Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Melissa Anne!!!

Hi friends! I’m very excited to welcome back author Melissa Anne to Austenesque Reviews today! Her newest Pride and Prejudice variation came out just last week and it sounds quite interesting – Darcy and Elizabeth’s Dreams of Redemption. 🙌🏼

I love the idea of both Darcy and Elizabeth experiencing some prophetic dreams and how that might alter how they think and act regarding each other.😴 💭

Melissa is here today to share an excerpt from Darcy and Elizabeth’s Dreams of Redemption. We hope you enjoy! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Darcy and Elizabeth are both plagued by dreams of the proposal at Hunsford after the Netherfield Party departs. These dreams force Darcy to reevaluate his decision to reject Elizabeth as a possibility, as well as his treatment of her, while forcing Elizabeth to reconsider what she knows about the gentleman and the stories she heard about him. In chapter 2, we meet Elizabeth as she contemplates her changing feelings for several gentlemen of her acquaintance.

~ Excerpt from Chapter 2 ~

Since the night of the ball, Elizabeth Bennet had been annoyed by everything and everyone. Nearly all the men she knew—Mr. Wickham, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Collins, Mr. Bingley—became the target of her vexation. Her father also earned a spot for his indolence and his ability to laugh at his family instead of doing anything to correct their behaviour.

This morning, she escaped from her house for a walk. Normally she would not walk out on such a cool day, but she was nearly desperate for time alone, away from her family—time to think.

The ball at Netherfield had been a disaster. To no one’s surprise, her entire family had acted in a way that mortified her. Kitty and Lydia had drunk too much of the punch and ran around like little flirts. Mary’s playing had been awful, and the way her father had corrected her embarrassed not only Mary but everyone near enough to hear. Her mother had spoken loudly and often about her hopes for Jane and Mr. Bingley and refused to moderate herself. Elizabeth knew Mr. Darcy had heard it all. She had little doubt that he was to blame for Mr. Bingley’s leaving Netherfield.

The news that the Bingley party had departed for London mere hours afterwards should not come as a shock, though she still held out hope that Mr. Bingley would return. However, the longer he was away, the more she wondered if he would, despite how often she reassured her sister.

Mr. Collins proposed the following day, assured of his acceptance, and would not hear her refuse him. Mama had tried to demand she accept, but thankfully her father had refused to require it of her, though even that was done in a sardonic manner that poked fun at her mother, Mr. Collins, and herself. And yet he had taken no action to prevent it, even though she had told him on more than one occasion that Mr. Collins appeared to be pursuing her and that his attentions were unwelcome.

All of this was difficult enough without the additional complication of the last two gentlemen. Mr. Wickham had not attended the ball as he said he would. At first, she was inclined to believe his excuses and to blame Mr. Darcy for his defection, but other things had made her question his claims. He had said that Mr. Darcy would not drive him away, yet he did not attend because of the other gentleman’s presence. He claimed to have done so to avoid a scene, but Mr. Darcy was the last person to make a scene in public.

In truth, it was the memory of Mr. Darcy that sent Elizabeth outdoors this morning. More accurately, it was the dream she had of him the previous night, in which the arrogant, frustrating, haughty man had dared to propose to her in the worst way imaginable. Mr. Collins’s proposal had been awful and insulting; Mr. Darcy’s words in her dream had somehow been far worse. Just like Mr. Collins, he had had little doubt of his reception, and believed that Elizabeth would never deign to refuse him.

At least Mr. Darcy had professed some affection for her. Recalling the words from her dream, she replayed what he had said:

“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

What came next, however, was not only insulting but offensive. He called their possible connection a degradation to his own status in society. The events that followed did neither of them any credit. She was shrewish; he was arrogant and proud. The two fiercely argued. Frankly, Elizabeth was surprised to learn that the man did, apparently, have feelings. In all their acquaintance, she had never seen him appear to possess even a modicum of emotions, but he had in her dream.

Part of her wanted to dismiss the whole dream as purely fanciful, but something made her wonder if it were mere fantasy or some sort of prophecy. Elizabeth laughed at the thought. “Mr. Darcy would never stoop so low as to offer for me,” she voiced into the wind.

Despite this assurance, she recalled the pained look in his eye when she flung her final words at him in the dream:

“I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.”

That had hurt him. It was as though time had stood still for a moment as she said it, and she saw him wince and noted the hurt look in his eyes. Perhaps his stated affection for her was not merely a figment of her imagination as she first thought.

She sighed heavily as she recounted his parting words:

“You have said quite enough, madam. I perfectly comprehend your feelings, and have now only to be ashamed of what my own have been. Forgive me for having taken up so much of your time, and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness.”

Almost as soon as he departed from the room, she was transported into a grove where she saw him again. This time, he was holding out a letter to her. No words were spoken as time once again stood still, but she glimpsed pain in his eyes. Lingering behind the pain was the same look that her Uncle Gardiner so often bestowed on his wife, the only couple of her acquaintance that had a love match.

Her confusion over the feelings the dream had aroused had sent her out of doors to puzzle out its meaning on her walk. Surely, Mr. Darcy could not truly harbour an affection for her. After all, she was merely “tolerable.” He had stared at her frequently throughout their acquaintance, and she knew he disdained her family. Not only that, but she suspected he was behind Mr. Bingley’s delayed return to Netherfield. Miss Bingley’s letter indicated the friends were spending time together, and while Elizabeth did not credit the implication that Mr. Bingley was pursuing Miss Darcy, she wondered if Mr. Darcy was not conspiring with Miss Bingley to keep the two apart.

Shaking her head as if to clear it, she determined to ponder the matter no further. She would never cross paths with Mr. Darcy again, and if she did, she would let his behaviour guide her. Through the dream, she had come to think a little better of the man. Something in it made her question the veracity of Mr. Wickham’s claims against him, and it occurred to her how his admission breached propriety.

Mr. Wickham had waited until Elizabeth affirmed Mr. Darcy’s unpopular standing in Meryton before divulging their history to her. Moreover, despite his avowal of reluctance to disparage the family, he proceeded to do just that. Not only did he tell her, but the narrative of the denied living spread among the town mere days after Mr. Darcy’s departure. Though she was unconcerned by this before, Elizabeth’s dream prompted her to reassess their dynamic, leaving her with a disquieting sense of having too eagerly embraced the gentleman’s account.

Feeling no better, Elizabeth realised she had been away from home too long and grudgingly returned.

Oooh I like Elizabeth contemplating and analyzing these aspects about Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham! Especially this early in their acquaintance! I wonder what her next encounter with Mr. Darcy or Mr. Wickham will be like and if her dreams will start to impact how she reacts to them… 🤔

~ About Melissa ~

Melissa Anne never intended to write a book. However, after reading dozens (hundreds) of variations of Pride and Prejudice, she decided to give it a shot. She started posting on a Fan Fiction site and soon grew an audience that appreciated her work.

In the last year, she has managed to finish and self-publish seven full-length novels and one novella, all based on the characters and setting of Pride and Prejudice. Three of her books have become audiobooks, and she plans to publish more in the future.

While most of her books adhere to the original Regency era time period of Pride and Prejudice, Finding Love at Loch Ness is a sweet variation where American grad student Elizabeth Bennet encounters and falls in love with a Scottish William Darcy.

Hailing from East Tennessee, Melissa Anne has settled in Georgia with her husband and three children. Melissa Anne is a pseudonym.



Today, Melissa brings with her ONE ebook copy of her new novel, Darcy and Elizabeth’s Dreams of Redemption, for me to giveaway to ONE lucky winner!

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, a question, or some love for Melissa!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Melissa!
  • This giveaway ends July 12th!


  1. Read it! Loved it! Melissa Anne has joined a few other authors whose books I read as soon as they come out on KU. She doesn’t make D&E wallow in the mire of misunderstandings for more than is reasonable. She generally brings them together early and lets the team up against the world. Great job, Melissa Anne.

  2. I have read this book and it’s terrific! I am a huge Melissa Anne fan and am in awe at how quickly she gifts us with new stories. I don’t know how she manages to conceive so many new scenarios but I’m happy she has that talent. Her books tend to pair Darcy and Elizabeth early on and have.them work to overcome obstacles as a team. Love it! This story is particularly interesting with both Darcy and Elizabeth dreaming of the infamous proposal and aftermath and so both are ready to consider a relationship when next they meet. Not to be missed!

  3. Thank you for new book of Elizabeth and Darcy, very exciting! I love all of Melissa Anne’s books, sne is the first author i always look for, i especially love those made available in audiobook format. My favourite which i have read many times over is HEARTS ENTWINED. I am very excited for this new book DARCY AND ELIZABETH DREAMS OF REDEMPTION.

  4. I have already borrowed this story through KU. I have read 6 of this author’s stories.

  5. Love all her stories, especially loved Hearts Entwined. Having read Dreams of Redemption on the boards, I look forward to reading the published version

  6. I’ve read several of her stories and enjoyed them. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this new one! I’m looking forward to reading it.

  7. To dream of the future and avoid your mistakes, a fate us real people would like, too! I love these supernatural books, always a new take on a classic!

  8. (Push, nudge, shove) Dang! It’s like… get in line. Look at all these fans and followers. Fan girl, here. I also read Melissa Anne’s stories on Fan Fiction. I then put it on my wish list and grab it on KU. It works. I Loved this story. As someone stated before, I love it when D&E can work out their problems early. Heavy sigh. Good luck to all in the drawing.

  9. This sounds like an interesting and fresh idea for a plot, and I absolutely love the cover!!! The roses and that dress are delicate and beautiful! Good Luck to everyone in the drawing, and congrats to the author for another release!

  10. I’ve read and loved several of Melissa Anne’s books and this is definitely high on my wish list. A favourite storyline of mine is when Elizabeth realises early on that Wickham isn’t what he seems and that she’s possibly misjudged Darcy too. Hopefully Darcy will dream that his first proposal should have stopped after telling Elizabeth he loved and admired her? Can’t wait to read this one.

  11. I do like it when Elizabeth comes to realize Wickham is not all he seems early on. Prophetic dream indeed!

  12. Really love the cover of this book – the simplicity of the dress and the muted colors. I like that fact that both Elizabeth and Darcy are trying to look at each other differently through dreams. I laughed that Elizabeth even found a spot for being vexed with her father. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

  13. I enjoyed this story & hope that others will take the time to read it. Please don’t enter me into the drawing as I already have the book.

  14. I loved this excerpt! Thank you for make me notice this book! It really sounds like a wonderful story! I liked this twist after the ball!

  15. The excerpt has me intrigued plus I like her stories; D&E getting together early in the tale and facing the world as a couple–in my mind that is a winning formula. Congrats on publishing another book.

  16. Congratulations Melissa Anne!! I love the premise of this read, will be adding to my list of summer reads.!!!

  17. LOVE this variation! The dreams make both our hardheaded characters an opportunity to act more positivity towards each other.

  18. I have enjoyed several of your earlier books and the excerpt makes me think this one may become my favorite! I like the premise of both of them seeking redemption. I also find Elizabeth’s insight and assessment of all the men earlier in the storyline appealing. I look forward to reading the book!

  19. Congratulations Melissa Anne. I’ve loved the stories of hers I’ve read so far, and I’m intrigued by the ‘dream sharing’ premise of this one. Looking forward to reading this soon.

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