The Price of Pride – Abigail Reynolds

What If A Relation of Mr. Darcy’s Accidentally Compromised Elizabeth Bennet?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

TIME FRAME: Begins while Elizabeth is on holiday with the Gardiners

SYNOPSIS: Mr. Darcy’s estranged younger brother, Andrew, has accepted the extended olive branch and is returning to Pemberley. Mr. Darcy is most pleased and eager to reconcile and repair his relationship with his brother – that is until he discovers his brother is newly engaged to none other than Elizabeth Bennet…!


  • Emotionally Turbulent: Full of anguished yearning, stolen tender moments, torturous situations, undeniable affection, and private pain – this is a Pride and Prejudice variation that will consume your emotions. And I absolutely loved it! This premise is stirring and challenging as all three of our principal characters learn to wade through this quagmire of a situation. Abigail Reynolds is one of the best in this genre at delivering emotionally-wrought stories that are filled with poignancy and palpable feeling.
  • Andrew: What a well-drawn and dynamic new character! The rumors of his troublesome childhood and of being disowned make him an intriguing black sheep character. And he becomes more of an enigma when this reputation doesn’t seem to match the compassionate soul, devoted abolitionist, and earnest clergyman he appears to be now. I loved peeling back the layers to Andrew’s history and journey. I appreciated that he had some flaws and was battling with his own issues surrounding family, forgiveness, and sin. It was difficult not to admire and care for Andrew…even though he was causing his brother an intense amount of pain!
  • Mr. Darcy: What an insurmountable and unfathomable situation! But, boy, did he handle himself so honorably and selflessly! He truly is placed through the ringer as he simultaneously desires to strengthen his tenuous relationship with his brother, yet at the same time secretly tries to ignore his all-consuming love for Elizabeth. And the frustrating part is he doesn’t know or understand Elizabeth’s feelings in all this! I admire Mr. Darcy for all that he endured, for the values and principles that were important to him, and for the irrevocably romantic moments where he could not hide the true feelings of his heart.
  • Elizabeth: Elizabeth’s situation is just as fraught with tension and conflict as the Darcy brothers! Especially since she doesn’t have a choice in the matter and wants nothing more than to avoid coming into contact with Mr. Darcy ever again! I admire her for her actions and outlook during these tense and difficult times, and I deeply love what she was trying to do for Andrew! She is in such a precarious situation and believes that her only choice is to make a sacrifice. And it is interesting to see what she does when she evaluates the pain and/or happiness her sacrifice brings to others…
  • Unique Passions: I adore what these characters are passionate about in this story! Andrew is such a dedicated advocate for the abolitionist movement and for helping any creature in need, Mr. Darcy has a secret love for the study of tropical plants, and Elizabeth longs to travel and explore foreign countries. I love the diversity of these passions and how Abigail Reynolds skillfully and thoughtfully tied them into this story. That orangery tho…
  • Mr. Hadley, Myrtilla, and Wilkins: These new original characters were utterly fantastic! I loved Mr. Hadley’s genuine good-nature and generous heart, Myrtilla’s gentle familiarity and skills, and Wilkins’s sly insubordination and keen perception. These additional characters and the important roles they played took a splendid story and made it all the more enriched and complete.


That this glorious story came to an end.


It has long been established that Abigail Reynolds is quite the proficient at penning exquisitely beautiful and mesmerizing Pride and Prejudice variations. And with each new release she continues to represent and encompass new themes and elements with these characters that further displays her unbounded talent and ingenuity. While delivering an emotionally turbulent journey for Elizabeth and Darcy in The Price of Pride, Ms. Reynolds’s also creates a meaningful tale about overcoming past pain, making choices for the right reasons, and the importance of not judging the actions of others. I heartily recommend this stirring and magnetic tale!

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  1. I think this is a story that needs to be read twice. The first time I was so freaked out about the first engagement that I could hardly bear to read the book. I expect to actually be able to enjoy it when I read it again.

  2. OMG! I completely forgot about this book! I had read the chapters posted at the time and was very intrigued! Add to that my love of all Abigail’s books and I was sure I could conquer the angst. However I did have health issues and wasn’t able to cope with it at the time but these now seem to be sorted so this will definitely have to be read now.
    Thanks so much for the glowing recommendation Meredith!

    1. I am glad to hear your health issues are sorted! I agree with Rita – the angst is balanced by some very lovely moments and scenes between these characters. You will love all the Darcy and Elizabeth time!!

  3. Ohi love Abogail’s stories, but missed this one. Added it straight to my list after enjoying your review 🙂

  4. Oh how I loved this story for all the reasons you stated. Whenever Abigail Reynolds is starting to reveal a few snippets or excerpts from a work in progress the anticipation becomes so high wanting that book right now. But I’m never disappointed! You were so right when you used “anguished yearning, tortuous situations, and private pain.” But also so right about “tender moments and undeniable affection.” I expected The Price of Pride to be to be an angst fest but there was too many other situations happening to make it not so or at least bearable. It’s a heart wrenching story though, no question about that. And I’ll be rereading it for sure.

    Absolutely wonderful review, Meredith. Completely spot-on.

    1. Very true about the great balance Abigail struck with angst and happy moments. It is definitely a reread for me too!

      I appreciate your kind words about my review, Michelle!!

  5. Wonderful review. Thanks for the reminder about this book which I have yet to read. Soon!

  6. What a great review! Abigail Reynolds was one of the first authors I read in this genre — a real inspiration! I’m definitely looking forward to this book, though it sounds like I’m going to have to steel myself for some difficult situations! Thanks, Meredith, for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Thank you, Christina! Same here – I think she introduced the whole concept of a variation to me and I’ve been devoted to her ever since1

      I think you will love this one, Christina!

  7. Meredith, thank you for this amazing review, and I’m so thrilled that you saw so clearly what I was trying to get at in this story! Oh, and I’m glad you enjoyed the orangery. My cover designer was a bit taken aback when I said that the one thing I wanted on the cover was an orangery, but that scene is so central to the book I just had to have it there. 🙂

    1. Thank YOU Abigail! I’m ever so grateful you continue to share more and more stories with us!

      And I’m so honored by your kind words! It was brilliant to have an orangery on the cover!