Excerpt + Giveaway with Author J. Dawn King

Excerpt + Giveaway with Author J. Dawn King

Hello dear readers, today Austenesque Reviews is paid a visit from a lovely new author, Joy Dawn King, who just published a new Pride and Prejudice variation titled A Father’s Sins.  Joy has thoughtfully prepared a little Q&A and excerpt to share with […]

Winners of Artemisia!!!

Winners of Artemisia!!!

I’d like to extend a big thank you to D. G. Rampton for so kindly asking me to review her lovely traditional Regency romance, Artemisia, and for offering a spectacular giveaway in conjunction with her guest post!  Thank you, Diana!  I greatly enjoyed […]

Dear Mr. Knightley – Katherine Reay

Dear Mr. Knightley – Katherine Reay

Learning to Live Outside Her Novels Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author When Samantha Moore was twenty-two and a recent graduate from Roosevelt College she was offered a full-expense-paid grant and scholarship to earn her master’s […]

Austenesque Agenda for June 2014

Austenesque Agenda for June 2014

Happy June readers!  Wow, did May go by fast!  For Mr. Bingley and me, it was a month filled with beautiful weather and we did are best to get outside and enjoy it as much as possible on our screened-in […]