Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Jane Odiwe

Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Jane Odiwe

Thank you so much, Meredith, for hosting me on your blog today. Mr Darcy’s Christmas Calendar is a new novella for the holidays. I’ve loved writing this book, combining some of my favourite things – Jane Austen, Christmas, and a […]

Guest Post + Giveaway with Kate Coombs

Guest Post + Giveaway with Kate Coombs

Hi readers!  I’m so excited to welcome author Kate Coombs to Austenesque Reviews today!  Kate is here to celebrate her latest release, Goodnight Mr. Darcy, which, if you didn’t already know is a Baby-Lit parody of Goodnight Moon.  Thank you, Kate […]

To Refine Like Silver – Jeanna Ellsworth

To Refine Like Silver – Jeanna Ellsworth

Mr. Darcy Learns to Fully Rely on God Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author If you weren’t already aware, To Refine Like Silver, is a Pride and Prejudice variation that includes themes of a spiritual […]