Looking for some gift ideas inspired by Jane Austen? We got you covered! I just loooooooooove Jane Austen-inspired items. It is so much fun to celebrate your love for Jane Austen in other areas of your life, isn’t it? Here […]

Jane Austen Book Blog
Devoted to the reading, reviewing, and celebrating of all things Austenesque!
Looking for some gift ideas inspired by Jane Austen? We got you covered! I just loooooooooove Jane Austen-inspired items. It is so much fun to celebrate your love for Jane Austen in other areas of your life, isn’t it? Here […]
Hi friends! It is almost Thanksgiving here and I thought it an appropriate time to do another ARC Giveaway! I’m so thankful for all of you who read and visit this blog! For the conversations, recommendations, and kind words – […]
Sand and Sailing Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Persuasion Modern-Day Retelling SETTING: present-day summer in Old Lyme, Connecticut MAIN CHARACTERS: Hanna (Anne), Derick (Wentworth), Ella Musgrove (Louisa), Eli Williams (William Elliot), Charles and […]
Hi readers! I’m so excited to welcome another author from the fabulous Holidays with Jane series to Austenesque Reviews today – Jennifer Becton! In addition to the Holidays with Jane series, Jennifer Becton has published many wonderful stories about the minor characters of […]