On Oakham Mount (Pemberley Departures #1) – Sophia Meredith + GIVEAWAY

On Oakham MountWhat If Darcy and Elizabeth Agreed to a Marriage of Convenience?

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

TIME FRAME: Day after the Netherfield Ball to several months later + epilogue

MAIN CHARACTERS: The usual Pride and Prejudice gang!


  • The Cover and Title: I’ll be honest, the cover and title grabbed me immediately and made me eager to learn more.


  • The Premise: I love scenarios where Darcy and Elizabeth are marrying or contemplating marriage early in their relationship. This isn’t a forced marriage scenario, more a marriage of convenience. Since Darcy is feeling pressure to marry his cousin and Elizabeth’s father supports Mr. Collins’s proposal, Mr. Darcy offers marriage to Elizabeth as a way to escape these more objectionable options… And even though they do agree to this arrangement, it doesn’t last long!

  • Featuring Oakham Mount: I love that this variation spotlights Oakham Mount! We see it casually mentioned in Pride and Prejudice and know it has a pleasant view, but I’ve always envisioned it to be wonderfully picturesque, peaceful, and one of Lizzy’s special secret spots. I love that Darcy unexpectedly encounters Lizzy while she is seeking solace on Oakham Mount. I love the privacy of this encounter, how it triggers such an openness in both of these characters, and that there is such special significance placed on this particular location.
  • Darcy and His Courting: When Darcy realizes the leaning of his heart, he is determined to declare his love and offer for Elizabeth. Except he can’t, not right now, and not when she may not feel the same way as he does. So what does he do? After some brooding, he starts to woo Elizabeth…and he flirts. He does nothing to mask his interest and admiration, and it is soooo adorable!!! I love seeing Darcy so besotted! I also love how much of a hero he is in this story. He seems to have a predilection for coming to the rescue! I found it wonderfully romantic how Darcy rode through the night at one point.
  • Happier Outcomes For All: In addition to a happy outcome for Darcy and Elizabeth, Ms. Meredith changes the fates of Mary Bennet, Charlotte Lucas, Kitty Bennet, Anne de Bourgh, and the Wickhams. I really enjoyed all these unique twists to their storylines (especially for Mary, Kitty, and Anne) and I must conclude that I enjoy seeing these characters experience happier and more satisfying fates than they did in Pride and Prejudice…well, except for maybe Mr. Wickham! 😉


  • Pacing and Narration: In some instances I thought the pacing felt a little slow or that the story became a little heavy with narration. I usually love dwelling in characters’ heads but sometimes I found myself wanting to skim through their ruminating and contemplating and see more dialogue and action, especially in the first half of the story. Perhaps if just a wee bit was “lop’t and crop’t” it would be a perfect balance.


What a delightful debut from Sophia Meredith! On Oakham Mount is charming, graceful, and thoughtful. I applaud Ms. Meredith for her tactful and sensible approach to this type of premise and I enjoyed how her variation changed the course for so many different characters. I recommend this story for readers who love gentle and clean romances, clever twists, and happy endings!

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There are 2 awesome opportunities to get your hands on either this book, On Oakham Mount, or Sophia Meredith’s upcoming release – a sequel novella to this story titled Beyond Oakham Mount!

In conjunction with my review, Sophia Meredith has kindly offered readers a chance to win one of the 2 books mentioned above in ebook format (winner’s choice!)

On Oakham Mount

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment about my review!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Sophia!
  • This giveaway ends May27th!

In addition…

Sophia Meredith is also going to be giving away 50 ebook copies of Beyond Oakham Mount to readers who subscribe to her newsletter!  Woot Woot!  That is a grand giveaway! Make sure you are subscribed to her newsletter if you aren’t already, and enjoy an excerpt from Beyond Oakham Mount HERE!

Thanks so much, Sophia!!



  1. The cover and title are beautiful. I can see why they grabbed you immediately to learn more. I love Darcy saving Elizabeth from her family, and her from his.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. I’ve been watching for your review on this one. It’s on my “very interested” list and since I saw you were reading it…I’ve been lurking. Love a flirting Darcy! Def goes on the TBR (well, and purchased) list!

  3. Thank you for the thoughtful review of On Oakham Mount, Meredith. For a debut author to receive such positive feedback is really encouraging, and the honest, but gentle critique will be taken to heart. All the best, Sophia!

    1. My pleasure, Sophia! I’m real glad you found my review to encouraging and honest! Thank you for wanting to sponsor another giveaway with my review! It will be fun to randomly select another winner to win this lovely prize!

  4. It is indeed a beautiful cover. Another book i look forward to reading due to another lovely review by Meredith

  5. This sounds like a lovely story. I like the ‘marriage of convenience’ angle and would love to see how it works out. Great review as usual Meredith.

    1. Thanks, Teresa! I appreciate you saying so! I like how both Darcy and Elizabeth discounted their union having any affection or romance…sure, like that is going to happen! 😉

  6. I’ll be reviewing this one so I’ll have to come back later for your thoughts. But yay, a four rating is good. 🙂

    Please don’t put me in for the giveaway, Meredith. Thanks!

  7. I really want to read this book. I love it when Darcy courts Elizabeth especially when he doesn’t hide that he is doing it. Now if it was me to quote another film he would have ‘had me at hello’ ! thanks for a great review Meredith and thanks to you and Sophia for the giveaway.

    1. Thank you for saying so, Glynis! Darcy is so cute when he tries to flirt! I think it is great to see him try and make his intentions purposely known! LOL! There would be no way to resist him!

  8. I too found this book a delightful treat. The development and influence Elizabeth has on her sisters and Anne was a favourite of mine as well. Lovely review Meredith! Thank you for the giveaway as I would love to win ‘Beyond Oakham Mount’. I had already signed up on her website!

    1. I agree about the sisters and Anne, Carole! I really enjoyed how Anne and Georgiana blossomed and Mary and Kitty lost some of their immaturity.

  9. I’ve been very intrigued by the idea that they agree to enter into a marriage of convenience, but then the engagement is quickly broken. I am very curious about why that is. Would love to win a copy so that I can find out!

    1. There are several twists in this story, Ginna! You think things will proceed down one path and then it quickly changes to another! Best of luck in the giveaway!

    1. That’s the way it was with me, Ann! Thanks so much for popping in and checking out my review! Hope you get the chance to read this lovely book soon!

  10. This was another book that I just added to my “want to read” shelf on Goodreads so I was very excited to see your review here, Meredith. Like you, I am thrilled over the P&P variations that have Lizzy and Darcy contemplating marriage or getting married. I’m sure I will thoroughly enjoy this newest entry into the P&P library.

    And the cover is just beautiful.

    Many thanks for the giveaway, Sophia, and the stellar review, Meredith!

    1. Thanks for reading my review, Lori! I think this is such a fun area to explore, pre-Hunsford and all! I hope you like this story as much as I did and I hope you get the chance to read it soon!

  11. I, too, enjoy reading about marriages featuring compromise or that of convenience. I enjoyed this book, also. And your reviews never fail to be complete and interesting and enticing as to draw in the readers. Well Done.

    1. Oh, thank you for saying so, Sheila! I’m always worried I might give away something I shouldn’t! I try very hard not to do that! Glad you enjoyed this variation!

  12. Thank you for the review, and I agree that the cover and title draws one in. I love the pastel colors. So, what does happen to the other characters?

    1. I don’t want to spoil any of it for you, but how is this for a bit of a tease – the gathering at Hunsford Parsonage includes a different grouping of characters…you will have to read to find out the rest!

  13. This book is definitely on my TBR list! I am so glad to know more about it before I begin. 🙂

  14. Lovely book cover with a great premise, would love to win a copy. Will be added to my TBR list.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful story and I look toward to reading. Thanks for the review and giveaway. Leslie

  16. I love a flirting Darcy! This is going on the TBR list ASAP! Thank you for the lovely giveaway opportunity, too.

  17. I am going to repeat myself: I love the bookcover and I hope I will love the book which is definitely on my TBR list! Thank you, Meredith, for sharing your thoughts and thank you, Sophia, for generous giveaways:)

  18. I also love the book cover. You’ve got me curious now to find out how Sophia tweaked Mary, Kitty, and Anne. May I add that this would be an awesome belated birthday present =D

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