Winners of Undercover and A Moment Forever Giveaways!!!


A VERY big thank you to Cat Gardiner for paying such a lovely visit to Austenesque Reviews!  I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it a gain.  It was such a treat to have this opportunity to interview you and I appreciate your willingness to participate in our interview!

I cannot wait to read A Moment Forever.  I love all the wonderful things I am hearing about it and I can’t wait to travel back to another time with Cat Gardiner and her characters. I’ve loved everything I’ve read by Cat Gardiner and I’m so delighted to see that she is working on a sequel to Denial of Conscience!! *happy dance*

Thank you, Cat for sponsoring such generous giveaways; I am happy to share the opportunity to win these lovely prizes with some lucky readers!

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to read Cat’s post and shared your thoughts!  You all are an awesome bunch! 😉

Without further ado…the randomly selected winners are…

Savvygirl65 ~~~ Undercover paperback

Jenetta James ~~~ Undercover ebook

Geri ~~~ A Moment Forever ebook

Winners, when it is convenient, email me the email address/address you’d like your books to be sent to!


Psst!  If you want to see the tables turned a bit, I’m over at Tabby Cow divulging the story of my discovery of Jane Austen and how she has changed my life!  There is also a fab giveaway package for Ada Bright’s and Cassandra Grafton’s new release – The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen in conjunction with the post!


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners. I loved Undercover and have A Moment Forever on my wish list. Enjoy

  2. Congratulations, ladies!! Thank you everyone for your amazing comments and for always making me feel welcome. Coming to Austenesque Reviews is like having lunch with special girlfriends! Thank you, Meredith for the wonderful interview and for being such an incredible hostess and friend. Thank you for all you do for the JAFF community! We love you!

  3. Congrats, ladies!

    Meredith, your post at Tabby Cow is lovely! I loved reading about how you “met” Jane Austen and your story with Mr. Bingley is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it and for all your work here at Austenesque Reviews. 😉

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