*This list will be updated in the next couple of days as amazon sometimes takes a day or two to show newly added releases in search results… **This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations. (Some of these […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
*This list will be updated in the next couple of days as amazon sometimes takes a day or two to show newly added releases in search results… **This is a list of books published, not my personal recommendations. (Some of these […]
“Poor, Obscure, Plain, and Little” Mary Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Alternate Point-of-View, Minor Character TIME FRAME: From Mary Bennet’s early childhood to 3-4 years after the close of Pride and Prejudice MAIN […]
Hi readers! I am very excited to welcome Monica Fairview, author of a newly released Pride and Prejudice variation titled, Mr. Darcy’s Pride and Joy to Austenesque Reviews today! This new release is the third book in Monica’s The Darcy […]
A VERY big thank you to Cat Gardiner for paying such a lovely visit to Austenesque Reviews! I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it a gain. It was such a treat to have this opportunity to interview you and […]