Cover Reveal of An Unexpected Harvest!!!

Hi friends! Around nine months ago the lovely Cat Andrews shared a TRIPLE cover reveal for her amazing Sanctuary series. Gah! Did you know I adore this series?  (If you didn’t, please see here, here, and here.) 🥰🥰🥰

I loved Cat’s writing so much in this series and I could not be more thrilled that her new book, An Unexpected Harvest, is coming out next week!! Woot woot! 🍏🌾

Cat is here to share the beautiful cover for An Unexpected Harvest. We hope you enjoy! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Thank you, Meredith, for hosting the cover reveal for An Unexpected Harvest! I’m thrilled to be back at Austenesque Reviews once again.

You may remember that for the cover of each volume of Sanctuary, I used a background that depicted something from the book, a particular moment or significant location or scene. I also chose to keep Darcy and Elizabeth in silhouette, simply because I wanted readers to form their own ideas and images of our favorite couple.

With An Unexpected Harvest, I decided to stay with that same style, and the wonderful Brandi at eBook Cover Designs quickly understood just what I was looking for. She found a beautiful, colorful background, one that perfectly depicts a significant location in the story, and kept Darcy and Elizabeth in silhouette, giving them a sweetly romantic pose.

I’m absolutely delighted with the cover, and I hope you enjoy it as well! Thank you! — Cat

~ Book Description ~

Elizabeth Bennet left her affluent New England home at the age of sixteen and never looked back. She’s built a fabulous life in Boston and loves everything about the city—especially her dream job as creative director at an advertising agency.

Will Darcy has never lived anywhere but in rural Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He lives the quintessential small-town life and loves everything about the country—especially his family’s farm, which he’s doing his best to modernize and return to prosperity.

When her older sister moves back to New England, Elizabeth reluctantly pays a visit to the hometown she left behind. Soon enough, the city girl meets the country boy and the insults and misunderstandings fly—but so do the sparks.

No one is more surprised than Elizabeth and Will when those sparks turn into a brilliant flame, and the 300 miles between them that once felt far too close suddenly turns into an unbearable distance.

The city girl and the country boy know a good thing when they see it—even if they don’t see it nearly enough. Can they overcome their greatest challenge and find common ground—and their happily-ever-after?

This novel is a modern variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, but with a slight spin on the usual cast of characters. It contains adult content and is meant for mature readers.

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: June 1st)

And here is the full spread!

The sunset, the colors, the silhouette, the mountains, the couple’s intimate pose – oh I love it all!!!! 🌄

Praise to the cover designer for the beautiful representation of the vivid and diverse colors that can be found in our natural world – it is like every color in the rainbow is in this cover. 🎨

I loved the setting for Sanctuary and I have the feeling I will love the setting for An Unexpected Harvest just as much. 🐓

I am so excited for a new modern P&P that takes place in rural Massachusetts and is about a city girl and country boy! 💕

What do you think friends? 🤔


~ Connect with Cat ~

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~ About Cat ~

Cat Andrews has always been an avid reader, but didn’t discover Jane Austen until her love of a certain British actor led her to the BBC’s 1995 production of Pride and Prejudice, because she just had to know—why all the fuss over this Darcy guy? What followed her viewing of that glorious miniseries was an inhalation of and immediate fixation on all of Austen’s novels, though Pride and Prejudice remains her favorite.

Her discovery of Jane Austen Fan Fiction opened up a whole new world, and thus began her addiction, and months and months of sleep deprivation, as she immersed herself in JAFF. After reading a modern Pride and Prejudice variation that she fell in love with, she was inspired to begin a cautious but earnest foray into the world of writing.

In real life, Cat has spent thirty-plus years working in healthcare. She enjoys life on the shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts where she grew up, fell in love with her own Mr. Darcy, and raised a family (and a three-legged dog). More often than not, you can find her at the beach with a book in her hand and her toes in the sand.

An Unexpected Harvest is her second novel.

~ An Unexpected Harvest Blog Tour ~

June 1 – author’s blog –

June 4 – Babblings of a Bookworm

June 7 – From Pemberley to Milton

June 9 – Jane Austen State of Mind

June 11 – Austenesque Reviews

June 14 – Diary of an Eccentric

June 16 – Probably at the Library

June 18 – My Vices and Weaknesses


Thank you, Cat, for sharing your lovely cover and post with us today! I am so excited for your new release! Congratulations and best wishes!!


S A L E    A L E R T ! ! !

Sanctuary: Volume One   ✿   Sanctuary: Volume Two   ✿   Sanctuary: Volume Three



  1. Lovely, evocative cover! I’m excited that others will soon get to read this lovely book about what home and heart can mean to two very different (yet perfectly matched) people! Congrats, Cat!

  2. Beautiful cover, love the sweeping vista and the intimacy depicted between the man and woman. Congratulations!

  3. Oh Cat! This cover is so you! I absolutely love it, it screams romance! As you know I’m completely obsessed with Sanctuary and am sure this will be another obsession! Good luck with this and thanks Meredith for this gorgeous reveal.

  4. Hello Cat! I love this cover. It perfectly depicts the wonderful setting of the Berkshires and a modern and challenging love story for our dear couple. I also love the silhouette theme of all your. While covers are very important, it’s the stories you write that will keep me coming back to them over and over again. Wishing you every success with your new release!

  5. Love the cover. Want to read the story. Thanks for sharing here and best wishes on the release.

  6. Love the cover. It’s perfect for this story which I previously read on one of the forums.

  7. Beautiful cover reveal, Meredith. Congratulations to Cat and her team for a fabulous cover and I wish you a very successful launch. Everyone say safe and healthy.

  8. I love the covers of all three books and am sure the writing it covers is even better. Congrats and good luck!

  9. Congratulations on this release. I have been following it. Looking forward to reading the rest.

    1. Thank you so much! The cover depicts a special place in the story, so it was the obvious choice for the cover. I’m glad you like it!

  10. Congratulations! Love the mist and the mountain range in the background and the silhouette of Elizabeth and Darcy in the foreground. Looking forward to reading this one as I loved your Sanctuary novels!

  11. It’s really a gorgeous cover: despite it being in a rural setting, there is so much variety of nature and feel that one cannot find in a large city. (There is also a great variety in the city but of a different setting and feel.) The way the lovers are so close together makes me have earn feelings. Thank you for posting this!

    1. The background is one that appears in the story quite often, so it seemed the appropriate choice for the cover. I’m glad you like it, Jen, thanks!

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