of Mr. Darcy! Yay! I cannot wait to see how this plays out!
Lory generously brings with her 2 LOVELY ebooks (WINNER’S CHOICE) for me to randomly give away to TWO lucky readers. Woot Woot!!!
To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, question, or some love for Lory below!
(And just for fun: tell us which book you’d choose if you were to win!)
- This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Lory!
- This giveaway ends April 26th!
Enjoyed the excerpt especially how Elizabeth kept sticking up for him every time Wickham would disparage him. And loved that Elizabeth being concerned her mother might actually kiss him.
Glad you enjoyed it. It was so much fun to write this story!
Mrs Bennet shone like a star in this scene! So funny 🙂
All the best with the new book, Lory!
Ceri, Mrs.Bennet is shining in many scenes in this story 🙂 🙂 🙂
When one is about to die in a crashing carriage or in the storm, one needs a man, not the appearance of it,” Mrs. Bennet uttered severely.
Mrs. B — putting GW in his place!! Love it.
Although, I did wonder how Lipton would have invented tea bags at that time. Maybe “bags of tea” or “tins of tea” ??
Rose – thanks for the feedback. I corrected the “tea bag” issue 🙂 “Poor” Wickham he will have more to suffer from Mrs. Bennet, I promise:-)
I am all anticipation that a new book is being published! I agree that it is a surprise that Mrs. Bennet is being pleasant to Mr. Darcy. I can easily imagine his horror at the thought of her kissing him. It is also good to see that Elizabeth is not being taken in my Wickham. Thank you for the giveaway.
Eva, there will be many surprises of this kind – hopefully pleasant 🙂 Good luck with the giveaway!
Oh yes! I loved Wickham being put in his place by Elizabeth, Bingley and Mrs Bennet of all people. I am amazed at the people trapped in the cottage, I was expecting just Darcy and Elizabeth as in Rainy Days but now I’ve seen that Elizabeth definitely seems to think well of Darcy and certainly doesn’t appear to be influenced by Wickham’s slurs!
Hopefully this bodes well for ODC and they can express their appreciation for each other sooner rather than later.
Please don’t enter me in the giveaway as I have already pre ordered this book and can’t wait to read it all.
I’m so happy that you are writing full time Lory as you know. I too can’t get enough of Darcy and Elizabeth, especially when you write such a romantic Darcy.
Glynis – thanks and hugs!
Enjoyed the excerpt.I liked how Mrs B rebuked Wickham’s so-called “jokes”. Congratulations on your new book. Thank you for the giveaway. I would choose “Ardently Loved”.
I am glad you enjoyed it, Mary. Good luck with the giveaway!
A Mrs. Bennet who approves of Darcy–I think he might prefer it the other way around, lol. This looks great. I’ve already pre-ordered my book, so don’t worry about the drawing for me–but I cannot wait for publication, Lory!!!!
Melanie, thank you so much!
Love the excerpt – looking forward to the book. Nice to see ODC may not have the usual obstacles to overcome. Mrs B is great !
Thanks for the chance.
Mary, there will still be some obstacles – even Wickham will be one of them, but in a different way.
I would very much like to win the books “A perfect match” and “Ardently loved” because that’s the way I feel with my husband.
Oh, how sweet, Michell! Send me a PM and I will gladly send them to you as a gift, just for saying something so sweet and romantic!
I enjoyed the excerpt, especially Mrs. Bennet’s speech in the last paragraph! That was very profound of her, LOL. Thanks for the giveaway.
Lauries, there will be several more profoudn speeches from Mrs. B in this story ! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Good luck!
Oh this new story is ripe with what could lead returns and twists! “Ardently Loved” would be my choice.
“Ardently loved” it is! Good luck in the giveaway. Hope you will enjoy the new story – it will be available in KU too.
I’d like to be included in the drawing! I already have a lot of her other books (they’re great), so I would want the new one excerpted here. Thanks for the give-away!
Thank your for your interest in my books, Coleen – and good luck!
What a lovely excerpt! I have all of Lory’s books and love them. Please do not include me in the drawing. Let some other lucky reader have the thrill of winning. 🙂
Dear Brenda – love and hugs!
Lovely excerpt; leaves me wanting more.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks and good luck!
6I really enjoyed this excerpt. Especially Mrs Bennet sticking up for Darcy. And Wickham beginning to lose the favorable appearance to the others. His true colors are showing in this difficult situation. This book is now on my wish list. I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for the generous give away.
I am glad you enjoyed it! The book will also be available in KU, but I will you good luck in the drawing!
I love this version of Mrs. Bennet! If Darcy is everything a man should be in times of need, it seems Mrs. Bennet is a wise woman when circumstances require it! 🙂 Congrats on the upcoming release. I enjoyed this excerpt!
Thanks so much! Yes, this Mrs. Bennet is a little bit wiser, althogh not more proper than in the original! 🙂
Congratulations on your new full-time venture! Loved the excerpt and Mrs. Bennet is seeing how useless and disagreeable Mr. Wickham is! Maybe she will influence Lydia to look elsewhere! As for which book, either this one or ‘Bitterness of Spirit.’ Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!
Thank you, Carole! A venture indeed! 🙂 Good luck in the drawing!
Nice to see Lory here! Thanks for the interview and giveaway. Love her books!
Thanks and hug, Jen! 🙂
Loved the excerpt! I can’t wait to see how the rest of the scene plays out!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway as well!
Pam, hope you will like the rest of the story too. Pretty much everythign else is somehow related to that day in the cottage. 😉 You are very welcome about the giveaway.
Sounds good. I don’t know which one I’d choose, but I do have Rainy Days and I think I also have The Perfect Match.
Michelle, good luck in the drawing and you may choose later 🙂
I just checked and I have, indeed, read all of this author’s books. So thank you for a chance to win this one. The excerpt made me wonder why Wickham and Denny are in this cottage as we know Darcy would avoid Wickham’s company.
Sheila, I want to thank you very much for reading and reviewing all my books! I really appreciate your effort! Good luck with this one and I hope you will enjoy it.
Sorry, I forgot to add that I would want the newest book, A Trifling Cold, as I have read the others and not this one.
This book looks so fun! Lock everyone in a cottage and see what happens! I look forward to reading it. Rainy Days was one of the first JAFF I ever read and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Heather – thanks for mentioning Rainy Days 🙂 “hugs”. Yes, this book was fun to write -hope you will like reading it too.
Love the excerpt. I just pre ordered the book yesterday. I have read all of her books and love them.
Shelley – thank you so, so much!
“one needs a man, and not the appearance of it.” Oh Lory, what words you’ve put in Mrs. Bennet’s mouth!! What a yummy excerpt to tease us with. Can’t wait to read this. Oh, I’d pick this one. The very best luck with the launch of this book, Lory. And congratulations on the challenge of a full time writing career.
My oh my, Meredith. No cell coverage? No internet? Did you get used to it after a day or so, or did it just get worse? Hey, I’m old! And I sometimes forget what to do with myself if I’m threatened with no cell or internet. Possible power outage? Run around and make sure everything is charged up, including the portable battery operated charger! 😀 Will we be seeing pictures next time?
Michelle – what a lovely adventure I am having with writing full time! (I admit I still take some business projects from time to time, though). But I have lots of JAFF stories started years ago and never had time to finish them until now! Good luck in the drawing!
I loved Rainy Days. I would have to go with the newest book A Trifling Cold. I think I have all the others. I am a big fan!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂
Fantastic excerpt! I’m excited for A Trifling Cold, just as I am for all your books.
Glad you enjoyed it. “A Trifling Cold” it is! Thanks and good luck !
Lory this is very exciting for your fans. I would of course pick either A Trifling Cold or His Uncle’s Favorite. I don’t know how I missed that one. I just reread Rainy Days and Rainbow Promise for the 3rd month in a row.
Teresa – how sweet of you to tell me about RD and TRP ! You really made my day! Thanks for your support and wish you lots of good luck in wining the last one.
Looking forward to reading Lory’s new book. Loved Rainy Days.
Thank you, Megan!
OMG!! I love this excerpt. I think everyone is about to [if not already] get a true picture of Wickham’s jealously of Darcy. What a sleaze. I grabbed the pre-order… thanks for the link. I have nearly all of Lory’s books. I did notice two were still on my wish-list. Blessings on the launch of this new book and your new venture in writing full time. I wish you well. I look forward to seeing your new work. Thanks to Meredith for hosting [say hello to your Mr. Bingley].
J.B – let me tell you how much I appreciate your constant support! Thanks so much for the warm wishes and I hope you will enjoy the new story. Many hugs and thanks.
Is Darcy going to catch a cold and Mrs. Bennet nurse him back to health! I must know!!
Ha ha – sort of. You will have to wait a little longer to find out. 😉
Great excerpt! Loving how Mrs. Bennet is seeing Darcy in a better light and his worth rather than Wickham and especially putting Wickham in his place. Congrats on your upcoming release and your plans to write full time. We look forward to reading more of your upcoming works.
Thanks so much for your support. Glad you enjoyed the fragment. There is much more of Mrs. Bennet and Wickham. 😉
This is a new approach to the ‘stuck in a cottage during a storm’ scenario. I wonder how long they will be there? I look forward to finding out.
Ginna – not a long staying, but very…enlightening 🙂
I´m waiting impatiently for your new book. Lory, you were the one who started my JAFF addiction. Years ago, I read Rainy Days and from then on I couldn´t stop. Thank you! I´d like to be included in the drawing. In case I win I´d like to have The Benefit of Extensive Reading.
Dorothee – how sweet of you to tell me that! Big hugs! You really made my day. Good luck in the drawing.
As a Superior Editrix I did notice at least 3 (three) errors in this witty section of your new novel! I do admit to being a perfectionist, which started while I was still in elementary school way back in the 1950s. However, I really enjoyed this selection and am looking forward to reading the whole.
Ha, ha – Julia, hope the errors are gone in the final draft. We had three more pairs of eyes through it after this post. (although I am sure there are still some left… sooo frustrating 🙂 ) Glad you enjoyed it.
I love your books Lory. Rainy days was one of the first JAFF books I bought and also one of my favorites. I’m glad you’ve written another story with this cottage and stormy weather. I loved the excerpt and look forward to reading more. Thanks for the giveaway. –Leslie
Thanks so much for your kind words, Leslie. The giveaway is my pleasure – good luck with it.
I was drawn in right away! Can’t wait to read this one.
Thank you! Tomorrow will be live!
Wonderful! Thoroughly enjoyed this excerpt and meeting this particular Mrs. Bennet–what a hoot! I like a woman who tells it like it is! Although I already own most of Lory’s books, I would like to be entered into the giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity!
Glad you liked Mrs. Bennet – trust me, you will like her even more after you read the entire book 🙂 Good luck in the drawing!
What an intriguing excerpt!! I can’t wait to read the whole book when it is available!! I have enjoyed so many of your books, Lory, and it is wonderful to have your work featured on Meredith’s lovely blog!
Susanne 🙂
Thanks so much, Susanne. Big hugs.
Lovely story looks so interesting
Thanks 🙂
I concur with you, love this Mrs Bennet. Such straight -to- the-point, clever, funny but meaning responses. Thank you for the thowback. thank you for the give-away.
Yeap, I had so much fun writing this Mrs. Bennet! Her interactions with Darcy and with Wickham were a delight to write. And she kept improving with each chapter lol Good luck with the giveaway.
What a hero Mr Darcy is! And I enjoyed seeing Wickham annoying people early on. Great excerpt!
Thank you. It was fun to have Mrs. Bennet of all people seeing the difference between the two men 🙂
That was a fantastic excerpt, Lory. I wonder why they are out on Sir William’s carriage when the Bennets have their own and where they are from and heading to. And it looks like Mrs Bennet is sensible enough to realise of Darcy’s worth.
The book will be available tomorrow and I hope you will enjoy the answers to your questions 🙂 Hugs.
Thanks so much for another lovey excerpt and showcase of Lory Lilian!