Only Mr. Darcy Will Do – Kara Louise

Only Mr. Darcy Will Do – Kara Louise

Another Arrestingly Beautiful Variation by Kara Louise! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Only Mr. Darcy Will Do, originally self-published as Something Like Regret in 2008, is another superior Pride and Prejudice variation by Kara […]

Nachtstürm Castle – Emily C. A. Snyder

Nachtstürm Castle – Emily C. A. Snyder

A Perfectly “Horrid” Sequel to Northanger Abbey Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Mom 🙂 Gather your wits about you, dear readers, and be on the lookout for secret passageways, ghostly apparitions, mysterious pieces of furniture, and […]

Winner of the Jane Goes Batty Giveaway!!!

Winner of the Jane Goes Batty Giveaway!!!

I am very pleased I was able to host a giveaway for this specatularly fun paranormal novel, and I’d like to thank the kind people of Ballantine Books for making that possible! In addition, I’d like to thank all of you […]

Jane’s Fame – Claire Harman + GIVEAWAY!!!

Jane’s Fame – Claire Harman + GIVEAWAY!!!

An Insightful Biography on Jane Austen’s Popularity and Phenomena Rating 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Those who know a little about Jane Austen’s life, know that she didn’t always enjoy the vast readership and iconic […]