A Very Plain Young Man – Christina Dudley

A Very Plain Young Man – Christina Dudley

How I Adore This Ingenuous and Enchanting Family! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author A Very Plain Young Man is Book Two in the Hapgoods of Bramleigh series by Christina Dudley (a Traditional Regency romance […]

Winners of the Claire M. Johnson Giveaways!!!

Winners of the Claire M. Johnson Giveaways!!!

I’d like to thank author Claire Johnson for her lovely visit to  Austenesque Reviews and participating in an interview with me (such a brave soul!)  In addition, I’m thrilled to be giving away some of Claire’s books to some readers today and I’d like […]

Austenesque Agenda for September 2014

Austenesque Agenda for September 2014

 Happy September, Austenesque Friends! Well, I thought we were laying low this summer and not doing any traveling…turns out Mr. Bingley had other ideas.  He planned a lovely one-day trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for my birthday! Knowing how much I love […]