The Perfect Gift – Christie Capps

The Perfect Gift – Christie Capps

Pre-Teen Problems and Prejudice Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Author TYPE OF NOVEL: Modern-day Pride and Prejudice, Novella SYNOPSIS: Will Darcy needs help. His sister, Gianna, at the age of twelve, is on the brink of […]

Interview with Karen Cox and Emily Rahm!!!

Interview with Karen Cox and Emily Rahm!!!

Hi friends!! I hope you are enjoying a great weekend! I am very excited to welcome back author Karen Cox to Austenesque Reviews today! Karen is gearing up to release an audiobook for her lovely Emma retelling –  I Could Write […]

Austenesque Agenda – January 2019

Austenesque Agenda – January 2019

Happy 2019 sweet friends! I hope the year is treating you well so far! Or are you like me and still recovering/catching up from the holidays? Mr. Bingley and had an eventful holiday season…aside from the usual holiday busyness and […]