Triple Cover Reveal with Author Cat Andrews!!!

Hi readers! Today I have a big and super exciting post to share with you! 🙌🏼

Not only is this a cover reveal post (which already is exciting), it is a cover reveal post for a debut author! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

….And not only is this a cover reveal post for a debut author….it is a TRIPLE cover reveal post for a debut author! (And this is our first-time ever hosting a triple cover reveal!)🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Cat Andrews, our lovely guest today, is releasing her 3-part Pride and Prejudice modern adaptation, titled Sanctuary.  And I am so very, very honored to share all 3️⃣ covers for this trilogy! 📕📗📘  Can I get a woot woot?! 🤗

~ From the Author ~

Thank you, Meredith, for hosting the cover reveal for all three volumes of Sanctuary, and for giving me the opportunity to discuss each cover.

When I finally decided to publish Sanctuary, the image I chose for Volume 1—a couple on a pair of swings—was really the only image I had in mind. It tied in nicely with a scene depicting the start of Elizabeth and Darcy’s romance, but is also one that comes up in the epilogue, so it was an obvious choice. When it became apparent that Sanctuary was far too long of a story to edit down to one book, I had to dig deep to come up with other cover ideas. Volume 2’s cover links the setting—an island off the coast of Portland, Maine—and showcases a ferry, which is featured regularly in the story. And for Volume 3, I decided to introduce the other ‘star of the show,’ young Jack Darcy.

When I discussed ideas with my cover designer—the talented Jes at Black Bird Book Covers—I asked for two things. First, I wanted the covers to somehow show the passage of time in relation to Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship. The new moon on the cover of Volume 1 symbolizes the beginning, when they were first dating and starting to feel the first stirrings of love; the sunrise on Volume 2 hints at an expanding, growing love and passion; and the sunset on Volume 3 signifies the culmination of their story—their happily ever after. My second request was that we use only silhouettes, and not actual people or faces. I enjoy forming my own ideas of what Darcy and Elizabeth look like, depending on which story I’m reading and the time period in which it takes place. I wanted readers to have that same experience, and to form their own images and ideas of this Elizabeth and Darcy, instead of having a preconceived notion of what they should look like.

I’m absolutely thrilled with the covers, and I hope you’ll enjoy them as well! Thank you! — Cat

And without further ado….here is the TRIPLE reveal!!!

(Volume 1 Available NOW!)

Volume 2 expected release date: September 9th

Volume 3 expected release date: September 23rd

👀 I absolutely love everything about these three covers! 😍

I love the silhouettes, the colors, the various scenes of moonrise, sunrise, and sunset! 🌅

I also love the setting – an island off the coast of Maine?! Yes, please! Let’s go right now! 🛫

I love the romantic poses chosen for the couple – so swoony and sweet! 💕

The premise of this trilogy sounds interesting – sounds like there is a fair share of obstacles and emotional upheavals! 😮

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ Book Descriptions ~

~ Sanctuary Volume 1 ~

Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time?”

When Elizabeth Bennet left her Massachusetts hometown two years ago and settled on Great Diamond Island, off the rocky coast of Maine, all she wanted was a fresh start, somewhere to forget a past full of heartbreak and trauma—a place that would allow her to rediscover herself and what it felt like to be happy.

Will Darcy is ready to leave the family drama and noise of New York City behind. He moves to Great Diamond Island in an effort to build a better life for himself and his young son Jack, hoping it will provide a quiet place for them to heal from their grief after a tremendous loss.

Elizabeth meets Will within moments of his setting foot on the island, but the handsome newcomer’s offhanded dismissal of her is anything but a “meet cute.” But as the days pass, Will’s chance encounters with the bright-eyed, pretty young woman—and Jack’s insistence on befriending her—cause Will to see Elizabeth, and himself, in a different light.

But as they draw closer and take tentative steps toward something more than friendship, will they be able to step outside the shadows of their pasts?

~ Sanctuary Volume 2 ~

If someone had told him six weeks ago that he would end up here with this incredible woman in his arms, he would have scoffed in disbelief. Yet here he was, falling in love with her, holding her while she slept, and embracing emotions he never imagined he would feel again.

Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have unexpectedly found each other—and a slice of happiness—on a tiny island off the coast of Maine.

With wonderful friends surrounding them and a passionate new love in full bloom, life is moving forward; they’re planning a future together as a family of three with Will’s son Jack, and the lazy days of summer are looking exceedingly bright.

But while some relationships are slowly and painstakingly being rebuilt, a long-kept secret, finally revealed, threatens to tear others apart.

~ Sanctuary Volume 3 ~

She studied him in the gray, dreary light of the morning, and her heart ached as she wondered how she was going to tell him that once again, the past was forcing its way into the present.

Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are deeply in love, and together with Will’s young son Jack, they are looking forward to their happily ever after on the shores of Great Diamond Island.

For Will, the future has never looked brighter: he’s wild about Elizabeth, has found a best friend in Charles Bingley, and his new consulting business is slowly gaining momentum—as is his fledgling relationship with his father.

Elizabeth, too, is deliriously happy: she’s crazy about Will and is embracing her role as Jack’s “new” mom, she loves her job at the Portland Children’s Library, and is looking forward to having her younger sister Lydia settled close by.

It seems they’ve left their troubled histories behind and are heading into the future as a blissful family of three. But can anyone truly forget—or escape—a past that is determined to reassert itself? Can a new love withstand the forces that seek to destroy it?

Thank you so much for the honor of sharing your very beautiful and very exciting cover reveals, Cat! I am so very excited for your books to be released! I cannot wait to read some more! I wish you all the best! 🤗


~ Connect with Cat ~

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~ About Cat ~

Cat Andrews has always been an avid reader, but didn’t discover Jane Austen until her love of a certain British actor led her to the BBC’s 1995 production of Pride and Prejudice, because she just had to know—why all the fuss over this Darcy guy? What followed her viewing of that glorious miniseries was an inhalation of and immediate fixation on all of Austen’s novels, though Pride and Prejudice remains her favorite (and that certain British actor will always be, to her, the quintessential Darcy).

Her discovery of Jane Austen Fan Fiction opened up a whole new world, and thus began her addiction, and months and months of sleep deprivation, as she immersed herself in JAFF. After reading a modern Pride and Prejudice variation that she fell in love with, she was inspired to begin a cautious but earnest foray into the world of writing.

In real life, Cat has spent thirty-plus years working in healthcare. She is a confirmed thalassophile and enjoys life on the shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where she grew up, fell in love with her own Mr. Darcy, and raised a family. More often than not, you can find her at the beach with a book in her hand and her toes in the sand.

BUY Sanctuary Volume One NOW!!!
Preorder Sanctuary Volume Two
Preorder Sanctuary Volume Three


  1. These covers are gorgeous and they highlight and enhance such a beautiful story. I’m so excited for Sanctuary to be out in the world. Congratulations, Cat!

  2. I absolutely love these covers! So romantic! From reading the blurbs it looks like Darcy and Elizabeth get together early on and face problems together? If so this is a favourite storyline ( although I would prefer him not to have a child with someone else, but hey, you can’t always have everything!)
    I will definitely add these to my list. Thank you for sharing this covers reveal.

    1. They do get together fairly early on, and do face their share of obstacles. They are both sort of vulnerable in this story, not so worldly… I don’t want to say too much! And I’ll be bold and say I think you’ll fall in love with little Jack Darcy. The father-son relationship is hard to resist. Thanks Glynis!

  3. Wow! A triple cover! Excellent. I’ve seen Cat’s name about Facebook but haven’t read any of her books yet. This should be fun. Congratulations!

  4. Fabulous covers! Love all three! Congratulations on publishing one of my fav modern Darcy and Lizzy variations.

  5. Gorgeous covers! I do enjoy modern stories so am looking forward to reading these. Thanks for sharing here. I can to look up “thalassophile” and the Encarta dictionary did not have it but then a Google search told me, “Someone who loves the ocean/sea/beach.” Just in case anyone else wants to know. Congratulations on this triple debut release and best of luck with that.

    1. I’m glad you like the covers, and I hope you take a chance with Sanctuary. And yes, I’m a beach bum, through and through. Thanks Sheila!

  6. The covers are absolutely gorgeous, Cat! Congratulations! Sanctuary is such a wonderful story and I am so happy to see it published.

  7. The covers are just perfect! They ideally capture moments in the story. I like your idea of using silhouettes. Congrats on publishing this wonderful story!

  8. Great covers! So romantic. The stories sound just as romantic. Best of luck to Cat Andrews on the release of these titles! Happy success.

  9. Congratulations on your new books and I love both the covers and the reasons behind your choices. They are such wonderful books and I know they will succeed.

  10. Meredith, you always get the fun jobs with not one but three cover reveals [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. To Cat, WOW! Those covers are amazing. I agree… using silhouettes was the perfect choice along with the various phases and positions of the noon and the sun. Well done. Blessings on the success of this trilogy. Stay safe, everyone.

  11. Ah, such great news! And a big thank you for releasing paperbacks too, not only e-books, so old schoolers like me are also able to read this story again 🙂 It was one of my favorites when it was online.

  12. Gorgeous covers, Cat! I loved Sanctuary when you posted it, and I can’t wait to read the published version. Congratulations!

  13. The covers are beautiful, Cat! I am looking forward to reading the books. Congratulations on your first published book(s)!

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