Journey of Love – Brenda Webb

A Satisfying Sequel to Proof of Love

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Sequel to Proof of Love – a Pride and Prejudice variation

TIME FRAME: Begins around 4-5 years after the close of Proof of Love

THE PREMISE: Some distressing developments about Georgiana’s marriage has reached the Darcys, and so Mr. Darcy decides to embark on a trip to Ireland to visit her, but the journey is not smooth. And both Georgiana and Elizabeth have some cause for concern when they hear tales about storms and shipwrecks…


  • A Happy Household: How lovely it was to witness the Darcys sharing some sweet and ardent moments together. They are currently a family of four, and both Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are the most devoted of parents. Bennet and Anne are so endearing and precocious! I loved their family time together, especially around the grounds at Pemberely and at the beach in Weymouth. And I melted at every interaction Bennet had with an adult.
  • Adventures Abroad: While I love seeing the scenes of idyllic happiness at Pemberley, I was excited for Mr. Darcy’s journey to Ireland to check on Georgiana – especially with seeing first hand his experiences in Liverpool and traveling by boat. There were an abundance of adventures and misadventures happening in the Irish Sea. I enjoyed the new tension and excitement these new situations produced. However, there were also a lot of new characters to keep track of and I found it challenging to keep them and their storylines straight.
  • Lady Selina: This is one new character I loved! She is a bold, independent, and capable woman who is searching for her cousin. I love that she not only takes care of herself, but is also caring about the welfare of others. She may be strong and direct on the outside, but a soft and loving heart is revealed on the inside.
  • Colonel Fitzwilliam: The MVP of this sequel! A man of action, a man of purpose who is ready to swoop in with a rescue at any moment. Swoon. I loved witnessing his mission to discover what has become of his cousin and his determination to protect Elizabeth and her children at all costs. He shares a lot of special moments with a many characters in this novel – not just Darcy and Elizabeth – but also Georgiana, Bennet, and Lady Selina.


  • The Extreme Antagonist: Proof of Love had a spectacularly loathsome and original villain, and over the years Brenda Webb has created some of the most devious and abhorrent love-to-hate villains. However, I didn’t feel that way about the antagonist in this book. They were not original, their motives were predictable but wildly extreme, and their whole storyline felt a bit farfetched. Not to mention their unexpected return in the fourth act seemed a little unnecessary.
  • It’s Probably Me: I think my own preferences for internal conflicts/development impaired some of my enjoyment of this story. It is challenging to generate compelling conflicts and tension after happily-ever-after has been achieved, and that is why sequels are not my favorite type of Austenesque work. Brenda Webb creates a lot of tension and drama with external forces in this story, but I found them a little hard to connect with and not as powerful as the other obstacles and internal conflicts I’ve seen her establish. I think readers who prefer seeing Darcy and Elizabeth in harmony fighting against external forces will love this story more than I did.

NOTE: While this book can be read as a stand alone, I think it is beneficial for the reader to be familiar with the events from Proof of Love because there are quite a few new developments and new characters that were introduced in that book.


💗 A most satisfying sequel for readers who love to see Darcy and Elizabeth deeply in love and facing external challenges together.

❣️ Vile schemes, sinister rogues, and violent storms are no match for Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s enduring and powerful love.

🗡️ Colonel Fitzwilliam fans will love witnessing both his heroic actions and whirlwind romance in this sequel.

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  1. I read “Journey to Love,” and I enjoyed it. I thought Darcy and Elizabeth were wonderful and that the vicar and his wife were excellent friends to Elizabeth while Darcy was away. The antagonists never stood a chance!

  2. Thanks so much for your review. I really enjoyed both of these books and was glad when the sequel came out. I also love stories with children and thought little Bennet was a perfect son for Darcy and Elizabeth and a great comfort to Elizabeth when there was so much uncertainty about her husband’s disappearance.