Austenesque Agenda for January 2013

Austenesque Agenda for January 2013

I am very excited for the start of 2013!  Are you?  I love the feeling of turning over a new leaf, beginning anew, starting new goals…such a fun time of year for an organizational-goal-oriented-geek like me! I hope you all […]

One Thread Pulled – Diana Oaks

One Thread Pulled – Diana Oaks

Same Style and Fabric. Different Design! Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Variation – What if Elizabeth moved out of earshot before Darcy stated his ill-fated “barely tolerable” insult? TIME FRAME: […]

Winners of A Jane Austen Christmas Celebration!!!

Winners of A Jane Austen Christmas Celebration!!!

A BIG thank you to all the authors, artisans, and friends who made this Christmas Celebration possible!  Your generosity, kindness, and support is very much appreciated!!  I’d like to take a moment to recognize all these wonderful people who featured […]