Mr. Knightley…in His Own Words – Shannon Winslow

A Fascinating Deep Dive on Our Favorite Gentleman

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Emma from Mr. Knightley’s POV + Prequel

THE PREMISE: A mentor, a man of sense, and Emma’s moral guide – Mr. Knightley is a near perfect gentleman and infallible hero. But how did he become so? What were the events that shaped his life and gave him his honor and good principles…


  • It’s a Prequel!: Having read two other books in the …in His Own Words series by Shannon Winslow, I was expecting this story to be a recounting of the events of Emma told from Mr. Knightley’s POV. But it actually was much more! The first third of the book is about Mr. Knightley’s childhood, the second third is about his experience as a young man, and it is only in the last third that we see his perspective on the events that take place during the Emma storyline. I absolutely loved the structure and time line division for this alternate POV. I’m so happy we spent so much time in Mr. Knightley’s past and gained a lot more understanding about his life experiences.
  • The Makings of George Knightley: Speaking of…Shannon Winslow created such an interesting and fully-developed backstory for Mr. Knighgtley’s life! Wow – I know it is completely her own creation (Jane Austen gave no hints!) and yet it falls together so plausibly and naturally with the thirty-seven-year-old man we encounter in Emma. My heart broke at the tragedies and fears of his childhood. I deeply comprehend the unconditional respect and forbearance he shows Mr. Woodhouse. And his inclination to live like a simple man and not keep a carriage or visit town to be among the beau monde all make more sense than they did before. Well done, Shannon Winslow!
  • Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse: Their relationships with Mr. Knightley were beautiful and unexpected. I loved seeing this version of Mr. Woodhouse – one where he guides and protects. And to see Mrs. Woodhouse on page and catch glimpses of her happy life with Mr. Woodhouse was such a novelty. It was touching how both Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse viewed young George Knightley as family, as one of their own to care for, as a son. I’m so happy to know Mr. Knightley had them to lean on whenever he needed.
  • “Gentleman So Plainly Written:” Could Mr. Knightley BE a more consummate gentleman?? I really don’t think it is possible! It seems like every action he takes is filled with honor, duty, respect, or compassion. It was telling to see these behaviors already in his character make-up as a child, and how they admirably never wavered – no matter what unfortunate turns his life took.
  • Falling for Emma: I love the moment when Mr. Knightley’s feelings for Emma becomes clear to him. Their relationship has always been one of friendship, regard, and closeness.  And now we get to see when and how that changed for Mr. Knightley. *sigh*  I loved the moments where he indulged in some happy married-life fantasies – their outing with their nephews, his joy of her coming to Donwell. These carried some special poignancy as he firmly believed Emma’s heart belonged to another. And the acute torture he felt with his despair and inability to cope with losing Emma after the Box Hill incident were also very tangibly felt


  • I initially wished for more retrospection about Mr. Knightley’s first experience with love as a more mature man, but I think the author later satisfied that desire by weaving in this particular thread rather succinctly.


📔  An exceptionally perceptive, well-crafted, and creative augmentation of Mr. Knightley’s character and what we know of him.

🦸🏼  Mr. Woodhouse is Mr. George Knigtley’s hero, and their relationship is filled with even more esteem, loyalty, and appreciation than we knew.

🤩 This is my favorite book in the series so far! I cannot wait to see who shares “his own words” next!

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  1. I will definitely be reading this. Good luck on the release. Happy Mothers’ Day to all who qualify.

    1. No, I already read this and rated it 5 stars. Loved it. (Sorry, I was thinking this was a new release in the series.)

  2. I haven’t read this before but it’s now going on my list asap! How did I miss this one?? Thanks for reviewing it so I could find it. It sounds amazing! Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing moms out there. Treat yourself on Sunday with some JAFF!

  3. Congratulations to my friend Shannon on a five-star review from Meredith. Your ingenuity and hard work were suitably rewarded! Meredith, you brighten my day!

  4. As time goes by, I find Mr Knightley more interesting even than Mr Darcy… yes, I know it´s almost a sacrilege, LOL, but sometimes I´m of this opinion so, Meredith, thank you so much for bringing this novel with the Lord of Donwell Abbey in his own words 🙂

  5. I’m so glad you reviewed this book, I too thought this was a retelling of Emma from Mr. Knightly’s POV which didn’t excite me enough (even though I admire him greatly,) to keep it at the top of my wish list. Well, now it’s going to stay up there! 5 out of 5* from you is pretty compelling. I do respect Shannon’s writing very much and I know I’ll enjoy this now.

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