Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl – Edited by Christina Boyd

“A Rational Creature Speaking the Truth from Her Heart”

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy form Editor


After gifting the Austenesque genre four outstanding anthologies that feature a diverse array of Jane Austen’s characters in creative, perceptive, and diverting short stories, Christina Boyd has once again gathered a remarkable team of beloved Austenesque authors to collaborate on a new anthology that spotlights the character Jane Austen herself proclaimed “as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print.” For over two hundred years Elizabeth Bennet has charmed readers and won admirers. But what is it that makes readers fall in love with dear Lizzy?


There are ten stories in this anthology – some stories take place during the timeline of Pride and Prejudice, one takes place before and another takes place forty years after the close of Pride and Prejudice. And of these ten stories, four are set in other eras from the Edwardian Era to present-day (I am so glad other era stories are included!). The stories range from 16 to 50 pages in length, and each story includes its own beautifully illustrated cover page (I am so in love with them!). I read all the stories in order, and because this week was extra-busy, these compact yet fulfilling stories were perfect to enjoy in separate sittings when I could spare an hour.


I have excessively loved and adored all the previous anthologies from The Quill Ink Collective. Each time a new one is announced I have been full of eager anticipation and joy. I love that these anthologies always feature a particular theme/ motif or spotlight a certain character/group of characters. So far, each anthology has exceeded expectations, entertained, and enthralled, and this one is no exception. With this particular anthology, I am thrilled to see that the multi-talented Christina Boyd is not just editing and assembling authors, but also contributing a story as well (what can’t you do, Christina!?!)

I don’t think I could decide which story (or even stories) I loved most, because I loved and appreciated them all for different reasons. And I must say the authors of this collection are becoming masters at penning works of short fiction – a fact that continues to impress me with each anthology I read. What I loved about this collection as whole is that it explored various facets of Elizabeth Bennet’s character and personality, and that each story was written with understanding, insight, and keen introspection. I loved seeing Elizabeth Bennet as a thinking and feeling woman who is strong, capable, and intelligent – one who isn’t afraid to challenge the norm, defy the dictates of others, or pursue her own dreams. I loved gaining insight to Elizabeth’s character and analyzing her not just as a character but as a woman.


In answer to my previous question, I think readers ardently admire and love Elizabeth Bennet because she is an “obstinate, headstrong girl” who speaks the truth from her heart at a time when women didn’t always have the right to do so. She is an inspiration to women everywhere, and this praiseworthy collection of stories splendidly captures her strength, fortitude, and courage. Congratulations are due to Christina Boyd and her team authors for another shining gem of an anthology! Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl is contemplative, compelling, and like Elizabeth Bennet, “uniformly charming!”

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*Four of The Quill Ink Anthologies are still on S A L E for 💲2️⃣.9️⃣9️⃣ and all of them are equally fantastic!

The Darcy Monologues   ❤︎   Dangerous to Know  ❤︎   Rational Creatures  ❤︎   Yuletide


  1. Fabulous review Meredith for an equally fabulous book! All such wonderful stories.
    Like you I was unable to pick a favourite, Elizabeth proved to be definitely obstinate and headstrong in most stories (some more than others!) one story made me cry – you know who you are Christina!
    A definite must read for anyone who hasn’t already!

    1. Thank you, Glynis! I am so happy to hear your thoughts on this lovely anthology! I enjoyed the different levels of obstinacy and headstrong-ness (I know that isn’t a word) in this collection!

  2. Loved your review and completely agree! Absolutely adored this anthology like I have the others! Can’t wait to see what Christina has up her sleeve for the next one…you can’t stop now Christina!!!

    1. Carole, I am presently editing the next book for Jenetta James—a beautiful page turner that will haunt you for days! But my own novel is still under 50k words that I have fully developed in my mind and outline—but for whatever the reason, I am paralyzed to write any more yet. To get it done.
      I am so glad you enjoyed our “Obstinate Headstrong Girl”—like the others, it was a labor of love!

      1. OMG! Jenetta has a new book coming out?!!! Whoohoo! I am sure other authors have given you much advice on the best way to move forward. All I can say is, one word at a time.

      2. So excited to hear your words about Jenetta’s upcoming release!

        That is still very impressive that you have 50k words written for your own story! I hope you get through the issues you are facing!

    2. Thank you so much for reading my review, Carole! So glad to hear you adored this one!!

      Same here! Doesn’t Christina have an amazing track record?! #OneToFollow

    1. Thank you, ChristinaM, for your Regency era Elizabeth. Surely Meredith was including your story when she was thinking ‘contemplative’! Hope you are writing.

    2. My pleasure! Thank YOU for your wonderful story in this collection! I so loved seeing how Darcy and Elizabeth handle their differences in opinion.

  3. I have read and enjoyed this and, yes, Christina’s brought more than one tear to my eyes. I look forward to any new stories coming out from this publisher. Great review, great book(s). Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed this anthology, Sheila! Your goodreads and amazon reviews carry a lot of weight. Thank you.

      1. Glad to share…humbled that you say my reviews carry weight. Thank you for the compliment.

  4. Time… I need time. Dang… I have time. I have a stay-at-home order from the Governor himself… what more do I need? Something keeps getting in the way… nefarious things. I have all these books. I-Am-Determined to read this… them. Grrr. LOL! Thanks, Meredith for your insight into these anthologies [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. I had a plan to read one story from each anthology but that hasn’t happened yet. I will do this. Famous last words. Shrug… Love you guys and your amazing pictures at the top of the blog post. I always look to see what you are doing, where you are, what book you are holding, and [LA!] what you are wearing. Nothing like comfy pants and a great pair of socks. Keep warm, my friend. It is chilly out. Keep safe and healthy.

    1. I hope this collection is working its way to the top of your must read list. People have been messaging me that the short story format has been just what they need when they are having trouble with focus lately…they can still get their “E&D” fix. Be well.

    2. Lol! Keep those nefarious things at bay, Jeanne! I hope you get the chance to read these anthologies soon…they are perfect for when you are busy!!

    1. Coming from a great reader and writer like yourself, that means a lot to me. Thank you, Sophia. XO

  5. I have been wanting to get this anthology since I’ve read all those excerpts from a few of the blogs. All the excerpts were really, really good.

  6. Great review and I agree wholeheartedly! The stories are perfect when you really don’t have time, but simply cannot go without a little check in with D & E. I find more to appreciate each time I read them again.

  7. Thank you, Meredith, for your encouragement and thoughtful and well-crafted review! So appreciate all you do to promote authors and good JAFF reading.
    THIS— “another shining gem of an anthology! Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl is contemplative, compelling, and like Elizabeth Bennet, ‘uniformly charming!’” —is everything⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Everyone knows how proud I am of these authors and the Quill Ink “Quill Collective series” anthologies—every reader who has taken time to review, tell a friend, let us know they enjoyed it…especially now…fills me with joy! Many thanks!

    1. Thank you for all you do, Christina! I am so thrilled that these anthologies exist and that you have continuously gathered such a terrific team of authors together to celebrate and pay tribute to Jane Austen’s characters. Thank YOU!!

  8. Beautiful review Meredith, thank you! I’m so hoping this will convince others to get this and read this anthology. I found it wonderful. I plowed through it the first time barely stopping between one story and the next. Then went and reread it savoring all over again the delights, challenges, and yes…tears. Oh my, I can’t say enough about this group of writers, their stories, and of course Christina. And her story, wow!

  9. Thank you for your lovely review Meredith! It was a pleasure to work on and I’m so glad it had been so well received.

    1. Thank you, Leigh, for being part of this anthology and for your modern Lizzy Bennet! I will always think of your youngest as baby Reagan because of your story though.

    2. Thank YOU for contributing a fantastic modern story to this collection!! I loved seeing these two reluctantly go on a blind date together!

  10. Thanks, Meredith, for reading and reviewing OHG during an extra-busy week. I especially appreciated this alliterative assessment: “…exceeded expectations, entertained, and enthralled.”

    1. Thank you, Joanne! I loved how you gave us another view of Elizabeth in this story—skirting her time before and around the time she met Darcy. JAFF readers often say they want something different, something more. In all our anthologies, you always take a unique, unexpected view of the project and making the anthologies always better, ‘more.’

    2. I love me some alliteration. 😉 And I was so happy to read another one of your short stories, Joanne! I agree with Christina, I loved seeing Elizabeth’s experiences with the opposite sex pre-Darcy!

  11. I’m SO late to the party on your fabulous review! But thank you Meredith, for everything you do for the JAFF community. So happy you enjoyed the anthology – we had a lot of fun writing the stories <3

    1. Karen, I don’t know how you managed to craft two short stories in one within the strict anthology parameters. Talented you! xo
      BTW, what are you doing on line? Aren’t you supposed to be typing, typing, typing away on your super secret Regency era novel, hmmmmm? 🙂

    2. Thank YOU for sharing yet another spectacular short story, Karen! I loved everything about it – the time period, college town setting, their first meeting, Elizabeth’s boldness in seeking the degree she wants…so fantastic!!!

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