A Five Star Streak Giveaway!!!

Hi readers!  Something special and rare happened this month.  I had a streak of 5 star reads!

Villa Fortuna Cover LARGE EBOOK Jane Austen Lives AGain LSCoverFront The Painter's Daughter

If you are a long-time reader of this blog, then you know I’m pretty selective when it comes to giving a book 5 stars.  And perhaps you may have noticed that I have grown more selective over the years! But this month, I read 4 books in a row that I felt deserving of 5 stars!  (This doesn’t happen often, in fact the last time I had four 5 star reads in a row was 2011!)

~ The Fab Four ~

Villa Fortuna by Cat Gardiner

Jane Austen Lives Again by Jane Odiwe

Longbourn’s Songbird by Beau North

The Painter’s Daughter by Julie Klassen

This was such a spectacular month for reading that I felt I should share the joy these books brought me with the lovely readers of this blog!  I think this special occasion calls for a giveaway…


I’m offering a copy (paperback or ebook) of one of these 4 lovely (and in my opinion, fabulous 5 star reads) to ONE lucky reader!  This is a winner’s choice giveaway, so the winner can decide which of the 4 books they would want and what format they want to receive their prize in. 😉

If you are interested in winning a copy of one of these lovely books for yourself, just leave a comment indicating which book you’d choose if you won!  I’d also love to know if you read any of these 4 books and felt the same way I did! 😉

  • This giveaway is open to residents worldwide!
  • This giveaway will end March 4th.



  1. Bonjour ,

    Thank you for thiis great giveaway !!! 🙂 Actually I’m reading Jane Austen Lives Again & I love it as I enjoyed reading others Jane Odiwe ‘s books 🙂 I would love to read Longbourn’s Songbird by Beau North 🙂
    Je vous souhaite une bonne et belle journée 🙂


  2. This is great, Meredith! Hooray for reading so many 5-star reviews in a row!! That’s exciting! I would love to read Villa Fortuna. I just loved Cat Gardiner’s other books, and I have heard so many great things about this one! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  3. From the 4 books you’ve read I’ve only read the painter’s daughter and it was a great read. From your reviews Longbourn’s Songbird sounds the more interesting to me so that’s the one I’d love to win. Thank you! 🙂

  4. I haven’t read any of them, and now I want to read them all! 🙂

    If I have to choose one, I pick “Longbourn’s Songbird”.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  5. Well, since I’ve read all except The Painter’s Daughter and that one’s on my TBR list, you can guess which one I want! They’re all wonderful books, Meredith. Thanks for the offer.

  6. I have not yet read The Painter’s Daughter or Jane Austen Lives again although they are on my Wish List. So either one would be great for me…if I am so lucky as to win. Thanks for the chance.

  7. Yay, for reading so many 5 star books! I would love to read Villa Fortuna, love Cat’s book. I have a copy of Longbourn’s Songbird that I’m looking forward to reading. Thanks for the giveaways!

  8. What an amazing streak and giveaway! Thank you! I read and loved ‘Jane Austen Lives Again’ but to choose from such wonderful books is so hard as I want to read the other three! I think I will go for…’Villa Fortuna’!

  9. I’m so happy you found so many 5 stars in a row. I really love julie klassens books. I haven’t read “the painters daughter” yet. Any format if I win.

  10. That’s great news for us! I’ve read Jane Austen Lives Again and lived it. A couple of the others are on my TBR so it’s nice to know I’ll love them just as much. 🙂

  11. I read Longbourn’s Songbird and The Painter’s Daughter. Really enjoyed them both! I would probably pick Villa Fortuna. I am really interested in trying Cat Gardiner since I have not read any of her books yet.

  12. Isn’t it amazing when we’re so lucky to give our reads the highest rating? I’m very happy you had such a wonderful time with those books! And thanks for being so generous with us! 😉

  13. Thanks for the giveaway, I have read a few of these but would love to win Jane Austen Lives Again by Jane Odiwe, as II enjoyed her other works.

  14. Oooooo thanks Meredith, how very generous of you. I would absolutely love to win Jane Austen Lives Again by Jane Odiwe. Thank you!

  15. Oh Meredith! What a wonderful surprise! THANK YOU for the giveaway! You’re so generous 🙂
    I also noticed the February books had a 5 stars rating and I had started dreaming with having some of my own! Maybe the dream will come true LOL. I’d like to have “Jane Austen lives again” although I have to confess I’ve had problems to choose only one!

    1. Thank you for being a part of this blog, Teresa! I’m so very happy to share one of these lovely reads with a lucky reader! 😉 How sweet you are to notice! LOL! I can understand the difficulty!

  16. I didn’t realize such a momentous event was going on. 🙂 Thanks for your generosity. I would love to win a copy of Jane Austen Lives Again since it’s the only one of the four that I haven’t read.

  17. Thanks for the giveaway Meredith. I’m glad you liked the Painter’s Daughter. I love Julie Klassen and this was a great read. I enjoyed Jane Austen Lives Again but probably not as much as other readers. There were an awful lot of characters in it to keep track of. And I do like Jane Odiwe books. If I was lucky enough to win a book I would go for Longbourn’s Songbird.

  18. First choice is the Jane Odiwe book (I always enjoy her books) and second choice is the Julie Klassen book (I won Lady Maybe last year on Good Reads).

  19. “Longbourn’s Songbird” – it’s on my TBR list, but not yet on my night table. Julie Klassen already read – and a very good read it was.

    Thanks for the generous giveaway, Meredith – and for all your fabulous blogs.

  20. I would love to win The Painter’s Daughter. I have Villa Fortuna but haven’t read it yet. Thanks for sharing your 5 star reviews and this generous giveaway.

  21. What a fun idea! I have noticed your positive reviews lately and am curious to try any of these. If I had to choose one I would go with the Painter’s Daughter. Thanks for all the good ideas and fun giveaway

  22. Can I enter? What a wonderful giveaway, Meredith!! Thank you for your kind words and generosity! I would LOVE to read the Painter’s Daughter. I’ve had my eye on it for sometime and your review was excellent! Thanks for the fun! – And good luck, everyone 🙂

  23. Thanks Meredith for the giveaway! I love your choice of books and with your high ratings, they must be good. I would love to read Villa Fortuna. Thanks, –Leslie

  24. Nice giveaway! Of these four, I’ve only read Villa Fortuna by Cat Gardiner. I really like Pride and Prejudice stories (or P&P inspired ones) set in a time aside from the original. And i loved, loved, loved Gina and Nikki’s characters! They’re so endearing, especially Nikki. She reminds me of how Lydia Bennet’s character from the Lizzie Bennet Diaries was done, there’s a nice character development in her… Anyway, I’d love to read Longbourn’s Songbird. The story sounds beautiful!

    1. I can definitely see how Nikki could remind you of LBD Lydia – both were definitely more likable than not (and unfortunately sometimes Lydia can be totes irritating!) So glad you liked Villa Fortuna, thanks for entering!

  25. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!! I feel exactly the same about the two ones I’ve read, ‘Longbourn’s Songbird’ and ‘Jane Austen Lives Again’, I would have given both of them more than 5 stars if I could! I’d love to win ‘The Painter’s Daughter’, I’ve really enjoyed other books by Julie Klassen and loved your review for this one! Thanks again and hurray for the 5* streak 🙂

    1. Glad to hear you loved Longbourn’s Songbird and Jane Austen Lives Again as much as I did! I’m sure you will feel the same about The Painter’s Daughter!

  26. Thanks for the very generous giveaway Meredith.

    I’ve just finished Jane Austen Lives Again and would give it more than five stars if I could. Like you, I rarely give anything five, mainly fours if I like a book a lot. Hopefully, I’ll get my review up on Goodreads and Amazon this weekend.

    I’ve already got Longbourn’s Songbird and Villa Fortuna so if I’m lucky enough to win, I’d love The Painter’s Daughter. Haven’t read any of Julie Klassen’s books yet so this would be a great chance to start.

  27. Thanks Meredith for this giveaway! The four books have a nice plot but I would like to read “Longbourn’s songbird”. It’s really a happy moment when you find out that all the books you read in a month are all 5 star! Hope that this will be happen next month again!

  28. Hi there Meredith, I’m so glad you hit a lucky reading streak, it’s wonderful when you get a five star read but to get a few in a row is even better!

    Of your reads I’ve read Longbourn’s Songbird, which was also a five star read for me, I did early reading on The Painter’s Daughter so I’ve kind of read it, and I have Jane Odiwe’s book on my kindle waiting for me to read it next month. I have heard wonderful things about Villa Fortuna and I’d definitely like to read it so that’d be my choice.

    I hope your next few reads bring you as much enjoyment as these have!

    1. Thanks, Ceri! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed and interested in all of these stories as well! Thanks for the kind wishes and I hope the same happens for you!

  29. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I’ve read Longbourn’s Songbird by Beau North and I really enjoyed it. Now I would like to read Villa Fortuna becouse I LOVE Cat Gardiner’ novels, she is a wonderful author and then I am italian so I cannot miss this book.

  30. I loved Jane Austen Lives Again and Villa Fortuna. Longbourn’s Song bird is on my TBR. I’d love a paperback copy of Jane Austen Lives Again if I win. Thank you for the generous give away.

  31. If I was the lucky winner I would choose Villa Fortuna by Cat Gardiner. I loved Denial of Conscience and have Lucky 13 but haven’t read it yet. I have just read Longbourn’s Songbird thanks to your review and loved that as well so keep up the good work

  32. I’m reading Longbourn’s Songbird and Villa Fortuna is on my tbr-list. Jane Austen lives again sounds really great, so I would love to win that one. Thank you for all your wonderful reviews and for this giveaway!

  33. I ‘ve read Villa Fortuna and Longbourns Song and I agree. 5 stars for both. If I win, I would be thrilled with either of the others. Ebook prefered. Thank you for the giveaway.

  34. I’m happy that you’ve had such a great 5 star reading streak! That’s awesome. I’ve had hardly any reading time and my tbr pile is drowning me! I’d love to win either Longbourn’s Songbird or Jane Austen Lives Again.

  35. I am so glad I have a chance to win a great book. The Painter’s Daughter seems like a great read. I so wanted to read it when I read your review. Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  36. What a great opportunity! I would love to read Jane Austen Lives Again because it sounds like a crossover of my two favourite things – Jane Austen and the Roaring 20s! I think Jane Odiwe might be just the writer to pull this off, I admire her writing style!
    I loved your reviews of the books, my To Be Read List is growing and growing 😀

  37. I have been wanting to read Villa Fortuna. I have enjoyed Cat Gardirner’s previous books and am anxious to read this one. thank you for the giveaway! These are all fabulous books.

  38. I haven’t read any of these books but I have read books by Julie Klassen so I would pick the Painter’s Daughter

  39. I would love Jane Austen Lives Again in paperback! I have read the other three and I 100% agree with your reviews. Julie Klassen and Cat Gardiner books are always favorites of mine and I can’t wait to read what Beau North writes next 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  40. I love these books! I’ve read two of them and would love to have either of the other
    two! Thank you for the giveaway,

  41. I´d love to win The Painters Daughter!
    At the moment I´m reading Jane Odiwes book. Only a few pages into it, but really like it already (I have loved all of Janes books that I read so far, so!)

  42. First thanks for making this a worldwide – it is always nice when I can enter such a great give away. I haven’t read any of these yet but have Villa Fortuna on my to wants list.

  43. I loved both Jane Austen Lives Again and Villa Fortuna. Longbourn’s Songbird is on my TBR. My choice would be to have Jane Austen Lives Again in paperback format. Thank you so much for the generous give away.

  44. I have not read any of these books, so I would love to win any one of them. If I had to choose I guess I would choose “The Painter’s Daughter”. Thanks for an opportunity to win.

  45. Of the four, I’ve only read “Longbourn’s Songbird” so far and agree it’s excellent. I’m curious about both “Jane Austen Lives Again” and “The Painter’s Daughter” as they look like books I wouldn’t normally be drawn to. For the draw, “The Painter’s Daughter!” Thanks, Meredith!

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