Mr. Darcy’s Abducted Bride – Julie Cooper

What If Mrs. Bennet Gave Elizabeth Something To Induce Her Compliance?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Publisher

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella

THE PREMISE: A desperate Mrs. Bennet, who believes her husband’s health is in quick decline, hatches a truly heinous scheme to make Elizabeth more amenable to Mr. Collins’s impending proposal. But her plan is spectacularly thwarted when Mr. Darcy’s manservant overhears and tips off his master. And so a dashing and swoon-worthy rescue ensues…but what will happen when Elizabeth is in her right mind…?


Mr. Darcy impetuously and gallantly rescuing Elizabeth? Say less. I already know I’m going to love it. Especially with Julie Cooper at the helm! This story begins with a slightly lampoonish premise that is both ridiculous and plausible at the same time – because let’s face it, this behavior is completely in the norm for Mrs. Bennet. And it does not strain credulity in the slightest for Mr. Collins to be so obtuse that he hasn’t a clue what is going on.

And while I loved all the antics and comedy of this premise, the highlight for me was Darcy and Elizabeth and all their moments alone together. With Elizabeth’s inhibitions lowered, all her thoughts and feelings regarding Mr. Darcy come out in the most candid and guileless way. She reveals everything and Mr. Darcy’s eyes are opened. While at the same time, Mr. Darcy is in the midst of a fierce internal battle – he has just saved the woman he has feelings for from a horrendous fate, but now what? He can’t do anything else…right? There still is no future for them…is there? *sigh* I will say it again, I loved the their time alone together – especially in the carriage.

Other aspects of the story I loved were Darcy’s gentle protectiveness and thoughtfulness – he faces dilemma after dilemma and always figures out a plan, Elizabeth’s misunderstanding – and how it revealed her unspoken trust and esteem for Mr. Darcy, and the expected Lady Catherine showdown…that takes place with an unexpected character present!


🙌🏼  What a lark – Mrs. Bennet is cunning, Mr. Collins is dense, Elizabeth is inebriated, and Mr. Darcy is heroic!

✍🏼  A beautiful blending of dramatic and captivating premises – a forced marriage attempt/impetuous rescue/forced proximity.

😍  A most diverting romp with a dreamy rescue!

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  1. This book is still in my queue. What a lot of wonderful releases we’ve had recently and even as voraciously as I read I haven’t been able to keep up! But this one sounds dramatic, funny (with Elizabeth “in her cups”) and romantic. And the cover looks period perfect with a deliciously, dashing Darcy. Plus it’s Julie Cooper…it’s gotta be a winner!

  2. Julie Cooper is always a must-read for me, and this book proves why that is so. Thoroughly delightful in every way!

  3. I have read this book and absolutely loved it. I enjoy all of Julie Cooper’s books, and this one was exceptional! The plot was fun and and diverting. I highly recommend it!

  4. I loved this one! It was hilariously funny, in the beginning, and I adore when I run across a book where Elizabeth is inebriated! Such a wonderfully fun read!

  5. Congrats Julie! It looks like you are having a busy and fruitful summer, which is most advantages for us readers, so I thanks you. This one is in my ‘To Read’ list….so many books, so little time, LOL! I love the premise of this book and look forward to seeing how Mrs. B and Mr. C are thwarted! Our Lizzy inebriated, what an interesting premise and how Mr. D, comes to the rescue. Again, congrats!!

  6. I cannot even imagine the horror that Mrs. Bennet has dripped in Elizabeth’s ear to “induce” her to marry Collins. (Shiver!) Cannot wait to read the story and find out!

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