Spellbound at Pemberley – Abigail Reynolds

What If Mr. Darcy’s Secret England-Saving-Mission Necessitated Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Fantasy Variation

SERIES: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Mage #1 (This story is not standalone and events will not fully conclude in this book)

THE PREMISE: Mr. Darcy is a talented Mage, and he preparing for a mission to save England when he discovers that none other than Elizabeth Bennet can enhance his magical abilities. And so he must marry her to ensure his mission has a chance of succeeding. The only problem is, Elizabeth detests him, is bonded to Longbourn, and loathes being told what to do…


  • An Enchanting New Course: Abigail Reynolds continues to conceive and weave together the most fascinating and original Austenesque novels! With its historical and fantasy tie-ins, this one is especially unique and different. The only familiar plots points that take place are Mr. Darcy’s insult and Jane falling sick at Netherfield. Both of which happen prior to the story beginning. Instead this tale introduces us to another world where Elizabeth has strong and secret abilities, Mr. Bennet is reclusive for other reasons, and Mr. Darcy is so much more than the master of Pemberley.
  • “For the Liveliness of Your Magic:” It isn’t Elizabeth’s impertinence that compels Mr. Darcy to propose, it’s the fact that their magic is uniquely able to entwine and not repulse each other. A rarity as other Mages are constantly besieged by pain when near each other. And so this proves to be a very unique path for Darcy and Elizabeth to traverse together. While Mr. Darcy’s initial offensive remark is still rankles, Elizabeth has yet to form an intense animosity towards him. And while he has some admiration and attraction towards the young country miss, Mr. Darcy is not full-gone in love with her. I loved seeing the development of their relationship with this different beginning and circumstances.
  • Land Magic, Repulsion, and Magical Creatures: As always, Abigail Reynolds is phenomenal at world-building. And with her Fantasy-inspired Austenesque, she always finds a way to create new rules, customs, and elements that are compelling, different, and plausible. Some of the new and different elements featured in this story were magical Talent that communed with homelands, the use of magic in war, the challenges of powerful Mages repulsing each other, and the relationship with familiars and other magical creatures. All of these combined created a very enthralling story!
  • New Characters: I don’t think anyone will complain about seeing lesson of Wickham, Collins, and Lady Catherine in this book. Instead Lady Anne, Lady Frederica, and Lady Amelia become some key players in this tale. It is a rarity to read a story where Lady Anne is alive and powerful, and I’m eager to see more of her relationship with her son. Lady Frederica, Mr. Darcy’s cousin, is becoming more and more likable with each encounter, and I hope her friendship with Elizabeth continues to grow. And Lady Amelia, Elizabeth great-grandmother, is amazing – I’m so excited to see learn more about her and see her interact with these characters. Furthermore, I’m elated about the fact that these are all strong female characters – I feel like they will become crucial to any success in this story.
  • Fantasy, Folklore, History, Politics: It isn’t just about first impressions, overcoming pride or prejudice, or discovering love – Abigail Reynolds is weaving together so much more! It is quite an impressive and detailed backdrop. There is family, tradition, secrets, war, and Napoleon. All these elements are woven together to create this world where Mr. Darcy has an important mission and crossing paths with Elizabeth Bennet ends up being the most fortuitous meeting imaginable for them all.


  • I hesitate to say anything because this may happen in the next book, but I wouldn’t mind more focus on Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s relationship and the evolution of their feelings…


🧙🏼 I’m completely under this story’s spell – seized, entranced, invested, and aching for more.

🪄 Abigail Reynolds once again conjurers up a creative, compelling, and complex fantasy world that is extensive, well-constructed, and eminently enticing.

🐉  This first book is the beginning of a most epic adventure – and I’m thrilled to experience it with Darcy, Elizabeth, and their relations.

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Good News! Book #2 of this series – The Magic of Pemberley – is releasing next week!

And I believe the first book is currently on sale for $0.99!


  1. I loved this first book! I always like an early Darcy and Elizabeth marriage and I especially love the reason here. I enjoyed how their relationship grew. I’m desperately waiting for book 2. I’ve read the first chapter and already love it! Elizabeth’s great grandma has some amazing advice for Darcy! 😉

  2. I am super intrigued by this one – and totally snagged my 99-cent copy of the ebook! 😀 I’ve read a couple other variations where Darcy & Elizabeth have magic/that’s the basis of the connection, but this one sounds so good. Plus fall is such a good time for fantasy 🙂

  3. I loved this first book and I’m so looking forward to the next installment in the story. I absolutely adore Elizabeth’s grandmother!!!! And those who enjoy audiobooks you seriously need to listen to this one it has two fabulous narrators that just bring the book even more to life. And those who are not accustomed to audiobooks this would be one that I would recommend that you try.

  4. Hi Meredith,
    Can you believe I haven’t read any book of Abigail Reynolds yet? And this fantasy novel sounds so good I think it’s a great chance to start with Ms Reynolds’ books
    I love the covers of the first and second novels and they seem the perfect choice for autumn readings.
    And thank you for telling us about the special price of the ebook!

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