Character Interview with L.L. Diamond + Giveaway!!!

Happy Friday, everyone! I am super excited to welcome back author Leslie Diamond to Austenesque Reviews today!! As you may have seen Leslie has a new book that just came out – Unwrapping Mr. Darcy, and it looks like a wonderful book to enjoy this upcoming holiday season!! It’s not too soon to start reading Christmas books and listening to Christmas music, is it? 🎄😃🎄😃 I’m especially excited about this story – not only because it is by Leslie Diamond and is a modern Christmas Pride and Prejudice story, but also because there seems to be some secret gift giving, which I think is so much fun (also there is a cat featured on the cover and I hear Lizzy is fond of cats!)!! I hope you enjoy Leslie’s post as she shares more about Unwrapping Mr. Darcy!

Thanks so much, Meredith, for having me today! Unwrapping Mr. Darcy is finally released and I hope everyone is enjoying reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love fluff and so often I write stories where an outside force keeps ODC apart, and I really wanted to write something where they got more in their own way—like in Pride and Prejudice. This book started out as a quick 4-part short story that I expanded into a full-length book. I had to change a few things when expanding it but that was part of the challenge. If you haven’t read it, I hope you’ll give it a try this holiday season 🙂

Just for fun, I interviewed Charlotte, Elizabeth’s childhood friend and current executive assistant and she gave us the scoop on Elizabeth. I hope you enjoy it.

~ Charlotte’s Interview with Elizabeth ~

How long have you known Elizabeth Bennet?

For as long as I can remember. We lived across the street from one another growing up and were inseparable in school. I’m two years older, but that never mattered. When Lizzy graduated law school and started at Longbourn, I needed a job and she needed an assistant. Fortunately, it all worked out.

Tell me about Elizabeth.

She’s a great friend. Whenever I was sick in school, she’d bring me my books and assignments, so I wouldn’t get behind. She broke Chad Jenkins nose when he dumped me before my senior prom—not at school of course. I was nearly out of savings when she was hired at Longbourn. If it wasn’t for Lizzy, I would be living with my parents again.

You’ve told us about Elizabeth’s good qualities, but does she have any failings?

(Laughs) She’s lethal to alarm clocks and can be as stubborn as a mule. I love her to death, but when she gets something into her head, it can be a major pain in the butt to change her mind—like how she can’t stand Mr. Darcy. I’ve tried to tell her that she needs to look past her first impression of the big boss man, but he insulted her. Lizzy’s never needed anyone to get her a job, and she prides herself on it. He has no idea the hell he’s unleashed by saying Mr. Bingley got her the job.

What about Elizabeth’s love life?

She has a love life? (giggles) Seriously, we’re talking about my friend, Lizzy, right? Since high school, the closest thing she has to a man in her life is her cat. He’s the only creature of the male persuasion who’s been in her bed in a long time. I think a guy could fall into her lap, and she wouldn’t know what to do with him.

What can you tell our readers about Grunt?

I’m the wrong person to ask. He’s a pesky little twerp in my opinion, but I don’t like cats. I’m also allergic. When I go to Lizzy’s apartment, he’s always trying to crawl in my lap and finds me the most interesting person on the planet. Lizzy loves him to death, and that’s what matters. She definitely needs some sort of a man in her life!

What do you think of her Secret Santa?

Ha! I only wish a man would shower me with gifts for almost an entire month! If she doesn’t want him, I’ll take him—and the gifts. (She laughs.)

Do you know who her Secret Santa is?

I have my suspicions, but I can’t tell Lizzy yet. She’d never believe it. I just have to wait until the right moment—even then, I’m not sure if she’ll believe me. I do know it’s a man. Who would buy gifts for someone they aren’t romantically interested in? I suppose it could be a woman, but I still think it’s a guy.

What is your favorite Secret Santa gift out of the ones Lizzy has received?

Oh, that’s difficult. She has a few really good ones in there. Between the food, the bath products, and the donations, I honestly don’t know what I’d pick. I’m still envious of her Jimmy Choo’s, but those weren’t a Secret Santa gift.

How do you like working at Darcy Holdings?

It’s really the best job I’ve ever had. I love the people I work for. A few of the other executive assistants are gossiping busy bodies, but I don’t worry about them. They tend to stick together since the rest of us keep our business to ourselves and talk about something other than work. Fortunately, none of those assistants have noticed Lizzy’s Secret Santa gifts. That could cause a big stink if it became a major rumor.

What is William Darcy like?

I don’t know him well. Everyone at Darcy Holdings speaks of him like he’s a God among men. He seems like a good boss. He’s not very talkative and seems a bit out of place most of the time. I don’t think he’s comfortable around most people. Lizzy seems to be the only person to have a problem with him—oh, can’t forget about Mr. Wickham. From what I understand, he never liked Mr. Darcy either. Personally, Jane and I think Darcy and Lizzy would be perfect for one another, but Lizzy would have to see past her nose first.

Oooh! Charlotte has some good ‘deets’ for us! LOL! I can’t wait to meet Grunt, I love him already! I want a lap cat! Thanks so much for sharing, Leslie!!!

 Connect with Leslie

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In conjunction with her book tour, Leslie is giving away a fabulous Unwrapping Mr. Darcy themed prize package to ONE lucky winner!!! This prize package includes:

❤️ Unwrapping Mr. Darcy tote bag

💚 Pride and Prejudice quote temporary tattoos

❤️ Jane Austen Quote Gift Cards

💚 Pride and Prejudice large postcard

❤️ Black cat wine glass

💚 4 Lavender mini bath bombs

❤️ 1 floral large bath bomb (has lavender buds)

💚 Lavender shower bomb

❤️ Lavender bubble bar

💚 Yankee Candle Lemon Lavender Candle

❤️ Black cat silhouette coaster

💚 Black cat thermos with spoon

❤️ Jane Austen quote postcard

💚 Black cat wine topper (just like Elizabeth’s!)

Cute kitty not included in giveaway! 🙁

Commenting and entering through the rafflecopter widget on this blog enters you in a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Leslie!
  • This giveaway ends November 10th.

~ Check out the rest of the Unwrapping Mr. Darcy Blog Tour! ~


  1. I do not have a twitter account, but followed all of the other instructions. Good luck to all who enter. This would be a fantastic prize to win/share.

  2. I must have read the shorter version of this story as I know I read it before. However I do look forward to reading the expanded version. Thanks for sharing here and for the very generous giveaway gifts.

  3. Charlotte sure is a good friend, looking out for Lizzy. I guess karma does work after all the two have done for each other. Cute interview, Leslie! Thanks for hosting, Meredith!

  4. I pre ordered this book and read it yesterday <3. Loved it so much. Yes Darcy insulted Elizabeth, yes he regretted it, yes she let her resentment simmer, yes he couldn’t keep his eyes off her, yes she thought he was glaring! Yes her body tingled when he was close! Jane and Bingley are so cute and as usual I really felt for poor Darcy. Grunt obviously liked him!
    If you haven’t read this yet you really really should.
    Thanks for the extra line on the rafflecopter form Leslie 🙂

  5. “I think a guy could fall into her lap, and she wouldn’t know what to do with him” Ha, good one Charlotte. Can’t wait to read!

  6. I have my book! Now to get to read it all at once. I read it chapter to chapter on and loved it but I like to re-read stories I love in one sitting, so I’ll be reading it again. The giveaway is great, but the story is worth it even if there were no ;prizes.

  7. Once I get past grading all of my MLA research essays, I will be jumping, nay diving, into Unwrapping Mr. Darcy. It’s my motivation for grading all of the essays in a timely manner. That, and some pecan praline ice cream to go with the first sitting with the book! (Yum!) I can’t wait!! The final essay drafts are due today, so I had best get to work!! 😀

    Thanks for a fun interview with Charlotte, Leslie, and for the giveaway!! And many thanks, as always, to Meredith for being an incredible hostess! 🙂

    Susanne 🙂

    1. What a fabulous way to treat yourself!! And you so deserve it after grading essays, I am sure! 🙂

      Thanks so much for sharing your enthusiasm for Leslie’s new book!

  8. Thanks for this wonderful feature and giveaway. So special. I don’t tweet but enjoyed the fascinating interview.

  9. Such a fun post. I read an article once about cats and it said that the reason that cats make a beeline to people who are allergic to them is that eye contact can be threatening to them, so the most friendly person in a room to a cat is the one who is completely ignoring them! Either that, or they do it just to be contrary 🙂

  10. Keep up the good work, Charlotte. 😀 Cute interview Leslie and Meredith. I remember reading the short story last Christmas and loving it, so I know I will love the expanded version. Based on the reviews so far, I believe the success of the book is going to be great. And that is what I wish for you, Leslie. The best.

    And no, Meredith. It is not too early to start reading Christmas stories. The music though? Well, as a piano teacher I know you have to look ahead. But hearing it at the mall? A little jarring the day after Halloween.

    1. LOL! Michelle, I am starting Christmas music with several of my students this week. Mostly because they are more advanced and need more time to learn some challenging arrangements of Christmas songs…but I haven’t started listening to it myself yet!

      I am so glad Leslie expanded her story and published it! I am glad to hear you enjoyed the short story!

    1. It was a lot of fun searching for all of it!! Some was easier than others. The white and black coaster I found at a stall on Regency Day at Jane Austen Regency Week. Thanks, schilds!

  11. I’m loving these interviews on the blog tour and of course I LOVE Leslie’s new book,and already have the eBook. Happy new release! AND my best to Grunt!

  12. Loved this book. I gave it 5-stars. Yep, I loved it. Man, 25 presents during advent. Swoon. Thanks to Meredith for the post and congratulations to Leslie on the launch and the generous giveaway. Blessings y’all and a special hello to Mr. Bingley.

  13. A fun interview! Anyone who has Charlotte as a best friend would be very fortunate, I believe. Congrats on your latest, Leslie! And thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

  14. What a lovely prize and very generous. I loved your book and had to read it in one day. I loved Grunt. I could just picture the mischief he caused. Another wonderful book. Thanks so much for a lovely story.

  15. Sorry. I had enjoyed the shorter version, but I am having trouble with the longer version. This Elizabeth is immature and annoying. I have always enjoyed LL’s writing before and the other characters are fine, but this Lizzy is not lovable. However I am remembering that when Jane Austen wrote “Emma”, she said it had a heroine no one else would love – and it turned out some readers agree while others hold Emma as their favourite. I pre-ordered the book; no need to include me in the giveaway.

  16. Thank you for this interesting and funny post! My only complaint is…why didn’t you put that beautiful cat in the giveaway??? I love it!

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