Austenesque Novel Finds – August 2015

Austenesque Novel Finds – August 2015

Curious about all the Austenesque novels published this past month?  Well here they are! 🙂 *This list will be updated in the next couple of days as amazon sometimes takes a day or two to show newly added releases in search results… […]

Winners of Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley!!!

Winners of Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley!!!

I’d like to thank author Shannon Winslow for her lovely visit to  Austenesque Reviews and for sharing a bit about her lovely recreation of Georgiana Darcy!  I’m such a fan of her portrayal and wish I could be Georgiana’s best friend!  Also, thank you, Shannon for […]

Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley – Shannon Winslow

Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley – Shannon Winslow

Georgiana Darcy, A Sympathetic and Sensitive Heroine Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars* Source: Review Copy from Author In her latest release, Shannon Winslow circles back to her debut novel, a Pride and Prejudice sequel titled The Darcys of Pemberely, […]