Fair Stands the Wind – Catherine Lodge

What If Mr. Darcy Was Captain Darcy?

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Publisher

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation, Novella

TIME FRAME: Begins with the Meryton Assembly

SYNOPSIS: In this Pride and Prejudice variation two very significant aspects of Jane Austen’s beloved story are altered. Mr. Darcy is a second son who, after years of bravery and duty, has advanced to the status of Captain in the Royal Navy. Not close with his older brother, Captain Darcy has not returned to Pemberley in years and instead visits his friend Charles Bingley while he recovers from a recent malady. In addition, Mr. Bennet who contracted pneumonia, is not in the best of health and sadly, his family does not expect him to live for many more months. This changes things for Elizabeth and Jane. Their dreams of marrying for love are relinquished as they adopt more practical aspirations and focus on ways to ensure their family’s future security. Although it is in almost every way unpalatable, Elizabeth feels her only option may be to marry her father’s heir, Mr. Collins…but what if there was another way?


  • Captain Darcy: Starting off with the most obvious! I loved the uniqueness of seeing Mr. Darcy in a profession. As expected, he is everything that is honorable, dutiful, and admirable, and I found his disciplined, forthright manner and admitted discomfort conversing with women endearing! His selfless care for others yet surprise when others show care and concern for him made my heart melt. <3
  • Friendship: While Elizabeth does question some aspects of Captain Darcy’s behavior and manner, their relationship is not fraught with the usual pride, prejudice, and infamous first impression. Instead it blossoms into a friendship as Captain Darcy seeks Elizabeth’s help with his sister, Georgiana. After that first initial request, Darcy and Elizabeth start to grow close as they are both facing serious predicaments in their lives – Elizabeth with her father’s failing health, and Darcy with what to do for his sister and stepmother. To see these two interact in a mutually beneficial and amiable relationship is a rather dynamic change, but one I enjoyed thoroughly.
  • A Heroine of Strength and Fortitude: In this tale, not only does Elizabeth acts in a manner to save and protect her family, which already earns her our admiration and respect, but she goes to great lengths to protect and ensure the safety of those under her custody. I loved seeing Lizzy’s fearlessness – how she stands up to those who threaten her and cleverly devises schemes that thwart their objectives. It is all the more equally admirable because she is thrust into a situation that she wasn’t quite prepared for, yet handles it competently and gracefully.
  • Correspondence: I love to see letters exchanged! In this story we see quite a few and I love how the author conveyed the importance of these letters to those that serve their country away from home – even when all they do is communicate the mundane affairs of home life. It was lovely to see some feelings develop during these exchanges of letters and I adored learning that one correspondent possesses some hidden skills as an artist.


  • Left Me Wanting More: I truly loved so much of this unique story, that the only thing I would want is to add a few chapters more! This tale does move at a faster pace, which was well-suited. However, I would have liked a little more time at the resolution to digest all that took place. In addition, I did find myself wanting to hear more about Jane, Bingley, and the rest of the Bennets before the Epilogue.


Fair Stands the Wind is a remarkably imaginative Pride and Prejudice tale that has our beloved characters traversing some treacherous seas, navigating through unchartered waters, and adjusting their sails to weather life’s unpredictable storms. I delighted in seeing a nautical-inspired Pride and Prejudice and dearly hope we will see many more novels published by Catherine Lodge in the future!

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  1. I too really enjoyed this book Meredith. And yes a few more chapters would have been very welcome but I loved it nevertheless.
    I especially enjoyed how Darcy and Elizabeth came to realise their feelings and Elizabeth’s strength in dealing with problems.

    1. Thanks so much for checking out my review, Glynis! Glad to hear you loved this one too! 🙂 It was lovely to see Darcy and Elizabeth fall in love in this way!

  2. Thanks for your generous comments. As an author, I love it when readers”get” what I’m trying to say.

  3. Loved your review, Meredith. I’m so eager to read it. It’s on my TBR …….and it’s edging closer to the top as we speak..em..write. March can’t be half over can it?

    1. Thank you, Michelle! It is crazy that March is going so fast! I can’t believe it! 🙂 This is a nice fast read if you can fit it in, I’m sure you will love it!

  4. This is such a lovely book, one of my favourites! I’m glad to see your review and recommendation. This book deserves all the praise! I especially enjoyed the ways Darcy helps Mr. Bennet in his sickness, and yes, as you say, the unique relation ship between Darcy and Elizabeth.

    1. Yes! I didn’t touch upon it in my review for fear I might give away a spoiler, but I loved the Mr. Bennet/Captain Darcy relationship – and the letters from/about Mr. Bennet! So glad to hear you enjoyed this one as well, Agnes!

  5. This is one of my top five all-time favorite JAFF stories. I have read it at least six times. Maybe it is because my husband was a sea captain for the first 20 years of our marriage. I deeply appreciated the correspondence. Waiting for a letter or a phone call when John got into port was eagerly anticipated. In fact, Jennifer and I centered our lives around it. This Darcy epitomized the qualities in a good officer and a wife has to be capable when they are gone so long so Elizabeth was written perfectly. I LOVED this tale and am so glad you did too, Meredith.

    1. Me too! I love this story and re-read it often! I love that the essence of Darcy was alive and well in the captain! What are your other four top favs? I seriously enjoy your books too– Mr. Darcy’s Bad Day is another favorite of mine!

      1. Betsy,

        #1 The Journey by Jan Hahn
        #2 Darcy’s Voyage by Kara Louise (sometimes her Pirates & Prejudice changes places here)
        #3 These Dreams by Nicolé Clarkston
        #4 The Falmouth Connection by Joana Starnes
        #5 Fair Stands the Wind by Catherine Lodge
        #6 Pride’s Prejudice by Misty Dawn Pulsipher

        Numbers 2-6 change order depending on my mood. Thanks for the kind comment about my books. I’m partial to Mr. Darcy’s Bad Day too.

        1. Thanks for sharing! I think I have read all of these but #6 but will certainly look it up! Thank you again for your wonderful contributions to our P & P ville!

    2. I can easily understand that, Joy! How lovely that this book brought a different kind of connection for you! Beautifully expressed. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Joy.

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