Austenesque ARC Giveaway #7!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #7!

If you’ve been a reader of this blog for some time than you know that my bookcase is pride and joy, and one of my favorite things to do is clean and re-organize my bookshelves (something I need to do […]

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #6!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #6!

It is time for another Austenesque ARC Giveaway!!!  This one is the Halloween edition!  All three books I have to give away are perfect reads for October!!  Especially if you like vampires! And as you might remember, I find these […]

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #5!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #5!

Is it weird that one of my favorite things to do over time off from holiday breaks is to clean, organize, go through our belongings, and remove things from my house?!? What did I do over Christmas break? Clean and […]

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #4!

Austenesque ARC Giveaway #4!

It’s that time again!  Since I am home alone this weekend and finding myself with lots of time to fill, I indulged in one of my favorite projects: cleaning and reorganizing my bookcase!  Which was badly needed…apparently the brilliant organizing […]