Fallen – Jessie Lewis

What If a Five Year Old Child Came to Live Near Meryton?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Gift from Publisher

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

PREMISE: Elizabeth befriends an adorable and impish little girl named Anna who lives in a cottage near Netherfield Park. But after observing some odd conversations and tense moods between the newly arrived tenants of Netherfield and hearing the gossip about them that is spreading through the neighborhood, Elizabeth begins to wonder about this child and her connection to the new residents of Netherfield…


Another superbly originative and distinctive Pride and Prejudice variation by the talented pen of Jessie Lewis! Ms. Lewis did a marvelous job of constructing a dramatic yet credible series of events for her characters and masterfully revealing them to the reader ever-so-gradually as she delicately and deftly peeled away one layer at a time. The plot and the truth of this charming child’s origins remains successfully shrouded in mystery for so much of the story that I proceeded through several different theories of her true parentage, only to discover in that end each theory was wrong! Talk about some jaw-dropping revelations!

There were so many characters I loved in this story – and so many lovely relationships we see develop. Anna was everything that was precocious and sweet, and I absolutely adored every endearing interaction she has with Elizabeth. In addition, I greatly admired Elizabeth in this tale. As always, she is compassionate, loyal, and forthright, but in this story she also exhibits some deep introspection about morals and passing judgement that was inspiring to witness. And lastly, I adored this portrayal of Mr. Darcy – just like Elizabeth, I became completely charmed with his subtle wit, gentle imparting of knowledge, and quiet yet thoughtful gestures. I also loved his relationships with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and his family. But my most favorite relationship in this story was between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy – their exchanges and the rocky road they traverse together oscillated between heartwarming and heartrending. Gah! Their relationship had me emotionally consumed!

Similar to Mistaken and Speechless, Fallen is an exceptional Pride and Prejudice variation that combines an intricate plot, deeply gratifying character developments, and beautifully nuanced prose. There is so much I admire about Jessie Lewis’s understated and lyrical writing, she is definitely an author you do not want to miss!

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  1. I am enjoying reading about this book and it is definitely on my list. Is there much angst Meredith? I’m currently rereading books that I know won’t upset me but hopefully in a few weeks I will feel better and more able to cope.

    1. I would say it is a middling angst level, Glynis and that only begins in the latter half of the book.

      It might be best to wait a few weeks just in case – the scenes with adorable Anna are all wonderful and endearing, so that might balance out some of the turmoil.

  2. Wow Meredith, “Fallen ” is “definetely” a must- read, I’m looking forward to put my hands on it! It’s such an original premise!. I’m sure I’ll also have different theories and all of them will fail LOL
    Thank you for your insightful review. Am I wrong or it seems there are more and more interesting austenesque novels releases as time goes by ? But time is the same or even less! I hardly can keep up with so many thrilling titles!

    1. I agree!! I can’t wait to hear your reaction!

      I think there are definitely more and more interesting Austenesque stories lately. I especially love seeing more and more variations that deviate so creatively – like this one!

  3. Thanks for this review, Meredith! I’ve heard such great things about this book, as is to be expected with Jesse Lewis’s writing. Looking forward to catching up with her books soon.

  4. Thank you so much for such a lovely and clever review, Meredith. It’s quite hard talking about this one without giving too much away, but you’ve managed to say so much without revealing a thing! I’m absolutely delighted that you enjoyed reading it. Its happy readers who turn the fun of writing into to joy of storytelling.

    1. Thank YOU for this beautiful story, Jessie! It IS a little tricky to talk about this one! You are so kind, because I don’t feel like I said much and am worried I didn’t do your beautiful book justice in this review!

  5. Beautiful review Meredith. Like Jessie stated it’s hard to review or talk about it with someone without giving anything away. Fallen is too special to do that. I love Jessie Lewis’s books! I wish Ms. Lewis great success with Fallen, and can’t wait to hear what she’s up to next.

    I really can’t say anything else, except ‘You have to read this one, JAFF people!’ 😀 Talking about it makes me want to read it again. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Michelle! You are very lovely to say that. 🙂

      I do feel like I didn’t say enough about this story, but I was really trying to avoid giving anything away!

  6. Once I read this book, I know it’s going to be a top 10 book that will send me on a roller coaster. Thank you for that wonderful review!

  7. I’m glad you enjoyed the story, Meredith. As usual, your review was very well done. I thought Fallen was pretty wonderful, too.

  8. I feel like the backstory was so intricate to have required such a detailed explanation at the end….would have been better told in flashbacks.

    I don’t understand why the mother and child weren’t given the name of a fallen officer and set up in their own establishment as widow and child in some way out county where no one would be the wiser rather than the group finding new lodgings several times a year.

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