Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions – Maria Grace

Fine Eyes and Pert Opinions – Maria Grace

An Excellent Deviation That Could Be More Deeply Explored Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author If you have encountered Maria Grace’s books before, then you know she isn’t afraid to come up with wholly unique […]

Faro’s Daughter – Georgette Heyer

Faro’s Daughter – Georgette Heyer

The Gamesters Have Met Their Match Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Purchased What happens when a twenty-year-old young buck falls in love with and proposes marriage to Deborah Grantham, a beautiful faro dealer? What happens when the outrageously […]

Winner of A Remedy Against Sin!!!

Winner of A Remedy Against Sin!!!

Happy weekend, friends! I have one lucky giveaway winner to announce today and then I am off to celebrate Mr. Bingley’s birthday!! 🥳 He isn’ much for birthday celebrations, but I need to celebrate this day because I’m so happy […]