Guest Post with Author Karen M. Cox!!!

Guest Post with Author Karen M. Cox!!!

Hi friends!  I hope your Mondays are off to a great start!  As you might already beware, the talented, award-winning author Karen Cox has a new book about to release and it is a retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma!  I […]

Master Under Good Regulation – Kara Louise

Master Under Good Regulation – Kara Louise

Reggie Lends Mr. Darcy A Helping Hand…erm…Paw! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased At the tender age of fifteen, a grieving and motherless Fitzwilliam is brought to select a trusty companion of his very own from a litter […]

The Longbourn Letters – Rose Servitova

The Longbourn Letters – Rose Servitova

A Mr. Bennet and Mr. Collins Bromance! Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Epistolary Novel TIME FRAME: 1791 through early 1798 MAIN CHARACTERS: Mr. Collins and Mr. Bennet SYNOPSIS: In Pride […]