Rain and Retribution – L. L. Diamond

Rain and Retribution – L. L. Diamond

What if Life Wasn’t So “Light and Bright?”  Rating: 4 out of 5 stars   Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Variation TIME FRAME: Morning after the Netherfield Ball to almost a year later MAIN CHARACTERS: Elizabeth Bennet, […]

Excerpt + Giveaway with Author L. L. Diamond

Excerpt + Giveaway with Author L. L. Diamond

Hello friends, today I have the very special pleasure of welcoming Austenesque author, L. L. Diamond to Austenesque Reviews.  Ms. Diamond has recently released two Austenesque novels, her first novel, Rain and Retribution, is a Pride and Prejudice alternate path […]

Downton Top Ten: Characters

Downton Top Ten: Characters

As some of you may already know, I’m an ardent fan of Downton Abbey.  These past couple of weeks I prepared myself for Season 4 by re-watching (numerous times!) Seasons 1-3.  And now I am currently watching Season 4 (without […]