The Child – Jan Hahn

What If Mr. Darcy Left England Soon After Elizabeth Rejected His First Proposal?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

TIME FRAME: Begins more than two years after Darcy’s Hunsford proposal

SYNOPSIS: With a broken heart and great need to get away, Mr. Darcy leaves for an extensive tour of the Mediterranean with Mr. Bingley the summer after his disastrous proposal to Elizabeth Bennet. And in this variation we see what happens when the encounters at Pemberley and Mr. Darcy’s assistance with the Lydia/Wickham debacle don’t take place. Instead, we see what happens when Mr. Darcy, after being away from England for two years, unexpectedly crosses path with Elizabeth on the streets of London and observes her tending to a small child. Is the child hers? Is she married? Where is the father? These are answers Mr. Darcy is desperate to know! The reader as well… 😉


  • Daring Yet Authentic: Jan Hahn has created some brilliantly inventive and daring Pride and Prejudice variations in her career, and it comes to no surprise to me that The Child is another bold and original tale. What I liked most about this variation is that while it is a daring direction to take these beloved characters, it is completely possible. This is what could have happened. These outcomes and realities are true to what it would be like if other events didn’t take place. Like Ms. Austen, many of us prefer not to “dwell on guilt and misery,” but I do appreciate the reality check that such grim possibilities for these characters aren’t a far stretch away.
  • Mistaken Assumptions: Is there any other pair of characters with such immeasurable talents for making mistaken assumptions about each other as Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet? LOL! It is definitely a reoccurring theme in this variation! But in their defense, there are some topics that are just not openly discussed in polite society, and both Darcy and Elizabeth have their reasons for concealing some of their feelings and thoughts. It was interesting/amusing/frustrating to see the many ways Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth either jumped to the wrong conclusion or believed something that wasn’t entirely true. And of course, I loved seeing when they discovered how wrong they were and learned the truth. 🙂
  • Darcy’s POV: I love being inside Darcy’s head and witnessing all his intense feelings. He represses them so much on the outside that is it always revealing to see how much he is feeling on the inside. In addition, I appreciate the fact that even though the reader spends all this time in Mr. Darcy’s head that they don’t feel a lack of time with Elizabeth. Sure, there are moments where we wonder “what is she thinking right now,” but through Elizabeth’s actions and revelations that come about later the reader learns it all.
  • An Adorable Child: I absolutely adored Fan, “the child” in this story. She was adorable in every way and I loved seeing both Elizabeth’s and Darcy’s interactions with her – even when those interactions weren’t the sweet and happy kind! Poor Mr. Darcy is not used to dealing with children, and it is quite entertaining to see how he gets on with Fan, the difficulties he overcomes, and how their relationship evolves.
  • A Poignant and Emotional Journey: With heartache, disappointed hopes, and concealment on both sides the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth is anything but smooth. And I took great pleasure in witnessing the gradual changes and steps that brought Darcy and Elizabeth closer together! I love it when the romance leisurely-paced, and I definitely don’t mind if there are a few turbulent patches!


The only thing that felt slightly against the grain to see was Mr. Darcy, who declares “disguise of every sort is my abhorrence,” engage in acts of deception and openly act false. But I guess you could argue that he was in a desperate situation and maybe saw no other option.


Not a thing!!


The Child is a truly mesmerizing and enthralling romantic tale that is filled with mistakes and misunderstandings, secrets and scandals, dangerous situations, a myriad of emotions, and a darling child. Another brilliant gem from the talented pen of Jan Hahn!!

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For those who are curious to see how dauntless Ms. Hahn is with her premises, be sure to check out A Peculiar Connection and The Secret Betrothal if you haven’t already…and if you haven’t read An Arranged Marriage or The Journey yet, you must do that as well…on the double!

To see me reviews of Jan Hahn’s other works, click HERE.


  1. Thank you so much, Meredith, for the great review! I’m so glad you liked The Child even if she was a typical toddler at times.

  2. I too loved this book Meredith! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I am amazed how you can say so much without actually giving anything away, I just never seem able to do that.

    1. I’ve been practicing being more vague and evading some details…I think it is fun to discover the story’s journey without knowing it all in advance. 😉 Thanks for your kind words!

  3. I have been curious about this one. It sounds like it another must read for me. I loved The Journey so I am sure I will love this one too.

  4. Jan’s “Arranged Marriage” is my all time favorite JAFF. It’s time to read another one of her novels–maybe over Thanksgiving!

  5. This was an amazing review Meredith. Well done. Also, that cover has to be just the best. I sigh every-single-time I look at it. i have this book on my wish-list and look forward to reading it. Special hello to Mr. Bingley. We don’t want to forget him and to say thanks for all you guys do for us here in JAFF-Land.

    1. Meredith is one of the best at writing reviews! And that baby on the cover is hard to resist. Thanks for your kind comments.

  6. Ah, Meredith. I’m so glad you chose Jan Hahn’s book The Child to review this month. I absolutely loved The Child, and isn’t that cover to die for? Incredibly precious. Jan’s books are some of my very top all time favorites, and top of the reread list too. Since this review I’m aching to reread this one now. You gave a great review, and like Glynis said, you do so without giving anything away.

  7. I totally agree with you Meredith . I loved this book as well as Ms Hahn’s other books. She’s one those exceptional P & P variation variation writers. Her stories are very entertaining to read.

  8. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in such an insightful way, Meredith. You do have a talent for reviewing and I admire you for it! This book is also one of my favorites. I’m with Ginger Monette and her all time favorite. Jan’s “An Arranged Marriage,” is my favorite too.

  9. Hello Meredith, I haven’t been around for ages. I may have some time to read so why not try my fav blog.
    I read the title and the summary, all I can say is : “A child?! ” .
    This is very intriguing. I’m very fond of Variations and this is unlike any other.

    1. I’m happy you returned to your favorite blog, Mariam. I hope Meredith’s excellent review will persuade you to give The Child a try. Thanks so much for your comments.

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