Winner of The Second Chance!!!

Winner of The Second Chance!!!

Big thank you to Joana Starnes for not only writing a wonderful crossover variation for Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, but for so kindly asking me to review it here on my blog!  The Second Chance is lovely, and if […]

Ask Eleanor – Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess

Ask Eleanor – Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess

Inspired by Sense and Sensibility, But with Quite A Few Twists Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Authors In their latest collaboration, Ask Eleanor, authors Laura Briggs and Sarah Burgess pen a contemporary tale about two […]

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Sophia Rose

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Sophia Rose

Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Sophia Rose!  I hope you enjoy her post as much as I did, definitely made me laugh! 🙂  She’s super brave for going first, isn’t she? ~~~ You:  Tell us about yourself  I am a married […]

Austenesque Top Ten: Summer Reads

Austenesque Top Ten: Summer Reads

I think it time for another Austenesque Top Ten list, don’t you? Now that we are in the middle June and for many of us the summer season is in full swing, I thought it would fun to do make a list […]