Cover Reveal + Giveaway for An Excellent Walker!!!

Hi friends! Guess what? The lovely Lyndsay Constable is here AGAIN to share cover reveal for an upcoming release – just 3 months after her release of her Persuasion sequel – Never Inconstant! Someone is keeping busy! 🙌🏼

And this new release has a wonderful title – An Excellent Walker! A title I particularly love because being an excellent walker is one of the few traits I share with Elizabeth. And I love that this variation features an adventure Elizabeth experiences while on one of her walks.

Welcome back, Lyndsay! I’m so excited to learn more about An Excellent Walker! 📖

~ From the Author ~

Thank you so much for having me back at Austenesque reviews for my cover reveal! I am very grateful for the opportunity. Thank you, Meredith.
Elizabeth loves her walks! Walking was an opportunity for ladies of the time to exert their small bit of independence and perhaps have an adventure. Elizabeth Bennet absolutely has an epic adventure in An Excellent WalkerWhile “accidentally” running into Elizabeth during one of her very long walks in Rosings Park, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth face peril that descends on them from the most unexpected of places. Elizabeth must muster all of her resources to save the life of Mr Darcy and nurse him back to health in the wilds of Rosings Park while their loved ones face their own challenges and tragedies as they attempt to find them. Once they are safe, Elizabeth tries to fathom the possibility that Mr Darcy may have a genuine regard for her. She rejects Darcy’s injurious proposal that she assumes was made out of a sense of honour to salvage her reputation. Only later does she realise how much she has fallen in love with him and that there was sincerity beneath the insults to her family and station. Once again, Elizabeth must become an excellent walker to try to save Mr Darcy and their future together before it is too late.
The inspiration for An Excellent Walker came from a walk, naturally! I was walking around our farm and I began to meditate on the way Austen told us much of what we needed to know about her heroines based on how they walked. Elizabeth is bold and curious, but also sensible. Marianne Dashwood is heedless and impulsive, literally flinging herself forward into life. Fanny Price is easily tired, but patient, accommodating and poetic about the natural world. Anne Elliot is adventurous, but only within a group. Emma is very confident and decisive, but sticks to the same paths she has walked every day of her life. I began to think of how much we can tell about each other based on our activities in today’s world. Mountain climber? Golfer? Snorkeler? Tennis? Yoga? I love the way Austen let how the ladies walked tell us everything we needed to know about their nature. It was brilliant the way she employed that somewhat limited activity so successfully to give insight into her characters. So, of course, Elizabeth had to have an utterly unique adventure while out walking which she handled with intelligence, creativity and strength.
An Excellent Walker was so enjoyable to write. The characters constantly surprised and delighted me. I hope you enjoy Elizabeth and Darcy’s unusual adventure, their many talks and arguments in close quarters and their unique walk down the path of love.

~ Book Description ~

Is Mr Darcy capable of wanting to marry just for the sake of love?

AN UNEXPECTED MEETING between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet becomes suddenly and shockingly dangerous. Mr Darcy is determined to protect Elizabeth but his exertions leave him grievously wounded. Sheltering with him in a shepherd’s hut, Elizabeth tends to Darcy’s injuries while trying to suppress her concern about the impropriety of her circumstances, as well as the fever-induced proposal that results.

WHILE THEY SURVIVE the imminent threat, others at Rosings do not, altering the fates of their friends and relations. The connexion between them seems to have thus come to an end. Elizabeth’s emotions, enflamed by the forced intimacy in the shepherd’s hut, are aggravated when Darcy—now healing from his injuries—arrives to make good on his proposal. What woman wants an offer of marriage made in service to her reputation rather than to romantic love? Or was there love there all along?

An Excellent Walker is a Pride and Prejudice variation.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: December 19th)

What a breathtaking view! I love the blossoming spring gardens, the stately home, and Elizabeth’s beautiful dress, hair, and posture. 😍

I really enjoyed the astute parallels Lyndsay drew about each heroine’s walking style, it is something I never realized before, but it is completely true. 🚶🏻‍♀️

I always love forced-together scenarios! And not that I like Mr. Darcy being injured, but I love the idea of Elizabeth taking care of him. 🤕

This premise is intriguing, I wonder what the shockingly dangerous threat is…💭

What do you think, friends? 🤔



The lovely people at Quills and Quartos are offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of An Excellent Walker to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

  To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Lyndsay below.

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Quills and Quartos
  • This giveaway ends November 21st.


You can preorder An Excellent Walker now!

My sincere gratitude to Lyndsay Constable and the wonderful people at Quills and Quartos for putting this special post together! 


  1. A very lovely and eye-catching cover with those beautiful blues! I was thrilled to see another release so soon from you after Never Inconstant. I was able to enjoy an arc of An Excellent Walker and I loved it! Enjoy your success! Congratulations!

    1. Congratulations on another beautiful cover and another book, Lyndsay! I really loved Never Inconstant and now accept it as headcanon. 🙂 I’m really looking forward to reading this next one.

  2. Congratulations! Elizabeth on a walk in Rosings, with Darcy for company!! What is she thinking looking over the estate like that…?
    (and you forgot Brave! I adore it!!!)

    1. There is definitely some foreshadowing in the beautiful cover! She needs all her bravery for this particular walk. Thank you and hope you enjoy!

  3. I do love Elizabeth caring for an injured Darcy! I’m sorry Elizabeth doesn’t realise his proposal is genuine until afterwards. I’m eager to find out what happened at Rosings while they were away.
    What a lovely cover, I’m a big fan of that gorgeous blue dress and the garden she’s walking in.
    Good luck with this book Lyndsay and thank you Meredith.

    1. Thank you! I love the shifting dynamics of a Elizabeth caring for an injured Darcy scenario, it is fun to imagine how their personalities would react to it.

  4. Looking forward to reading this! Always love the sense of honor v. love proposal debate and the angst of them figuring it out!

    1. Thank you! I agree, that internal debate of honor/duty/love in regards to a proposal really allows for a deep dive into their personalities, so many ways it could go. It is delicious!

  5. Lyndsay, you’ve been busy! I’m looking forward to reading more of your beautiful writing – Never inconstant was a pleasure. What an exciting premise and a lovely cover. 🙂

    1. 🙂 I felt compelled to write something a little more fun after Never Inconstant. I am so glad you enjoyed it! I really enjoyed The Luxury of Silence, layered conversations between E and D are so yummy.

  6. Beautiful cover, especially the blue dress with her almost black (mahogany) hair flowing down her back. Leave it to Elizabeth to be out for an early morning walk, sans hat and her hair is not tied up as it should be! Darcy will probably swoon when he sees her as she is gazing with her fine eyes at Rosings!

  7. I love any variation where they admit their feelings, at least to themselves. Looking forward to this one and have to check out the author’s previous works!

  8. I’m only sorry that I can’t download the book this minute, but Merry Christmas to me on December 19! On the pretty cover, Elizabeth wears my absolute favorite shade of blue.

  9. I love this trope so much – D or E having to care for the other who is injured. I also enjoy a bit of action in my stories and you can’t get much more action than a French invasion! I am very excited for Dec 19!

    1. I love that “an excellent walker” was meant to be a thinly veiled insult from Mrs Hurst and that Elizabeth owns it/embraces it in my variation. It is a reflection of her personality. Thank you!

  10. I, too, feel that I share Elizabeth’s love of walking. I’m really looking forward to this book and seeing how a simple walk can change the course of Elizabeth’s life!

  11. Congrats on your upcoming release, Lyndsay! The cover is gorgeous. I’m looking forward to reading the book. 🙂

  12. Beautiful, colorful and stately – this cover grasps your imagination and pulls you in. I can hardly wait for the book.

  13. The cover is gorgeous, and I am really curious to learn what has happened to cause Darcy’s injuries. I never thought on how our heroines’ walking styles correlated to their personalities. I guess I have something to ponder during my next walk. Thank you for the reveal and giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on your new release!

  14. Love the cover, but…….The title suggests Lizzy’s daily walks and I wonder if she really does those walks wearing elbow length evening gloves.

    1. I imagine Elizabeth took any opportunity she could to escape the right honorable patronage that was in abundance at Rosings Park. This is definitely just one of her walking adventures! Maybe she had another, fancier adventure! 🙂

  15. I, too, am a sucker for forced-together/close proximity scenarios. (I guess it’s my impatient nature and need for them to actually talk!)
    This is an intriguing premise so I’m looking forward to reading it.
    Great cover!

  16. I love the idea that you can have insights into the characters from their exercise habits. What a lovely cover, too. I wish the author all the best with this book!

  17. First, congratulations on the new release. Beautiful cover! I’m reading Never Inconstant right now (and loving it) so I’ll be ready for a new Lyndsay Constable story very soon. Thank you to Q&Q for the generous giveaway. Best of all luck with this book’s launch.

  18. I love stories with a vulnerable Darcy trope! And such a beautilful cover! As with Never Inconstant, I’m sure it will be a wonderful read.

  19. Such a lovely cover! I love all the small details from the hedges, garden to the tiny pearl earrings and necklace on Elizabeth. I like that’s she’s facing away from us; makes me wonder what she’s pondering. Thank you for the book giveaway and good luck to all.

    1. This was too much fun to write! I love it when the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy shine while navigating problematic situations.

  20. What a breathtaking and beautiful cover, Lyndsay. Thank you also for sharing your insight about Jane Austen’s characters. Like Meredith, I didn’t realise that there are parallels between each heroine and the way they walk.

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