Cover Reveal for A Will of Iron!!!

Cover Reveal for A Will of Iron!!!

Time for another cover reveal, my Austenesque friends!!  Don’t you just love looking at covers and figuring out how they tie in to the story?  I admit I do!  I’m such a cover-junkie! Please help us welcome Linda Beutler as […]

No Cause to Repine – Rose Fairbanks

No Cause to Repine – Rose Fairbanks

What If Mr. Darcy Fell into a Compromising Position?!? Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Variation SETTING: March 1812 during Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s simultaneous visits to Kent MAIN CHARACTERS: Darcy, Elizabeth […]

Suddenly Mrs. Darcy – Jenetta James

Suddenly Mrs. Darcy – Jenetta James

What If Mrs. Bennet Saw Mr. Darcy in a Compromising Pose with Elizabeth? Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher You can easily imagine what she would do, right? Yep, the hysterics and accusations would fly, […]