A Longbourn Entanglement – Monica Fairview

What If Mrs. Bennet Falls Ill and Interrupts a Proposal?

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

THE PREMISE: Just as Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy are about to depart from Meryton together they cross paths with a distraught Mr. Collins who was charged with fetching the apothecary. It would be unconscionable for them to leave the Bennets to fend for themselves (especially with Mr. Bennet being out of town), so the gentlemen postpone their departure. Does this delay allow for affections to be engaged and matches secured, or does the entangled webs of deception and disguise have the potential to ruin these relationships…


This is such lark! Mrs. Bennet is too much! She will do anything for her daughters, especially her favorite daughter, Lydia! It was so interesting to observe what kind of changes this small twist produced. I especially loved exploring what happens between these couples when they remain in company with each other a little bit longer.

This story presents Mr. Darcy’s character in a wonderful new light – he is kind, considerate, helpful, and a man of action. I loved seeing Elizabeth recognize these more admirable qualities of Mr. Darcy’s character and how it caused her to revise her opinion of him. He makes her feel safe and cared for, yet at the same time her regret of being involved in her family’s duplicitous schemes causes her no small turmoil. As for Mr. Darcy, his distress for Elizabeth’s family and his insuppressible concern for her happiness reveals to him that his feelings for Elizabeth are not a passing infatuation. And just when his ardent love cannot be repressed anymore, he discovers an abhorrent disguise… I enjoyed seeing Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s relationship develop with these new circumstance – how they softened and felt blossoming regard for each other, how they lost trust, and how they learned to forgive.

SPOILER ALERT: The other element of this story I greatly enjoyed was its humor. The premise itself is a little bit of an outlandish farce – to mimic Sheldon Cooper, “in what universe does Lydia Bennet want to marry Mr. Collins?” lol. In this one apparently! I appreciated how Ms. Fairview found a plausible angle for this new twist. The ensuing chaos and confusion that results from Mrs. Bennet and Lydia manning the steering wheel is so entertaining to witness. Seeing these characters become embroiled in their own schemes and machinations felt akin to a Georgette Heyer storyline. And I wouldn’t have minded seeing some more of the madcap elements of this tale as they were so well done – more Mr. Collins, Lydia, Mary, and Mrs. Bennet, more rollicking comedy, more banter and wit.

A Longbourn Entanglement is an excellent blend of romance, comedy, and drama. Readers who love when chaos abounds with the Bennets will adore this delightfully diverting novella. I loved seeing Ms. Fairview flex her comedy muscle in this story, and I hope we see her do it again in the future!

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  1. I loved Monica Fairview fantasy variation, so this novella is much intriguing.
    Added it to my long list of books to read.

  2. I loved the humour in this too Meredith! I always love to laugh! Lydia? yes it actually makes sense and of course she has Mrs Bennet’s support as always! Pity Elizabeth had to play along and suffer the guilt of doing so! As you say, this causes problems but they are finally resolved! Loved it.

  3. Very helpful review, as this has been on my wish list and because of your review I’ll be bumping it up. Lydia and Mr. Collins? That’s rather topsy-turvy. It sounds light and humorous for the most part, and I think we need more of these to turn to after a long slog through a box of tissues read.

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