Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Brigid Huey!!!

Greeting, dear friends! I hope you are well! I’m so excited to welcome back new author, Brigid Huey, to Austenesque Reviews today! Her new release – A Chance Encounter In Pemberley Woods  – has us all kinds of curious and eager! Brigid is visiting today with a guest post AND excerpt! Both are lovely and enhance our anticipation for her intriguing debut! We hope you enjoy!

Thank you, Meredith, for welcoming me back to Austenesque Reviews! The cover reveal was so much fun and I’m really excited to be back. One of my favorite scenes in the book comes right before Elizabeth attends dinner with Mr. Darcy. I’d like to share that with you now, and then let you in on my inspiration for Elizabeth’s dress.

~ Excerpt from A Chance Encounter In Pemberley Woods ~

She walked to the tall mirror and looked again at her reflection. Her cream-colored gown of silk and lace was simple but elegant. Elizabeth particularly enjoyed the light gossamer silk overlay. It was so thin, it floated about her waist and feet as she moved, giving her an almost ethereal look.

“I shall be a while yet, Lizzy. Will you wait for me or venture down on your own?”

“Dinner is nearly an hour off,” Elizabeth replied, deliberately turning away from the mirror. “I fear the drawing room will be empty.” A thought occurred to her, and she smiled. “Perhaps I shall run up and visit Daisy.”

“That sounds much more pleasant,” Aunt Gardiner replied. “Only take care that you do not soil your dress.”

“I shall, Aunt. And I shall see you shortly.”

Her aunt smiled gaily and waved as Elizabeth left the room.

After a few false starts, Elizabeth finally succeeded in finding the wing that contained the nursery. She had only ever been escorted here before, and Pemberley was vast.

Was it the third door or the second? She wished she had paid better attention. Reasoning that no one would be housed in this wing, she decided to risk trying the second door.

She found herself in a large room that was evidently the playroom for it was well stocked with toys. There was a small bookcase and a chest that held all sorts of dolls and games. What the room did not have, unfortunately, was a baby.

Elizabeth noticed that the door on the other side of the room was ajar. Supposing this to be the location of the nursery, she entered quietly so as not to wake Daisy should she be sleeping. What she found, however, quite took her breath away.

Mr. Darcy sat in the rocking chair next to the crib, holding a sleeping Daisy. He had fallen asleep as well, his chin resting on his chest.

Elizabeth’s heart started to pound. His coat was off, his long legs stretched out in front of him as he dozed. He was obviously dressed for dinner though his attire was a bit disheveled at the moment. She knew she ought to leave but could not seem to move.

As she stood rooted to the spot in confusion and embarrassment, he stirred, opening his eyes slightly. Elizabeth thought he was still asleep, but then he spoke.

“Dearest,” he murmured.

Her astonishment was beyond anything she had known. Had he…could he possibly be…speaking to her?

In another moment, Mr. Darcy opened his eyes fully, and a look of extreme discomfort came upon his features.

“Forgive me, Miss Bennet,” he whispered. He stood, gently repositioning Daisy as he did so. He settled the child comfortably in her crib.

“It is no consequence, Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth replied with a forced smile. She could not look at him, so acute was her embarrassment. “I am sorry to disturb your…your slumber.” She lowered her eyes to the floor, wishing only to make a hasty escape.

“No, indeed,” he said at once. “I thought I was dreaming when you…that is, I simply fell asleep while rocking Daisy.”

Elizabeth felt her heart give an unfamiliar flip. Dreaming of her? Or had he been dreaming of someone else? The thought was distinctly unpleasant.

“I am sorry, sir. I…I came to check on Daisy.”

“Of course. She is, as you see, doing quite well,” Mr. Darcy replied. “And you did not disturb me, Miss Bennet,” he added in a low voice.

Although I love looking at Regency Era fashion plates, I really prefer paintings. There is something magical about a painting. The artist is trying to present the whole picture—not just the dress but the woman within it. It sets my imagination going, and the words seem to flow!

Elizabeth’s dress was inspired by the following three Regency era paintings. This first one is of Madame Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord by Baron François Gérard and was painted in 1804. The diaphanous quality of the lady’s dress just begs to be written about! There is something about the way the light of the fire filters through the fabric of the dress. Elizabeth probably would have added a fichu to this dress for modesty’s sake. Can you imagine Mr. Darcy catching sight of her in this?

Another painting that struck my imagination was this lovely piece by the artist Madame Lebrun. The work is of Julie Nigris, the artist’s daughter, dressed as Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers. Although this dress is not exactly what a woman like Elizabeth Bennet would wear to dinner with Mr. Darcy, I can easily imagine a few tweaks here and there bringing it into the proper range for a dinner with a gentleman. The story of Madame Lebrun is compelling as well. Definitely check her out if you have an interest in fascinating women of history!

The last painting I would like to share is that of Constance Mayer. She painting this self-portrait in 1801. Her piece is titled “Self-Portrait with Artist’s Father” and this is only a slice of it. I chose this version to share with you because it’s easier to see her lovely dress! Ms. Mayer has done a lovely job of painting it with such a sense of movement and light. I can just imagine the whisper of fabric as she moved across the room! Which dress is your favorite? I myself would be happy to prance around in any one of them!

Oh!! First of all, that excerpt was 😍🥰 melt-you-into-a-puddle lovely! Darcy holding a sleeping baby…I can’t! 😭

I adore the description of Lizzy’s dress, so elegant and ethereal at same time. It is so fun to look at real images of dresses from the time period. Thank you so much for sharing, Brigid! I agree that all 3 would be beautiful dresses to own and wear. I think my most favorite might be #2 – something about it looks very comfortable and natural. And I love clothes that make me feel comfortable! 👗

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Meryton Press is generously giving away 8 ebook editions of A Chance Encounter In Pemberley Woods in conjunction with this blog tour!!  Woot woot!  

Commenting on this post and entering through the rafflecopter widget on this blog enters you in a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Meryton Press!
  • This giveaway ends September 22nd!


Thank you to Janet Taylor, Meryton Press, and Brigid Huey for making this blog tour possible! Be sure to check out the rest of this tour!


  1. I like the last one. Yes, any man holding a baby is sweet. Then if you can get them to change diapers…a keeper. Thanks for sharing here – loved the excerpt. I plan to read this even if I don’t win a copy.

  2. Brigid, not only was that excerpt sweet and revealing, but I share your love of Regency gowns in paintings, as I’m sure many other readers do as well. Thanks for showing us the artwork that inspired Elizabeth’s gown and the fine silk overlay that you so well described in your story. What a bonus! This was such an enjoyable guest post. You’re certainly making the most of this blog tour! Thanks to Meredith for hosting.

    1. My pleasure, Brigid! I told you I like posts with images, and heard that delivered this stunning post with these gorgeous images!! It has been so great to look at them, imagine Lizzy wearing these dresses, and hearing everyone’s thoughts! Best of luck on your lovely debut!!

  3. Ooh, your Darcy cradling a baby is swoon-worthy, Brigid! That scene will win Elizabeth’s heart for sure. The gowns are lovely. I’m with Meredith on choosing #2. It looks the most comfortable to me, too. Great post!

  4. The cover is breathtaking. I love the excerpt and look forward to reading the rest of the story soon.
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  5. You are absolutely right — Darcy holding a baby is *totally* swoon-worthy! It would certainly take my breath away. And oh, I love the gowns of the period as well, so very much. That last painting is magnificent. So happy for a chance to win what promises to be an intriguing book. Thank you!

  6. Ack!! I don’t have the figure for any of them. However, my favorite would be #3. There is just something about the flow of the material that I like. Thanks Meredith for hosting [say hello to Mr. Bingley]. Also, thanks to our author Brigid and her publisher for the generous giveaway. Good luck everyone.

  7. As an avid reader of Austen Variations, I’m always looking for a new hook and the premise of your new book is intriguing! The cover of A Chance Encounter In Pemberley Woods is beautiful. The excerpt is a sweet tease. And of the gowns featured in this article, the third pictured is my favorite. Looking forward to a great read!

  8. Ah, adorable scene in that excerpt. Lizzy must have nearly swooned to see him with the baby and hear ‘dearest’. 🙂

    I like all of the gowns, but I’ll say #2 because I like the Greek look.

  9. Oh how utterly revealing was that heart melting scene with Darcy and Daisy. I’m not surprised Elizabeth couldn’t leave! I love all three paintings, but Madame LeBrun is a favourite of mine. Very interesting life indeed. I would choose #2. Again, congratulations on your debut and thank you for a chance at the giveaway!

    1. Thank you! One of my favorite things about writing historical romance is the research I get to do. When I found Madam LeBrun I found her fascinating. Good luck with the giveaway!

  10. I am always inspired by paintings, too! If I ever publish my Austenesque ramblings, I’m going straight to portraits of the period for artistic inspiration!!

    This scene with Darcy and Elizabeth is amazing–my heart leapt when he awoke and called someone (Elizabeth??) “Dearest”!!

    Thank you for this generous giveaway!! I am crossing my fingers and hoping hard to win a copy as my book budget is extremely limited (a.k.a. hanging out at the library).

    Thanks for sharing your inspiration and the exquisite excerpt. Congratulations on your new release!!! yay!!! 😀

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Susanne! I understand completely about the book budget. My Goodreads list is quite long, and there’s only so many I can treat myself to at one time 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed this excerpt. Good luck with the giveaway!

  11. What a lovely excerpt. Darcy rocking the baby and calling Elizabeth, Dearest! Thank you for sharing the lovely artwork that gave you the inspiration. My preference is dress number two. Thank you for a chance in this giveaway.

  12. That excerpt is so romantic. We ladies are a bunch of suckers when it comes to seeing men with babies, or kitten, or puppies….but babies, yep! Score! Sigh…. Wow, I can’t wait to read this one. I’d pick The Francois Gerard painting, because she appears very tall, and if I’m going to fantasize about fitting into any of those dresses (and being that young) I may as well get to be tall in those dreams too. 😀 Thank you for the generous giveaway, and the best of luck with this book’s success.

    1. Thank you so much Michelle. I know, there is just something about a man being tender with a baby. I can’t help it! I love all the dresses, but I love the ethereal quality of that first painting. So dreamy.

  13. Melt into puddle…yes! What a romantic moment. I love the dresses you shared – perhaps the first one is the msot comeplling, but it’s probably due to the artist’s excellent work about the light playing with the gown. Thank for the giveaway!

  14. Such a tender moment. Is Elizabeth hoping he was dreaming about her? I liked #2.Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  15. Loved the excerpt–exactly as I would envision Darcy. The first dress was my favorite–seemed to be a dress that I would like to think of Elizabeth as wearing.

  16. This post is lovely with all the beautiful gowns and the excerpt that is adorable. This scene makes me smile and fall in love with Darcy again. Seeing Darcy asleep in the rocker with Daisy sleeping in his arms took my breath away too. *Sigh!* I don’t think I could have moved either. I would have been mesmerized. Thanks Brigid for writing such a poignant scene.

    The dresses are all so pretty. After going back and forth, I finally decided I could easily visualize Lizzy in the 3rd one. I could see her in all of them, but kept leaning to the third. You made some good choices with these Brigid! 🙂

    Thanks for hosting Meredith.

    1. It most certainly is! I absolutely adore this scene and cannot wait to see what follows!

      Thank you for all your efforts in putting this tour together with Brigid, Janet! I’ve enjoyed it all so very much!

  17. Congratulations on your book release, it sounds really interesting and the cover is really pretty. Thank You for this giveaway as well, I look forward to reading this book.

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