Old Boots – Grace Gibson

Mr. Darcy is an Obstinate, Provoking Boy!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Publisher

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

THE PREMISE: A grieving Bennet family makes the acquaintance of the estimable and wealthy Mr. Darcy, and guess what he does??? He offers to train their dog! Bandit is a mischievous hound that causes Mr. Darcy to ruin his best boots when he attempts to rescue Elizabeth from drowning. But is Bandit the only draw for Mr. Darcy at Longbourn…?


  • A Perverse Mr. Darcy: Mr. Darcy is taking delight in being unpredictable and overthrowing Miss Bingley’s endeavors to curry his favor. And he is also enjoying his combatant conversations with a pert Elizabeth Bennet. She always seems exasperated with him, and he gives her no quarter. I love this provoking side of Mr. Darcy, and I thought it plausible. This was an entertaining new layer of Mr. Darcy to explore. Instead brooding and acting above Meryton society, he taps into his playful side and indulges in some obstinacy and pranks.
  • Life at Longbourn: Mr. Darcy finds tranquility and stimulating conversations at Longbourn. He is drawn to the cozy company there and his sojourns there are his own private pleasure. Life at Longbourn is a little more somber, and the Bennets currently keep mostly to themselves. But I loved seeing the affinity, connection, and support in their relationships with each other, especially the relationships you don’t typically see affinity, connection, and support. In addition, I also loved witnessing Mr. Darcy’s unique relationships with each Bennet family member, including Bandit! “I was becoming attached to the Bennets and unsure if this was warranted or even wise” – Mr. Darcy.
  • Bandit: Speaking of…what a little rapscallion! I love when we see our beloved characters interact with an animal. Especially when that animal is given a distinct personality and is featured prominently in the story! Bandit was well-developed and full of character, I can easily see him in my mind’s eye – his irrepressible playfulness, his joyful heedlessness, his witless innocence. So endearing!
  • A Unique Friendship: Not only does this story feature a relationship between Mr. Darcy and a mischievous pup, it also highlights a closer connection between Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bennet. Due to recent events, Mr. Bennet is bit more mild. But when his new young friend provides some quiet consolation and support, he begins to return to his sardonic and sporting self. I was deeply moved by Mr. Darcy’s loyalty and selfless assistance towards Mr. Bennet at the end of the story. He goes above and beyond the call, and is so admirable in his gestures, concern, and facilitation. The Bennets are quite fortunate that Mr. Darcy became their friend.
  • Quippy Comments and Playful Jabs: This is where Grace Gibson’s prose shines. She is a master wordsmith and her verbal sparring matches between Darcy and Elizabeth are full of sharp blades and fast-paced wit. These exchanges equally amaze and amuse me – I love the humor infused.


  • It was perfect.

CONCLUSION: Thoughtfully conceived and deftly executed, Old Boots is an exceptional Pride and Prejudice variation that should not be missed! Replete with brilliant dialogue, heartfelt relationships, hilarious antics, and satisfying romances – if you are searching for top-quality Austenesque, you need look no further.

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  1. I’ve read ‘Old Boots’ more than once, and I agree that it’s brilliant. Grace Gibson is indeed a master wordsmith, and she has the ability to craft the most amazing and witty prose, especially in conversations between Lizzy and Mr. Darcy. I look forward to whatever she has planned next.

    1. Wow, Patty, thank you for this comment! I just love writing those two in conversation and I get so much encouragement from people who enjoy their dialogue. I have something slightly more serious coming soon and I hope you enjoy it as well.

  2. This is one on my reread list, I love the humour! I especially love how Darcy confuses Caroline, so well deserved. Bandit? Well named and adorable, I totally love this story.

    1. Hi Glynis! I am delighted Old Boots is on your list to re-read. Lovely to hear from you as always – take care and thank you!

  3. Old Boots is a favorite of mine. If you like Audio Books, Neil Roy McFarlane does an excellent job on this one. I’ve read Grace Gibson’s two other books and really hope there’s more to come from this author!

    1. Hi Jo! Thank you so much – I agree about Neil McFarlane’s narrations –
      he is wonderful to work with and does such a fabulous Darcy. I am excited
      to be editing my next story right now, so thank you for the encouragement to publish another one!

  4. Meredith, thank you for sharing your thoughts on Grace Gibson’s Old Boots. It is an excellent story, and I agree completely with everything you said! Grace is not only a master wordsmith, she is a lovely person too! For Jo, there is another book by Grace Gibson being edited right now. 🙂

    1. My sincere pleasure, Janet! I am so happy that Grace’s books are being shared with the world like this! And I find that to be completely believable!

  5. Thank you so much for such a lovely, detailed review of Old Boots. I am a big fan of Fezzik, and from one dog lover to another, I am so happy that Bandit struck a chord of believability with you. Best wishes for a wonderful summer, Meredith, and happy reading!

    1. My pleasure, Grace! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!!

      Aww! You subscribed Bandit’s antics and actions so well!

      Wishing you a very wonderful summer too!

  6. I find this review very insightful, Meredith, so I´ll put this novel in my TBR pile. I love the cover and the premise of a dog changing the lives of everyone around 😉

    1. I completely agree with you Teresa about the cover. Janet Taylor does such a wonderful job bringing a story to life with just one image. I hope you enjoy the story!

  7. I’ve been meaning to read this for so long and have heard its praises often sung. But I didn’t know there was a mischievous dog involved! Now I must, must, must read it.

    1. Hi Abigail! I hope you get a chuckle from Bandit…he’s a very naughty dog but pretty hard to dislike. Enjoy!

  8. Oh, Meredith, was a delightful review. I agree completely, this book was perfection. I will definitely have to read it again. Thanks for sharing you views with us. The cover was amazing and so… yeah, perfect. LOL! Blessings to all and to Grace Gibson especially..

    1. Blessings to YOU J.W. Garrett – your reviews have provided me with so much encouragement and I learn so much from your insights. The bonus is your fantastic sense of humor!

    1. Hi Jennifer – I agree this was such a great review. Hope you enjoy the story if you get a chance to read it.

    1. Hi Maria! I hope you get as much enjoyment from the re-read as you did the first time around. Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Carole! I am so looking forward to my new release. It is a bit different than my previous stories, and have my fingers crossed you will enjoy it.

  9. I absolutely loved Old Boots and believe it is one of the most entertaining and best written P&P FF in existence. Thank you so much for this lovely gem!

  10. I adore this book and this Darcy! Great review Meredith and I so agree, it’s perfect. I’ve indulged in re-reads multiple times (Silver Buckles too) 😉
    The audio is on my wish list and I’m on Grace Gibson watch for her next!

    1. Hi Deborah! Thank you for the re-reads – that makes me so happy. I hope you enjoy the audio too – Neil McFarlane does such an excellent ‘Darcy’.

  11. In need to read this one at some point. I loved her earlier books. Bandit sounds like a cutie.

  12. Oh my gosh Meredith! I’m so glad you reviewed this book and I completely agree with everything you said, of course that makes it the ‘perfect’ review. 😀 I’ve read, reread, listened and relistened to Old Boots, and Silver Buckles, loved Reckless, Headstrong Girl (but don’t yet have the audio (wish list, though,) and I’m thrilled there’s a new G.G. book soon to anticipate. Yippee! If you can’t tell, I LOVE Grace’s writing. I know this is late (you know, real life, blah.) But just had to weigh in with my opinion. Hope you’re having a great weekend. Can you believe it’s June 11? What?

    Oh, and yes! Grace’s covers are delicious.

    1. Hi Michelle – Wow, you made my day so wonderful! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your encouragement. Thank you!

    2. Aww! Yay! I’m so happy we are in firm agreement on this book!

      Look how late my reply is?! I’m hoping I get better at replying soon! I enjoy your comments so much!

  13. I completely agree with the summary, “It was perfect.” This is one of the absolute best P&P stories I’ve ever read (possibly THE best), and I’ve read a lot of them. It worked on every level. To anyone who hasn’t read this yet, you really, really want to. Truly.

    1. Dear winchimed – I am so grateful for readers like you! Writing can be hard work and our self-doubts can sometimes get the best of us. Truly appreciate you!

      1. I completely understand self-doubt, but please know that you’re a brilliant writer. I’m very glad you’ve shared your talent with all of us!

  14. I loved this book and many of Grace’s other books. Beautifully written. Will look forward to more.

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