Austenesque Reviews One Year Blogiversary

Austenesque Reviews One Year Blogiversary

My blog, Austenesque Reviews, is officially ONE YEAR OLD today!  My first post, written exactly a year ago when I was very very new to the blog world, was a simple Welcome Post informing readers what my blog would be […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Persuasion

A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Persuasion

**This list is in chronological order based on the publication year through 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ – Still Believing: A Modern Day Retelling of Jane Austen’s ‘Persuasion’ by Eloise Cole © 2019  M – It’s Always Been You and Me (Wedding Planners […]

Winners of Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #30!!!

Winners of Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #30!!!

Happy Sunday, friends! I’m so happy to announce a collection of giveaway winners today! 🎁 Thank you to all the lovely readers who have entered the latest Austenesque ARC Giveaway!! I’m always so happy to help books find new homes and […]