The Darcy Monologues – Edited by Christina Boyd + GIVEAWAY!!!

His Feelings Will Not Be Repressed

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Editor


Full of ardent admiration and love but not the talent of conversing easily, Mr. Darcy doesn’t always express himself well. And even though he is haughty, insulting, and in need of a proper humbling, Mr. Darcy is one of the most iconic and beloved romantic heroes of all time. In The Darcy Monologues an inspired collection of Austenesque authors have collaborated together to allow the brooding and reserved Mr. Darcy to have his say. United by their intimate knowledge and insightful understanding of Mr. Darcy’s character, these fifteen accomplished Austenesque authors have composed well-crafted and inventive tales that take place in a variety of time periods and situations.


This anthology is divided into two sections “Regency” and “Other Eras.” There are eight Regency stories and seven Other Eras stories, and all range from 15 to 35 pages in length. In the Regency section several stories can be categorized as variations and vignettes, but there is also two that are more like sequels and one that is a mash-up with a fairytale. And while most of the stories in the Other Eras section take place in modern day, there are three that take place in different time periods – 1961-62, 1943, and 1860.

Even though I was inclined to read these stories in a voracious and binge-like manner, I paced myself and only read a few stories in each sitting. I did read all the stories in order, but I’m thinking it might be more fun to mix it up next time and alternate between Regency and the Other Eras. If I were to give a star rating for each individual story, it would mostly be 4.5 and 5 stars across the board, with only one or two being 4 stars.


I’m blown away… The anticipation for this collection has been building for months, the hype is so much that I couldn’t help but have raised expectations, and yet…I’m still blown away! I can’t see how, but this collection actually exceeded my high expectations! The creativity and diversity of all these stories is utterly impressive. It is impossible for me to choose a favorite, or even five favorites! There were stories that gave wonderful laughs, some that exhibited beautifully tender scenes, some that ratcheted up the angst a bit, some that pulled at the heartstrings with sweet poignancy, some that took us to a unique setting, and some that cranked up the heat! The fact that each story is memorable and unique truly makes this collection an outstanding feat!

I think what I loved most about this collection is how well each author rendered Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy. Each portrayal of this illustrious man of consequence was thoughtful, sensitive, and reverent. These stories illustrated the many different facets of Mr. Darcy’s character at different moments in his journey – both the negative and the positive. Sometimes insufferable, sometimes adorable, but always irresistible! These stories perfectly convey the reasons why Mr. Darcy is a timeless romantic hero.


The Darcy Monologues is a tremendously impressive and compelling tribute to Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy! Brava to Christina Boyd for her inspired decision to create this magnificent anthology and for assembling the remarkable talent of these fifteen skilled story-tellers! This whole project was extremely well done! I can only hope that Ms. Boyd will one day select another Austen character “to have their say!” I wholeheartedly recommend!

NOTE: With some brief references of intimate moments and one usage of profanity, I would recommend this book for PG-13 readers.

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Check out the amazing blog tour giveaway!!!

  • One winner will win our grand prize of 24 paperback books, each one autographed by the author, and mailed to the winner’s home.

To enter these giveaways fill out the rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • These giveaways are open worldwide.
  • These giveaways end July 6th!

My gratitude and thanks to Christina Boyd, Claudine Pepe, and all the authors in this anthology for making this blog tour possible!


April 3  My Jane Austen Book Club – Launch Post & Giveaway

April 10  Babblings of a Bookworm – Book Review & Giveaway

April 17  The Reading Frenzy – Guest Post & Giveaway

April 20  My Love for Jane Austen – Guest Post & Giveaway

April 24  Margies Must Reads  – Book Review & Giveaway

May 1  From Pemberley to Milton – Book Review & Giveaway

May 8  Just Jane 1813 – Excerpt Post & Giveaway

~*~ May 15  Austenesque Reviews  – Book Review & Giveaway ~*~

 May 22  Austenesque Reviews  – Guest Post & Giveaway

May 25  Of Pens and Pages  – Book Review & Giveaway

May 29  More Agreeably Engaged  – Book Review & Giveaway

June 5  So Little Time  – Book Excerpt & Giveaway

June 12  Diary of an Eccentric  – Book Review & Giveaway

June 19  Book Lover in Florida – Book Excerpt & Giveaway

June 26  My Vices and Weaknesses  – Book Review & Giveaway

July 3  Savvy Verse & Wit – Book Review & Giveaway


Come back next Monday to see a special post spotlighting author, J. Marie Croft!


  1. You are so lucky you have already read this book, Meredith. But it’s just a few days left, so I know what I’m going to be reading this weekend. 🙂

    1. I know it! But the wait is definitely worth it, my friend! It will be a terrific way to enjoy your weekend!!

  2. Yes!!! I’m so happy that you enjoyed this even more than you expected to Meredith . I’m quite looking forward to it as well . I’m not counting or anything but only 6 days to go . I don’t think I will be able to ration myself at all in fact I’m thinking of setting out a flask of coffee, a couple of big bottles of water, plenty of nibbles and maybe a bottle of wine??? Then I will curl up and read cover to cover . What do you think? Is a commode going one step too far? . Well I have a few days to decide.
    Thank you so much for this lovely post.

    1. Glynis, it’s 409 pages!! It can’t be done. Hahaha! Please let me know if you do. I appreciate your enthusiasm. XO

    2. LOL! If Mr. Bingley was out of town and I didn’t have plans with my friends and family, I might have attempted to read it cover to cover! 😉 But, it ended up being a pretty busy social weekend for this reading girl! Either way I can’t wait to hear how you read this collection and how much you loved it (because I know you will!)

  3. I read it last week (and have most of the books so please exclude me from the giveaway) and couldn’t agree more that it is a collection of consistently high quality. Read on, ladies!

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Abigail! 🙂 I love hearing that you thought of highly of these stories as I did!

  4. Hi Meredith!
    Thanks for your insightful review!. It’s such a huge collection that I have no words to explain the illusions and expectations I’m feeling LOL!. What I most like is the fact of being different genres (comedy, drama…) and different epochs so taking this book will bring a lot of enjoyment. What a good thing to assemble so many writers! . Thanks Christina Boys for making it happen 🙂
    And thanks for the giveaways, I’m overwhelmed for the 24 books! LOL

    1. Thanks for checking out my review, Teresa! 🙂 It did bring me sooo much enjoyment!! I know it will do the same for you! 😀

  5. I am so jealous of you right now, Meredith! lol. I wish I had my copy with me but soon it will be released and I will buy my e-book ( the paperback would take too long to arrive in my country!!). I loved the review and can only count the days now!*hugs*

    1. Hi Teresa, I’m Teresa and I’m not on Facebook but I have participated through the rafflecopter because it gives the chance of entering either using your facebook account either using your email and I used my email so try again the rafflecopter and enter your email. Good luck! !

    2. There is one entry for marking the book as “want to read” on Goodreads that counts for 5 entries if that helps!

  6. What an awesome review and endorsement Meredith!!! I am looking forward to reading this book very soon!!!!

    1. Thanks, Joana! Was so happy to read a short story from you!!! What a terrific bit of beautiful romance… Loved your Darcy, as always!

  7. Thank you for letting The Darcy Monologues blog tour stop at Austenesque Reviews! I’m so glad you enjoyed the anthology, Meredith. I believe there’s something for every fan of Darcy between the black and white and pink covers of this book 🙂

    1. Oh, Karen, I adored your story so much! It was such a clever setting and I loved the theme you focused on. 🙂 I am complete agreement with you!

  8. What a fabulous review, Meredith! I love your description of how you approached reading this anthology. I’ve enjoyed many rereads and hope you do too!

    Your enthusiasm for this collection leaps off of the pages… Thank you for such an insightful review and for hosting “The Darcy Monologues!”

    1. Thanks, Claudine! It will definitely be one I reread again and agin!

      Thanks again for all your work on the blog tour! 🙂 Very honored to take part!

  9. As you might know, Meredith, I am here in London. My day started out meeting Henry Cavill!!!!!!!! and getting two cheeks kisses from him (the European way!) and me kissing his cheek–yes, my lips know what that scruff feels like!) and then I met authors Jenetta James and Caitlin Williams for dinner. I actually teared up when I hugged them! And here I am back in a 4-star hotel compliments of after the most amazing day of my adult life (barring the birth of my children and my wedding day) and have just read this lovely, lovely review. I am overwhelmed. Usually I like to pull out a line or two to use for promotion purposes–but you have so many complimentary, encouraging statements–To steal a line from MrColey in “Bride and Prejudice”, I am rich for choices! I am so happy, relieved, thrilled that “The Darcy Monologues” surpassed your expectations! I feel blessed to have worked with such talented writers. Thank you for saying as much and so much more. Your early encouragement when I first mentioned this might happen meant so much. I’m so glad it lived up to the hype. Phew! And let me announce to you, yes, I do have another project started. As soon as I have the finalized details, you will be of the first to know the players. Again, many, many thanks! XO

    1. AHHHH! Christina, I’m so happy for you! What a fun coincidence! 🙂 I can’t imagine such an amazing day, you must be pinching yourself constantly to see if it is all real! And to meet with such great faraway friends too! *sigh* I absolutely love your quoting Mr. Coley! Lolzzzz! I’m beyond thrilled to hear the news that you will be onto another project soon! Hope you are enjoying the rest of your fantastic trip to England!!! Have a blast, my friend!

    1. It was such a treat to read your story, Beau! I loved it so much, what a thoughtful and unique setting. I especially loved the music mentioned!

  10. I don’t Facebook or twitter, however, I can’t wait until I have a chance to read this. I am so excited. The hype is contagious and I don’t have an antidote. Lucky me!!!

    1. LOL! I know what you mean!! I couldn’t stop myself from being super pumped and eager for this anthology! It was definitely well worth the wait though!

  11. Wow, Meredith, I’m tickled pink – bright pink! – after reading your terrific review. Your opinion carries great weight in the JAFF community, and I’m thrilled the anthology earned your approval. That The Darcy Monologues exceeded expectations certainly says a lot. Kudos to Christina, our Editor Extraordinaire!

    I’m really glad you enjoyed each story in the collection. I’ve read them all and can’t pick a favourite either. Such a wonderful variety. And dare I hope From the Ashes might have been amongst those which made you laugh?

    I’ll see you (so to speak) next Monday. By then, everyone will be able to read what Darcy has to say. Yay!

    1. LOL! I can picture the exact shade, Joanne! 🙂 Thank you for the very kind words! I am so very thankful that Christina had the idea for this anthology and that so many authors I adore contributed stories for it! 🙂

      Yours was definitely one of those that made me laugh! But at the same time, I loved how real you made Darcy’s emotion feel too. Your words help convey all his disappointment, heartache, frustration, and sorrow so beautifully!

      Looking forward to sharing your post on Monday!!!

  12. Glad you had a good time with the stories. And whew, glad your expectations were not given a let down.

    1. It was hard not to have them build up with all the excitement, but clearly I needn’t have worried!! 😉 Adored your story, Sophia! How fun to see Darcy as a baseball player! I especially loved what you did with Georgiana’s story too!

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I appreciate you checking out my review! I definitely loved this anthology! Your story was terrific! I loved the unique setting and fun twist you gave to the scenario. Well done! 😀

  13. Hi Meredith, thanks for the review. I am going to take a long weekend to myself and just read!

  14. Meredith, many thanks for such a fantastic review! I’m so glad you found so much enjoyment in the stories – they are definitely diverse, so there is sure to be something for everyone. Happy reading, everybody!

    1. Aww! Thanks, Susan! Can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see your words in print again!! What a lovely story you wrote. Loved the bit with the Gardiners and how sweet Darcy was with his yearning!

  15. Fantastic! I have yet to read it, but there are so many great authors on board so it’s definitely on my to read list. Thanks, Jen

  16. Thank you for the great review, Meredith! It means so much coming from you. Christina pulled out all the stops to make this happen. She beats the Energizer Bunny by a mile!

    1. She sure did, Jan! It was such a fantastic collection filled with wonderful stories. 🙂 I loved the sweet flashbacks in yours. Elizabeth handled things just as I would, she was adorable! 😉

  17. Even though I have read and reviewed this book for myself there is no way I am not going to enter for a chance to win autographed copies. What an amazing give away. Loved all the stories and will be rereading them.

  18. Love your review! I completely agree with your assessment! I love this book and it was one that I knew that I had read!

  19. Rather late to the party, I know, but enjoying playing catchup on the tour. Love your review Meredith and though I like your idea of alternating Regency and Other Era stories, i’m very much a cover-to-cover reader, even with anthologies. It’s a lot easier that way on a Kindle, too. Looking forward to getting my nose stuck into this one so much!

    1. Thanks for checking out my review, Anji. I am the same way, I never look ahead or read the ending first… 😉 But alternating time periods might be something I try next reread.

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