The Perfect Gentleman – Julie Cooper

What If Darcy and Elizabeth Both Had Scandalous Family Histories?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Publisher

TYPE OF NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

TIME FRAME: (Outside of Canon) Begins during Georgiana’s stay in Ramsgate

SYNOPSIS: In this alternate world of Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet is not recognized by her father, Mr. Bennet, and lives with her elder sister and mother in Ramsgate, where she helps support her family by making souvenir seaside sculptures. Elizabeth’s world is forever changed when a certain fastidious gentleman from Derbyshire turns up looking for her on behalf of her father’s family. But before Mr. Darcy can complete his mission, he learns that his sister, Georgiana, has abruptly departed Ramsgate with her companion. Knowing very well that Georgiana’s companion, Lydia Younge, is one bad egg, Elizabeth offers her discreet and valuable assistance to the stubborn and arrogant gentleman in hopes that she can help recover his sister but also receive some needed support in setting her life on a new course. Instead of balls, parties, and visits with family/friends, this adventurous Pride and Prejudice tale is filled with scandals, secrets, and troubled relationships.


  • Divergent Yet Connected: With only two Bennet daughters that are half-siblings, an estranged Mr. Bennet, and Lizzy aspiring to study art and become a sculptor this story has a lot of details that steer it a different direction. This premise is extremely inventive, and I think readers would be hard-pressed to find another book with similar twists. And yet, there are enough similarities in these characters’ personalities and the themes employed that this wholly divergent tale still feels connected to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
  • Action-Packed Adventure: With seeking clues like a detective, playacting as a traveling couple, embarking on countless carriage rides across the country, and encountering dangerous ruffians on the road – this story is filled with exhilarating action! These events were thrilling to witness, and kept the pages turning fast.
  • A Whirlwind Romance: Oftentimes I find fast-paced romances to be underdeveloped, based primarily on attraction, or too simple/easy. But I am happy to say that none of that is true for the whirlwind romance between Darcy and Elizabeth in this tale. I’m impressed with Julie Cooper’s talent for skillfully executing a romantic adventure that has a surplus of action at the same time as creating a relationship filled with developments, challenges, and a satisfying growth. Well done!!
  • Multiple Threads: There are several relationships introduced and explored in this tale. I appreciated the sensitive and perceptive development of these relationships. I felt as immersed and invested in these relationships as I did Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s. Some developments were wonderfully surprising – like what happened with Mrs. Reynolds!
  • Elizabeth Bennet: Lizzy is my hero in this story. She is full of energetic purpose, realistic optimism, and is prodigiously capable. I loved hearing about Lizzy’s precocious behaviors as a child – her wish for a father to make her life whole just broke my heart! I loved Lizzy’s talent and passion for sculpting and how she dreams of developing her talent to improve her life. And lastly, I loved witnessing Lizzy’s fearlessness and selflessness. She is faced with a lot of difficult situations and decisions and through them all she always puts others first and attempts to understand situations completely before letting pride, mistaken assumptions, and obstinacy creep in. She is a wonder and a delight!
  • Lizzy and Mrs. Bennet: It is a rare occasion where I find myself enjoying the relationship between Elizabeth and her mother! It was lovely to see Lizzy be protective and understanding towards her mother – she is a protector in more ways than one. And even though Mrs. Bennet was still silly and a bit of a handful, I enjoyed seeing her respect and appreciate Lizzy instead of constantly criticize and insult her.
  • Familiar Characters: I thought it was great fun to spot some familiar names and personalities in this story. These additions were very clever, and I loved the way some of the other Bennet sisters were still represented!


  • My only quibble would be that occasionally the second half felt a little long and slow, but at the same time there was a lot of storylines to continue and threads to weave in together.


Extraordinary and enthralling – The Perfect Gentleman is a remarkably inventive Pride and Prejudice variation that not only splendidly entertains, but also sensitively explores the emotional impact of relationships and the importance of not letting yourself be defined by the actions and opinions of others. Congratulations on this spectacular debut, Julie Cooper!! I am so thrilled to hear there is another book of yours coming out later this year! 🤗🤩

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  1. I read this a couple of weeks ago Meredith and completely agree with your comments. Totally enjoyable! I loved this Elizabeth and she definitely deserved her Darcy!

  2. I also read and enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to her new book. Excellent review, Meredith.

  3. I am totally touched by this review! And my day, week, month, and year is made! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such thoughtful words, and for reading it in the first place! I’m off now wake up my family to tell them about this super important thing that they absolutely won’t understand. I hope everyone is staying safe and well!

    1. Thank YOU, Julie! I spent my “spring break” enjoying your lovely story! It was the perfect treat during such a time! I am so thankful for you writing it and to Q&Q for publishing it!

  4. Wonderful review, Meredith! I too thoroughly enjoyed and loved this story! It was all encompassing and to know Ms. Cooper has another book coming out sometime this year makes my day!

  5. Zooks, I loved this book! It’s one of the rare books that I read through a second time as soon as I finished the first time. There were so many scenes I just had to savor a second time. The only thing I disagree with your review is that I would give it a 7 out of 5 rating!

  6. You nailed it. How do you do that? I loved this review and this very different take on the relationship between our dear couple. It is a story unlike any we have seen in a while. And yet, the author pulled it off beautifully. Great review, Meredith [hello to your Mr. Bingley]. Be safe everyone and stay healthy.

    1. I thought so too! Meredith really takes the time to understand motivation and thematic development. She doesn’t just read, she reads to understand, and that is rare! I’m so happy you enjoyed TPG.

    2. What a lovely compliment, Jeanne! Thank you! I so agree with your reasons for loving this story and with Julie Cooper’s ability to pull off such a unique take!

  7. I love this book and I love that you have seen all the ingenuity and beauty and wit in Julie’s writing. The Perfect Gentleman is a gem, so inventive and sprawling. Thanks for your wonderful review, Meredith!

    1. My pleasure, Jan! I am so thankful for this book being published and the lovely opportunity to read The Perfect Gentleman!! I cannot wait to read more of Julie’s writing!

  8. I looooved this story, and your review was spot-on. In fact I loved your review, it just makes me want to go back and reread asap. This makes me so excited that we’ll see another Julie Cooper book in the near future. Eeee! This was such a unique story and yet like you said, hit the P&P marks we expect. Obviously this was a 5* in my book.

    Thanks as always, Meredith. You’re a 5* in my book any day. Btw, with a fleeting glance those blue socks look like really awesome cowgirl boots. Seriously. Even knowing full well those are cute socks, I can still ‘see’ the boots in that pic. 😀

    1. Hi Michelle! I am so happy to hear your lovely thoughts about this book! And I so know how you feel…I was rereading long passages of it as I was writing my review!

      You are such a dear friend! Thank you for your visits, they bring me so much joy! LOL! They do look like boots – especially with the style of my stance. 😉 Can you imagine blue cowboy boots?!

  9. This story sounds really good and I love seeing all of the positive reviews. I’ll be adding this to my TBR list!

  10. What a great review, Meredith—and a well-deserved one for The Perfect Gentleman. I thoroughly enjoyed it, too.

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