Hello readers! Austenesque Reviews is getting ready to celebrate it’s Blogiversary next month (turning 7! wow!) and I thought it would be super fun to celebrate by hosting a group read! I’ve only done one group read here and that […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Hello readers! Austenesque Reviews is getting ready to celebrate it’s Blogiversary next month (turning 7! wow!) and I thought it would be super fun to celebrate by hosting a group read! I’ve only done one group read here and that […]
*The titles that have highlighted links are the ones I have read and reviewed on this blog **This list is in chronological order based on the publication year Note: this list does not include books that are published as ebooks […]
Hello readers! I am so excited to welcome back author Lory Lilian to Austenesque Reviews today! As you may have seen, not too long ago Lory released a sequel (The Rainbow Promise) to one of her most beloved Pride and Prejudice […]
The Green Girl and The Notorious Rake Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased In one of her most popular and beloved novels, Georgette Heyer introduces readers to Miss Venetia Lanyon, a twenty-five year old beauty tucked away in […]