What an exciting year 2012 was! It brought about a lot of changes for me and Mr. Bingley (my hubby). I’m very thankful for all the blessings and joys of 2012, and I very much am looking forward to discovering […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
What an exciting year 2012 was! It brought about a lot of changes for me and Mr. Bingley (my hubby). I’m very thankful for all the blessings and joys of 2012, and I very much am looking forward to discovering […]
A BIG thank you to all the authors, artisans, and friends who made this Christmas Celebration possible! Your generosity, kindness, and support is very much appreciated!! I’d like to take a moment to recognize all these wonderful people who featured […]
‘Tis the season…to play and listen to Christmas music! Mr. Bingley and I have been hard at work in his studio this morning, and we have put together a little recording. This is MY first time doing something like this, we hope […]
Making Christmas Memorable! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased A few of you may remember that several months ago I mentioned my affection for a precocious young knight named Ben Carlton (an original character of P. O. Dixon’s). For […]